July 2016 Mummies to be!

Pinball I'm in the exact same situation as you I saw a yolk sack but no fetal pole xx
Call them up.and ask the size. Mine was empty at 18mm and I days later had a baby. If empty at 25mm nothing is going to grow xxx
Pinball I'm in the exact same situation as you I saw a yolk sack but no fetal pole xx

Fingers crossed for you xx

How far along did you think you were? They didn't see a yolk sack in mine, I thought I was 6+3

The consultant did say it may be too early to see anything even before we had the scan, so am trying not to panic too much.
Got my 12 week scan date through today - 16th December at 2pm. I think I'll be 11w and 4days at that point :)
i thought i was 6+4 they think im more likely 5 weeks xx
Hi All, I'm baaaaaaack!!

Just found out I'm pregnant with number two! I'm excited and terrified at the same time! Baby was planned, but we fell a lot quicker than I expected! Only four weeks but I already feel dreadfully nauseous! Due 26/07!! Eeeeee! X
Hi All, I'm baaaaaaack!!

Just found out I'm pregnant with number two! I'm excited and terrified at the same time! Baby was planned, but we fell a lot quicker than I expected! Only four weeks but I already feel dreadfully nauseous! Due 26/07!! Eeeeee! X

Cherry were you on May 2014 mummies?

Congratulations - I'll update the front page! :)
Lilmissopeful, I'm glad you're still in. Hope your repeat bloods are good.

I'm 7 weeks tomorrow so passed my "danger week" (after my m/c at 6 weeks), but I am still so paranoid about missed miscarriage. A few women on here due in June had no bleeding til 10 weeks or more and found the baby had stopped growing at 5/6/7 weeks, so I'm really on edge about it.

It doesn't help that I never get much in the way of early pregnancy symptoms, I don't really get morning sickness, I feel sick on waking because I'm hungry but I'm off food, and I've been feeling a bit queasy occasionally, usually after eating, and I have a nasty taste in my mouth all the time, other than when I'm eating, but I'm not throwing up like most are. Which although I'm grateful for it doesn't help reassure me.

I've gone and ordered a load of cheap tests off amazon (£1.79 for 10! lol). I'm now planning to take one or two a week til my booking in appointment (which isn't til 13 weeks). If the lines stay dark I'll be reasonably reassured, if they seem paler or get paler I'll be going to my Drs & demanding bloods to check my hcg is ok and rising lol.
Be aware that the HCG may peak anytime after about 7 weeks and you can get the hook effect where tests show negative or faint. Doesn't mean it's not progressing just means level is too high for the test. Just thought I'd mention it.
Hi All, I'm baaaaaaack!!

Just found out I'm pregnant with number two! I'm excited and terrified at the same time! Baby was planned, but we fell a lot quicker than I expected! Only four weeks but I already feel dreadfully nauseous! Due 26/07!! Eeeeee! X

Cherry were you on May 2014 mummies?

Congratulations - I'll update the front page! :)

Call them up.and ask the size. Mine was empty at 18mm and I days later had a baby. If empty at 25mm nothing is going to grow xxx
Do you think I belong in here now? I'm 5 days late feeling pregnant but tests are faint


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Hi Ladies, still so early and a little scared to move over to the 1st Trimester group but if this is all ok I am due July-16..

5weeks and 2 days now after successful IVF. Betas look good 8dp5dt = 155, 12dp5dt = 614, 16dp5dt = 2481 but no scan yet.

Difficult to be happy yet since I hardly believe this after so long time
Hi All, I'm baaaaaaack!!

Just found out I'm pregnant with number two! I'm excited and terrified at the same time! Baby was planned, but we fell a lot quicker than I expected! Only four weeks but I already feel dreadfully nauseous! Due 26/07!! Eeeeee! X

Cherry were you on May 2014 mummies?

Congratulations - I'll update the front page! :)

I sure was! We're exclusively on fb now as didn't have time for this anymore since the babies turned up! I'm still in daily contact with most of them though 😁
Hi Ladies, still so early and a little scared to move over to the 1st Trimester group but if this is all ok I am due July-16..

5weeks and 2 days now after successful IVF. Betas look good 8dp5dt = 155, 12dp5dt = 614, 16dp5dt = 2481 but no scan yet.

Difficult to be happy yet since I hardly believe this after so long time

Congratulations Maria, amazing news! Come along and join in the fun. We can all help eachother through the nightmare which is the first trimester xx
Hi I would like to join please. I'm 36 and 5 weeks 3 days pregnant. I'm very excited and scared both at the same time. This is my first pregnancy and my bodies going crazy, sore breasts bit of brown blood, dull ache in stomach, very tired and lower back pain, who would think this early all those would be felt! Most of this is as the day at work progresses in the morning I feel ready to take on the world. Hope everything goes well, I think I'm due mid July xx
I am due on the 26th July going off my calculations. to be confirmed at dating scan though x
Hello to all the new July mummies xxx congratulations on your BFP.

Hope you're all well and not suffering too much! I am so I'll with morning sickness it's untrue; I can eat anything! I don't know how I am suppose to look after a 4 month old when I can't move! I had a complete melt down last night because I feel like I am struggling! Hubby really isn't listening to how I feel he keeps dismissing it and says your doing fine! The house is a state and the washing is piled to the ceiling, how am I 'doing fine'!

Anyway enough of my whinge. Elfs mummy hope your ok. This happened with my first daughter. I had missed 2 periods but when I had a scan there was no heart beat. I went the next week and there was a heart beat! Shes 10 now almost as big as me lol!
Thanks Charlie! Wow! A four month old and seven weeks pregnant! I'm amazed you found the time to dtd lol!!

I feel sooooooo sick! I never felt so rough so early with my other pregnancies, but I'm hoping that's a good sign! I'm also really bloated. I've just lost three stone from my last pregnancy so am worried people will notice my little belly! Xx
Im fairly impressed too cherrybaby I wish I could tell you how that happened lol I think I must have been asleep lol!

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