July 2016 Mummies to be!

Hi everyone :) im due 18th July.
I already have 7 and 9 year old boys.
It's still not sunk in!
Just popping in quickly as I'm exhaust going to head to bed in a few. I have a early scan tomorrow so hopefully as long as my dates aren't too out I'll see a heartbeat fingers crossed I'm terrified x
Well after having what we thought was a miscarriage last week it turns out I'm still pregnant. My test have got darker and I'm having 48 hour Bloods done to be certain bubs is growing OK. Will be nervous till my early scan as was so sure it was over xxx
Had my scan and no heartbeat was detected :/ everything measures 5 weeks ish but that means I would have had a positive test at 3.4 weeks so I'm not holding out much hope that everything will be ok will have a scan in 10 days but am going to try and persuade my partner we need to book a scan for this weekend so I'll know what's fgoung on. Xx
Hi. I belong here :D

I tested this morning and got a very strong BFP. I still can't quite believe it and keep looking at the test lol.

I'm also considering buying another one from Boots as this was just a cheap one off amazon (by Cassanovum)

Going by LMP I'm 4+4 but it has actually been 3 weeks since I DTD so I could be a few days further ahead. But I'm sticking to LMP dates anyway lol and am due 5th July by that.

I have two children who are 11.5 and almost 9 (in a fortnight!), I split up with their dad 7 years ago now. He's not the dad of this baby.

just wondering phoenix85, were u on the boards of ivillage when u was expecting ur older 2...something rings a bell lol, and seen as our older ones are abt the same age, I thought id ask! lol xx
Scan from today. Measuring 6+6 which is only 2 days behind what I thought!
Hi all, hope you are all feeling ok?
I have a HSG follow up appointment with the fertility consultant tomorrow afternoon which was made before I got my Bfp. I didn't want to cancel it in case anything happened as it is still really early (6 +2) but now I feel like I should - what do you all think?
Front page updated ladies - let me know if I've missed anyone.

Elf - try and not worry too much as scans at this early stage can be inaccurate. Your bean could have implanted a little later which might account for the dates being out slightly. I think you only start to see a heartbeat at about 6 weeks anyway so it is still very early for you. I would wait the 10 days so you can get a clearer result rather than going for another scan this weekend.

Glad your scan went well lottie :)
Can you put me down for the 14th please. Think it will get changed to.the 24th at my scan tho xxx
just wondering phoenix85, were u on the boards of ivillage when u was expecting ur older 2...something rings a bell lol, and seen as our older ones are abt the same age, I thought id ask! lol xx

Yes! I was on ivillage, I was Phoenix1985 and I was on Mums due April-June 04 and Mums Due November 06 (was a CL on there), also posted a lot on the Breastfeeding support board and AP board when it was created :) x
Lilmissopeful, I'm glad you're still in. Hope your repeat bloods are good.

I'm 7 weeks tomorrow so passed my "danger week" (after my m/c at 6 weeks), but I am still so paranoid about missed miscarriage. A few women on here due in June had no bleeding til 10 weeks or more and found the baby had stopped growing at 5/6/7 weeks, so I'm really on edge about it.

It doesn't help that I never get much in the way of early pregnancy symptoms, I don't really get morning sickness, I feel sick on waking because I'm hungry but I'm off food, and I've been feeling a bit queasy occasionally, usually after eating, and I have a nasty taste in my mouth all the time, other than when I'm eating, but I'm not throwing up like most are. Which although I'm grateful for it doesn't help reassure me.

I've gone and ordered a load of cheap tests off amazon (£1.79 for 10! lol). I'm now planning to take one or two a week til my booking in appointment (which isn't til 13 weeks). If the lines stay dark I'll be reasonably reassured, if they seem paler or get paler I'll be going to my Drs & demanding bloods to check my hcg is ok and rising lol.
I'm really panicking now how can I only be 5 weeks when I had a positive test on the 31st October !! X
Maybe it's just slow to grow? Or you got a very early BFP? Was the line faint?

I don't think early scans are all that accurate.

You might be better asking for blood tests to check your hcg levels and then repeat it 2 days later to check they are doubling.
Thanks phoenix I'm happy to be here it was such a shock.

Elfsmummy search for my pregnancy journal for my baby born August 2014. He measured behind till 12 weeks. At 7 weeks I just had an empty sac no baby at all. 8 days later there was a baby measuring a week behind and I knew it couldn't be right as would of gave me a bfp at 3dpo. At my 12 week scan he measured a week ahead and I got put forward lol babies grow at different rates. So if I didn't even have a baby at 7 weeks there's hope for your babies heart to start beating. Don't give up hope xxx
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just wondering phoenix85, were u on the boards of ivillage when u was expecting ur older 2...something rings a bell lol, and seen as our older ones are abt the same age, I thought id ask! lol xx

Yes! I was on ivillage, I was Phoenix1985 and I was on Mums due April-June 04 and Mums Due November 06 (was a CL on there), also posted a lot on the Breastfeeding support board and AP board when it was created :) x

I knew it lol! We were on the apr-jun 04 board at the same time lol!! I was satwal100 I think! Lived in S****horpe at the time....remember trying to sort out a meet up that just never happened at the white rose lol....
What a small world!
Hi all,
I went for my appointment this afternoon and the consultant did a scan, all they could see was a empty sack, I wasn't given any sizing in weeks, he did say it was normal not to be rormal not to be able to see anything at 6 weeks - but could sense something wasn't right when he said I will show you the screen in a minute. This is my first pregnancy so I am completely clueless, I did 5 tests, over the course of the week after my period was due,they were all positive.
I have a scan booked for next Friday - it's going to be a very long 10 days!
Hi all,
I went for my appointment this afternoon and the consultant did a scan, all they could see was a empty sack, I wasn't given any sizing in weeks, he did say it was normal not to be rormal not to be able to see anything at 6 weeks - but could sense something wasn't right when he said I will show you the screen in a minute. This is my first pregnancy so I am completely clueless, I did 5 tests, over the course of the week after my period was due,they were all positive.
I have a scan booked for next Friday - it's going to be a very long 10 days!

Hi hun. I've had this happen twice and once was bad news but the other was good news. I was 7 weeks and was an empty sac and 8 days later there was a baby with a heart beat. Till there's a baby it's about the size of the sac did they say how big it was or give you paperwork with it written on xxx
Thank you lilmiss
They didn't say anything about sizes, or give me any paperwork :(
Just a card with the EPU contact details on.

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