July 2016 Mummies to be!

Amazing lines Mel! I'm trying to pluck up the courage to do a digi lol x
Amazing lines Mel! I'm trying to pluck up the courage to do a digi lol x

I did a digi last night at 4 weeks and got 1-2 .... Do it, the feeling of seeing it in words is undescribable xx
Ace line Mel. Digis are great for the reassurance but they annoy me as it doesn't stay.
Awesome line Mel, mine was like that yesterday too at 4+2, I'm really looking forward to getting a 2-3 week digi now :)
I'm feeling a bit concerned this morning though, yesterday evening I started feeling a bit uncomfortable, it's nothing much but I've got a slight pain on my left side (the side my uterus is) and spreading into my hip and down into my thigh, I was hoping that a good night sleep would ease it bit it's still there this morning! The main discomfort seems to be a bit high for my uterus and around the back, I had the same at the beginning of last week but it completely went after a good night sleep!
I'm hoping it's completely normal to feel these type of aches and twinges, it doesn't feel crampy at all, but as I only have 1 fallopian tube I'm really scared about ectopic pregnancy. I'm not sure if it could also be related to being so constipated?
If anyone can offer any reassurance I'd be really grateful xx
Awesome line Mel, mine was like that yesterday too at 4+2, I'm really looking forward to getting a 2-3 week digi now :)
I'm feeling a bit concerned this morning though, yesterday evening I started feeling a bit uncomfortable, it's nothing much but I've got a slight pain on my left side (the side my uterus is) and spreading into my hip and down into my thigh, I was hoping that a good night sleep would ease it bit it's still there this morning! The main discomfort seems to be a bit high for my uterus and around the back, I had the same at the beginning of last week but it completely went after a good night sleep!
I'm hoping it's completely normal to feel these type of aches and twinges, it doesn't feel crampy at all, but as I only have 1 fallopian tube I'm really scared about ectopic pregnancy. I'm not sure if it could also be related to being so constipated?
If anyone can offer any reassurance I'd be really grateful xx

Hope you're ok?
I'm afraid I have no idea re the pains, but hoping it's just normal.

I suffer white badly with IBS and constipation, but have recently started having an activia yoghurt daily and this is working a treat for me.
Other than than I can only suggest upping your fruit and fibre intake.
I've freaked myself out! I've got an appointment with the emergency doctor at 4.30 today for them to refer me to the EPU xx
Wow umbongo you can hear it so soon? Thats amazing what doppler are you using? I borrowed one and I couldn't hear anything! Even at 30 weeks, I must have just had a rubbish one.

Unicorn some aches and pains in that area are normal, the ligaments are stretching. However, if your worried you should contact your doctor! The pains could be constipation I get simular pain even when I'm not pregnant! It's always best to be safe.
That sounds normal unicorn your releasing a hormone called relaxin and that's making all your round ligaments a bit spongy and streachyvready to make your bump.. it could develop into pgp/spd so doing some gentle exercise can help but don't overdo it x
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Thats probably the best thing unicorn! You will know for sure! Will be thinking of you.

My cure for constipation (obviously when im not pregnant) is drink coffee. Get the bowel moving beautifully.
Mel that progression is awesome I'm so excited for you. :)

As for me I'm still in limbo land. Defiantly looks like I'll be leaving you ladies. My second bloods showed I haven't mc like we thought as hcg almost doubled but my progesterone level is still to low to sustain the pregnancy. I got more bloods Monday then a scan will be arranged to check where the baby is as my blood results point to baby being in the wrong place. Not giving up hope of a miracle yet but progesterone is 0.7 and can't find one success story xxx
Charliebump, you can hear it as early as about 9 weeks. I'm quite slim which probably helps and used some online tips. Mine is a sonoline B doppler. Never a replacement for proper medical checks at any stage of the pregnancy though, when you get movement that is far more important. Mws don't like you using them really.

Lilmisshopeful that sounds frustrating, I assume it's too late to take any progesterone. Still fx for a pre-Christmas miracle for you.

I hope you're okay Unicorn (awesome name btw!). You can get all sorts of aches and pains but best to get it checked out for sure. I had cramps last night then did a massive parp. Hubby wasn't impressed! Haha.
Oooh I had a sonoline b in my last pregnancy, must try and dig it out! X
They won't prescribe it if there's a risk of ectopic. If a sac shows in the right place they will xxx
Thank you ladies, I'm currently sitting in the out of hours emergency doctors, they're not going to do anything over the weekend but they're getting me an appointment with the EPU on Monday morning, so that's something!
Sending you best wishes lilmiss xx
Thinking of you lilmiss and unicorn xxx

I'm a size 14-16 so a bit plump lol I'm going to borrow my cousins and have another go x
Thank you. They couldn't get me a EPU appointment until Tuesday afternoon, when I'll be 4+6, what is the earliest anyone has had a scan where anything can be seen please? xx
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5 weeks was my earliest but they couldn't see anything so I went back a week later and there was a flicker! It was a transvaginal scan so it was really uncomfortable xxx
Hi ladies can I have the 25th of July just guessing coz I have not had a period this year I was on depo till may I have not used anything since then and I got my BFP this week I will schedule an ultrasound and give the correct date

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