July 2016 Mummies to be!

I had a section last time too and I'm hoping for a vbac this time.

Phoenix and Elf you both sound like you've got your hands full already!

Welcome Pinball! :D

I've been feeling nauseous on and off today. I'm back to work tomorrow after 3 weeks off and I'm already paranoid people are going to take one look at me and know I'm pregnant - I'm such a bad liar too! I've got my booking in appointment with the midwife on Thursday so need to make up some excuse to get the afternoon off!
Welcome pin ball I'm on number 4 (what am I thinking)

I won't be aloud a vbac because I have a wonky pelvis xx
Congratulations everyone :)

Charlie - a friend of mine had 3 sections in 2 and a half years. Only 10 months between the youngest 2! I'm sure they'll need to just keep a closer eye on you. I hope you don't have too many problems with your pelvis!

I can't believe how nervous I am this time around. I was in asda and felt 'wet' down below and nearly started crying!! It was only cm but I can't believe the wreck I am. Anyone else feel like this?

Congratulations to everyone.

Can I join this thread too please. I'm due on 9th July, this will be number 3 and our last!! :dance:
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Hi Happyland - Welcome to PF and congratulations on baby number 3 :D xx
its been a long day hows everyone feeling ? today has honestly been such a draining day ive told my partner and it looks like hes sticking by me no matter what so thats a relief. ive told my mum now that didnt go so wel but ultimatly i know shell love this baby as much as she loves dd x
Sorry about your mum.
I think my parents will not be pleased either. My parents only had me and they already think I'm crazy for having two kids and for wanting another lol. I'm not planning to tell them til Christmas.

I'm tired too but not sleeping properly.

Today I did nothing all day until this afternoon when I did the washing up & cleaned the kitchen, then gave the conservatory a really good clean so I could have the cats in there (over the summer my cats have been outside pretty much 24/7 and I had foster cats in the conservatory, but now the fosters have all gone and my cats can have their room back).

Anyway, by the time I'd finished I was so exhausted.
Also I keep feeling short of breath already and having to pause and take a few slow deep breaths. Weird.
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Welcome happyland. We also said 3 was enough but here we are expecting number 4!

Elfs mummy I had my induction day for my new job today and now I am so tired I feel dizzy. It's been so long and boring! I'm glad things have worked out with your partner xx

Mrs15 I think this is normal I have been the same for the past few day's. I dread going for a wee just incase x
I just want to stop being sick :( I've got to work in 15 minutes and I honestly don't know how I'm going to cope I'm pretty sure I'll pass out. On a brighter note my lines are really dark now :)


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Hi ladies,

I miscarried yesterday/today. Just wanted to say good luck to you all with the rest of your pregnancies xx
Hello July 2016 mummies. I was/still am I guess a July 2015 mummy. The ladies I met in our group are an amazing bunch of people. We have grown together and are watching our babies grow together too. I hope that in this group you all find the same thing. Support,guidance and someone to help you keep sane. Our group has provided me with all of this and made me feel like I'm not alone in this. Good luck to you all. I wish you all the very best. Welcome to the July mummy club :) xxx
I am so sorry MrsS. Will keep you in my thoughts xxx

Gosh I feel absolutely rotten! I think I have a tummy bug and now a water infection! Doctors later I think!

Hope you all well xxx
6 weeks today and nausea has been kicking in big time these last few days. I'm right off my food too and just picking at things left right and centre. I was never actually sick with my little girl but in a way I think constant nausea is worse. I'd rather vomit and get it over and done with!
I have nausea too but I can't work out if it's pregnancy or tummy bug!

I had horrendous sickness all the way to 24 weeks with my last little one. I ended up losing a stone in weight x

Has anyone continued with exercise. I have my physio exercises and pregnancy yoga! With 3 others I don't get alot of time so 30 mins a day is about all I can manage!
Hi Ladies ����
Can I join you please, I got my bfp on bonfire night and my EDD is 6th July.

I am a Mummy to 2 boys already aged 17 months and 7 years old.
We weren't ttc yet but had planned to start in about 12 months, we purposely avoided having sex during fertile periods of my cycle so this lil dot was meant to be ha ha

I have a history of mc so airing on the side of caution at the minute, I am on medication and under consultants to try and avoid mc and luckily had started taking the meds a few months back just in case as I wasn't on any form of contraceptive and was relying on condoms.

No real symptoms just a bit of feeling sick.

Looking forward to get to know you all ☺️
I might be joining you ladies just want a darker line before I'm come out of ttc.
Had a faint positive yesterday and today just not happy with it after several mc and a chemical I need darker lines lol. Feeling like utter rubbish but hard to tell what's pregnancy related as I had an accident and broke my foot which needed surgery to fix so feel rubbish anyway and in utter agony. I've not taken any pain meds since I found out and I could honestly cry. Hope I get to stick around xxx

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