July 2016 Mummies to be!

Good morning ladies, hope everyone is okay today.
Just thought I'd post my scan PIC taken at 11 weeks. I had to go to my EPU on Monday as was having a bleed and was so relieved to see little bouncing baby doing somersaults. I think it's a boy! :)


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£10 is ridiculous!
That happened to us woth our first pregnancy, can't remember how much it cost but you had to pay beforehand but we didn't have a pic in the end as it was bad news, they didn't refund us or anything, shame they can't just take payment when they give u the pic xxx
Wow, didn't know you had to pay for scan pics.
Not sure about my hospital... Hopefully find out soon.

How is everyone today?
I've woken up feeling awful. Feel really tired and nauseous xx
Awesome pic Baby number 2! Mine was somersaulting too, my friend said boy! X

I hope you feel better Mel. I feel like I've been hit by a truck today.

My sexy postman told me I'm lovely though, so that cheered me up! Haha these hormones! X
I've got another scan on Friday after spotting the last two days. It'll be nice to see baby again. Most places you have I pay for pictures now :(
Hi Ladies, so lovely to see all your scan pictures. I haven't had to pay for a picture in Cardiff yet, but that may be because I'm with the EPU so will have to at the 12w, I don't know!

I want to say thank you ever so much to you all for your support and kind messages over the weekend, I really appreciate your kindness, and the support I receive from all of you is lovely and really helpful.

I had another scan this morning following the bleed and the consultant said that it hasn't bothered baby at all, who is doing absolutely fine and measuring perfectly :) I'm in again now in 2 weeks.

Good luck for your scan today Gayle and Friday Elfs Mummy, I hope the spotting is nothing to worry about.

Sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish Mel, I was really bad yesterday, sick about 8 times I think, not sleeping well really doesn't help me xx
I never knew about the prices either. I'm in Scotland so not sure if you need to pay up here. I have my 12 week scan on 30th December. I'll be just over 14 weeks, but as I'm not testing for Downs Syndrome, they said that wont be a problem
Hi Ladies, so lovely to see all your scan pictures. I haven't had to pay for a picture in Cardiff yet, but that may be because I'm with the EPU so will have to at the 12w, I don't know!

Sorry tri hoping!!! As u know im in Cardiff too unicorn lol.
Just a heads up! If ur going to UHW its £3 per photo!!! For ur 12wk ur at the antenatal clinic part near the birchgrove entrance and the machine takes notes or card.

For ur 20wk itll be in a diff department (radiology) theough concourse entrance.. The machine there is a £1 coin machine only so make sure u have change ready! And its again £3!

Its so expensive! We paid for 3 and the lovely lady did give us a few more. But my brother went a few days after me (week apart in dates) and they only gave him exactly what they paid for! So depends on the ultrasounder!

I also had free ones off the gynae & epu ward before 12wks luckly.

Glad your scan went well today hun! Sound like it could of just been a breakthrough bleed :) xx
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Hi Ladies, so lovely to see all your scan pictures. I haven't had to pay for a picture in Cardiff yet, but that may be because I'm with the EPU so will have to at the 12w, I don't know!

I want to say thank you ever so much to you all for your support and kind messages over the weekend, I really appreciate your kindness, and the support I receive from all of you is lovely and really helpful.

I had another scan this morning following the bleed and the consultant said that it hasn't bothered baby at all, who is doing absolutely fine and measuring perfectly :) I'm in again now in 2 weeks.

Good luck for your scan today Gayle and Friday Elfs Mummy, I hope the spotting is nothing to worry about.

Sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish Mel, I was really bad yesterday, sick about 8 times I think, not sleeping well really doesn't help me xx

Sorry tri hoping!!! As u know im in Cardiff too unicorn lol.
Just a heads up! If ur going to UHW its £3 per photo!!! For ur 12wk ur at the antenatal clinic part near the birchgrove entrance and the machine takes notes or card.

For ur 20wk itll be in a diff department (radiology) theough concourse entrance.. The machine there is a £1 coin machine only so make sure u have change ready! And its again £3!

Its so expensive! We paid for 3 and the lovely lady did give us a few more. But my brother went a few days after me (week apart in dates) and they only gave him exactly what they paid for! So depends on the ultrasounder! Xx

Excellent, very useful, thank you very much Dani xx
Hello everyone. Just had my scan and I'm 11+5 due 1st July!!!! So hello July mummies to be :)
Haha, hello Ttc1234 and welcome, just snuck in there ;-) xx
Fantastic news unicorn. Welcome ttc :)
I'm quite excited about Friday I'll be 10+ 4 so hopefully should see a baby :)
Great news unicorn ☺ welcome ttc1234 and good luck everyone else with scans coming up I can't wait for mine roll on 4th Jan! X
Great news unicorn!

Congratulations ttc1234!
Great news unicorn ☺ welcome ttc1234 and good luck everyone else with scans coming up I can't wait for mine roll on 4th Jan! X

Raisin, me and you will wait for our scan together, mine is the 7th!

Welcome to the new July moms, we're a nice bunch eheheh

I called my gp today and told him about the cramps I had the last two days, he said that some people experience pain in the days the period was supposed to come and this should be my case... Let's see, at least today is a cramp free day so hopefully I don't have to worry again. Going anyway to let my midwife know on Monday when I will have the first appointment. I will be 10+6 that day!
Awesome pic Baby number 2! Mine was somersaulting too, my friend said boy! X

I hope you feel better Mel. I feel like I've been hit by a truck today.

My sexy postman told me I'm lovely though, so that cheered me up! Haha these hormones! X

Sexy postman ... you lucky lucky girl ;) xx
You may have to Unicorn, we were at Bridgend and they charged so i guess it'd be the same? Xxx
Welcome to all the new ladies :)

I still can't quite believe I have a baby growing in me and that I'm finally going to be a Mummy :) xx
Awesome pic Baby number 2! Mine was somersaulting too, my friend said boy! X

I hope you feel better Mel. I feel like I've been hit by a truck today.

My sexy postman told me I'm lovely though, so that cheered me up! Haha these hormones! X

Sexy postman ... you lucky lucky girl ;) xx
Hell yeah! He's really funny too. I have such a crush, that's what happens when you're home alone with a toddler all day and the only male you see is a postman. Haha
I don't usually have to pay for scans because I am a staff nurse. They gave me loads free last time.

Welcome TTC and congratulations on your BFP xxx

I am so relieved that all is well for you unicorn. Get plenty of rest x

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