July 2016 Mummies to be!

Wow unicorn! It'll be interesting to see what your body does, it may cope better than expected. Best of luck. They'll certainly be monitoring you closely.

Good luck with your scans today elfsmummy and ab11.
Thank you, it feels like a miracle that we've got this far so now I'm sure my body will just do what in needs to :) I'm currently sitting waiting for my booking in appointment with the Midwife :)
Can't wait to see more scan pictures later xx
Wow unicorn you've come very far already, our bodies are wonderful things.

I've had my first bought of sickness this morning, followed by some more pink spotting.. Argh
Here's my little bean baby was very wriggly so not that great of a pic apparently I looked worried so they've booked another scan on the 29th December of the spotting continues then I'll have my nuchal on the 7th


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Lovely pic elfs mummy I have to wait until the 22nd Dec to see my baby again!

So emotional today! I seem to cry over everything x
Awww lovely elfsmummy. She only got a photo on my scan because she used the video and paused it I think. My baby wouldn't stay still either!
They are generous with their scans, that's good!

I got my 20w scan date, it's a long time to wait until the end of Feb! Waaaah!
We e had our 7 early scan today all is good!
Can't believe how much pip as grown in 11 days!!
Our Due date so far is 5th August so think I'll just stay in between??
Got another early scan booked for 6th jan :) xx
Anyone else having trouble uploading pics? I've tried unsuccessfully on several occasions to load my scan pic but it keeps timing out for some reason!
Fab news ladies about your scans?

I git my dating scan though today and I'll be 13+6 ... gutted it's so long away xx
A few people are having problems with pics G4yle not sure why xxx
Mine just keep flipping I'm using the site though and not tappatalk
On tapatalk I had to use the photo icon not the attach icon and then it worked.
Hello July Mummies ... how is everyone doing?

I'm 8+2 today ... the weeks seem to be flying by.
Had such a bad headache yesterday, even had to go for a nap.

Having a chill day today wrapping pressies xx
Hey :)
That sounds good hun sleep is sooo much better when you're pregnant lol.
I was a bit of a stressball yesterday, felt like my symptoms had completely dropped and then just before bed i was sooo sick, threw up all my tea. I think it's related to coke though as I've drank it twice in the last two weeks and both times been really sick.
U ok? Xxx
That's funny, I fancied something really cold and fizzy last weekend, found a Dr Pepper in the fridge left over from z summer bbq, and felt really nauseous after.

I'm doing ok thanks. Just back from a 3mile walk .... knackered doesn't even come close! xx
Well done!
I've barely exercised :/ wanna start doing squats but dunno if i should :/

Im fine with dr pepper :s really strange xxx
I do squats (or did and will again when I have more energy) along with lots of pelvic tilts. My physio said I could carry on xx

How is everyone? I am soooo tired it was my little boys birthday today so I have had 9 very excitable 8 year old boys running around lol. It has been a busy but lovely day x
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Hi ladies. A lovely weekend with my step daughters and getting a, few more gifts sorted. I'm lacking in energy massively though. Still have a lot of wrapping to do but I quite enjoy it.

I found coke sent me a bit strange and made me feel ill so I've been avoiding it.

I definitely don't feel as sick but still really tired. Can't believe I'm 12 weeks on Tuesday! I need to make a little stocking so we can do a little photo for the announcement.

Hi ladies are we all organised for Christmas ? Anyone else doing a Christmas reveal ?
I'm sure this baby is trying to escspe I'm getting loads of flutters in the evenings for the last two days surely I shouldn't be feeling it yet ? Crazy but all in the same place x

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