July 2016 Mummies to be!

1st July for us😊 Excited doesn't even come close!!!
Scan went well yesterday and I've been moved forward 4 days so now have a due date of 28th June but I'm going to stick with July mummies and pop my head in occasionally to the June mummies. I'm so relieved everything is ok. Can't seem to get my scan pic to upload just now but will try again later x
Congrats g4yle! The same happened to me I've got the same due date as you :) xx
Great news on the scan g4yle, your not allowed to leave us lol

Hope everyone is having a good day. It would seem my lovely symptoms are back but very mild. Oh I have missed them and I am pleased there back! Never thought I'd ever say that.

Its the last day of school for us tomorrow yay no more school runs for 2 weeks xxx
I had my 2nd scan today and finally saw a heartbeat :) Been confirmed that I'm not 8.4 weeks but 7.4 weeks (due to longer cycle) and been given the additional drugs to try and help this one be a sticky bean!

Got another scan in 2 weeks - so fingers crossed I get good news again then

Hope everyone else is going ok
That's brilliant news bugsy! That's good you only have to wait 2 more weeks to see the baby again xx
Great news bugsy. It is such a relief when you see that little flicker!
Excellent news Bugsy and Gayle.
I'm very unlikely to make it into July as well but I'm certainly sticking with you lot :) xx
Fab news bugsy & gayle :)

Unicorn when's your due date?

So excited I get to know the date for my dating scan tomorrow xx
Due date is the 27th July but I only have half a uterus so I'm likely to go pretty early! xx
Will they induce you unicorn or will it happen naturally do you think? Xxx
I don't think they'll let me go naturally! I haven't seen my consultant yet but when I do I'll be discussing a cervical stitch and labour options, as the main concerns with my condition are cervial weakness, pre-term labour and inability to deliver naturally due to not having enough uterus muscle.
When I was first diagnosed they were discussing things like bed rest from 16 weeks and c section at 28 weeks, but following a laparoscopy things are looking a lot more positive, so I'm hoping to go as long as possible but I'm obviously happy to have a section if that is what is best for baby and any future pregnancies xx
Wow hun that's such a lot to think about! Really hope they let you hold out as long as possible xxx
Hopefully you can make it to 37 weeks unicorn your body is an amazing thing and you never know how it'll adapt to look after your baby. I've got to wait until 2 for my scan today is going to drag xx
Great news on scans everyone!
Iv got my midwife today and 2nd scan looking forward to seeing heartbeat this time xx
That's is a lot to think about unicorn. Glad you will get consultant support and hope they look after you well throughout. The female body us amazing!

I've got my dating scan on 11th Jan can't wait x

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