**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

Morning Ladies,

I have been reading and lurking, still have zero energy at the moment - was in bed fast asleep just after 8pm last night so have no life other than work and house chores and looking after my nearly 3 year old.

My scan is on Wednesday afternoon and to be honest, I can't flaming wait. Not just for the scan, but for the day off work haha. I'm so exhausted and worn out. I'm a Deputy Head in a school for teenagers with social/emotional/mental health needs so it's very draining, even on the best day. I do love it though! Fortunately, now i'm pregnant and the staff know, I have to keep well away from any physical intervention for my own safety obviously. I do have to remember that, as it's instinct to go in and help. The most difficult days for me, are when i'm in charge for the day, as it's just non-stop busy which is difficult when i'm knackered and feeling nauseous, but i'm hoping my energy levels will increase in the next few weeks and if not, only 3 weeks until the summer hols.

Has anyone thought about maternity leave? How long and when they're going? We're going to try the Shared Leave malarky, i've read about it online but the forms look very complicated!

Alipops x
Im a teacher so would have liked to have started back in September as so much easier at the beginning of a new year but I think it'll be too soon. My daughter wasn't sleeping well until 9 months so I'm considering after October half term.

Morning Ladies,

I have been reading and lurking, still have zero energy at the moment - was in bed fast asleep just after 8pm last night so have no life other than work and house chores and looking after my nearly 3 year old.

My scan is on Wednesday afternoon and to be honest, I can't flaming wait. Not just for the scan, but for the day off work haha. I'm so exhausted and worn out. I'm a Deputy Head in a school for teenagers with social/emotional/mental health needs so it's very draining, even on the best day. I do love it though! Fortunately, now i'm pregnant and the staff know, I have to keep well away from any physical intervention for my own safety obviously. I do have to remember that, as it's instinct to go in and help. The most difficult days for me, are when i'm in charge for the day, as it's just non-stop busy which is difficult when i'm knackered and feeling nauseous, but i'm hoping my energy levels will increase in the next few weeks and if not, only 3 weeks until the summer hols.

Has anyone thought about maternity leave? How long and when they're going? We're going to try the Shared Leave malarky, i've read about it online but the forms look very complicated!

Alipops x
Hi all had a bit of a scare with some bleeding yest so paid for a private scan today and all is ok! I'm measuring 12 weeks exactly. Got my NHS scan Wednesday too so will get another look at bubs ��. Good to see all the scan pics, can't believe it's nearly tri 2 already! Hope I start to feel more human soon, I've been off work for 4 weeks with sickness. I'm due 6th Jan but having a c-section so bubs likely to be born late December. I'm planning to take a week's holiday and then start my mat leave only a few days before baby will actually arrive. I'm hoping to take the full year this time as I'll have 3 kids and will need it I'm sure! Ill prob go back Jan 2019. Xx
Glad your scan went well hoping for no2.
Ali sounds a tough job no wonder you're exhausted. I work in a special needs schooland have a really physical job too. It can be really hard some days.
karen I work in a school, and I'll be back for the start of school year September. Going to take 9 months off, I'm going to finish st the end of October (or November) because I'll be monitored in the 3rd trimester anyway. And I have a physical job so it wouldn't be fair on the staff I'm with as I'd be useless! My little one didn't sleep until he was about 16 months , he was the best out of them all really! I'm going to miss my sleep now starting again ! :)
Anyone still finding it surreal that they're having an actual baby?! I keep getting so busy and forgetting and then realising that in 6 months ish, we'll be holding our baby! You'd think after 4 I wouldn't feel like this! But it does still feel surreal! Can't wait for 12 week scan! :)
Really hope Lula is ok. Strange how we haven't heard anything since her earlier scan. X
Glad your scan went well hoping for no2.
Ali sounds a tough job no wonder you're exhausted. I work in a special needs schooland have a really physical job too. It can be really hard some days.
karen I work in a school, and I'll be back for the start of school year September. Going to take 9 months off, I'm going to finish st the end of October (or November) because I'll be monitored in the 3rd trimester anyway. And I have a physical job so it wouldn't be fair on the staff I'm with as I'd be useless! My little one didn't sleep until he was about 16 months , he was the best out of them all really! I'm going to miss my sleep now starting again ! :)

I know, I'm already mourning having evenings free after seven and being able to sleep!!! But it's not forever right?!?
No karen it doesn't last forever ! To be fair, I spoilt them all by letting them have cuddles with me rather than a routine so it probably could've been sorted sooner! But you're right it's the evening time past 7/8 that is important... although when you have a few at various ages , it doesn't go straight forward any night! :) but they do all sleep :)

Oh yeait'sRonnie , maybe you ovulated a little later than you thought. Glad baby had a strong heartbeat, your dating scan will be off now won't it, its worth still going though I guess and they can give you an accurate gestation, and then re-book you. Not sure how it works in your area. Good luck.
Went shopping over the weekend for clothes i can wear without feeling imprisoned :lol:. Anyone else struggling to hide their bumps already!? Just over 10 weeks! x
What did you buy Carly? I've not bought anything yet as no noticeable showing apart from occasional bloating. I suffer from occasional IBS and had it quite bad on Thursday and Friday so I looked VERY pregnant then! Haha. But then it disappeared once my bowels had returned to normal!

Only thing I am thinking about buying now is a maternity bra because my boobs are starting to get bigger. I'm just over 9 weeks now.
What did you buy Carly? I've not bought anything yet as no noticeable showing apart from occasional bloating. I suffer from occasional IBS and had it quite bad on Thursday and Friday so I looked VERY pregnant then! Haha. But then it disappeared once my bowels had returned to normal!

Only thing I am thinking about buying now is a maternity bra because my boobs are starting to get bigger. I'm just over 9 weeks now.

I went a bit mad in Primark. Mainly long tops in larger sizes and leggings. They have some jeggins for like £6! i just can't bare a waistband digging in my tummy :(

I have IBS too! Hello Fellow suffer! Not many people understand us :lol:

I bought some bra's a couple of weeks ago, from Poundshop would you believe! Non wired, fully elasticated, SO COMFORTABLE, they're brilliant for bed. Similar on Asos are about £19!

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Oh yes I remember you posting that on here. I'll be in town tomorrow so I will pop into Poundland, thanks for the tip!

Glad I'm not alone in IBS suffering - called the doctor this morning to see what I could take for the pain and he said nothing except paracetamol! Which doesn't treat the cause! It's stopped now thankfully but I am sure I will experience it many more times in the next 7 months!
Oh yes I remember you posting that on here. I'll be in town tomorrow so I will pop into Poundland, thanks for the tip!

Glad I'm not alone in IBS suffering - called the doctor this morning to see what I could take for the pain and he said nothing except paracetamol! Which doesn't treat the cause! It's stopped now thankfully but I am sure I will experience it many more times in the next 7 months!

All i was told was to keep food diaries, so i pretty much know what i can and can't eat now. I don't take anything full time, but i have used those over the counter buscopan. It's been a nightmare though since i started with it. Think ive had it about 6/7 years. Total inconvenience, especially when eating out! :sad: x
Mine is very random and I can't connect it to any particular food so it may be stress related. Either way it's really annoying and even worse now as I can't take anything!
Mine is very random and I can't connect it to any particular food so it may be stress related. Either way it's really annoying and even worse now as I can't take anything!

Bless you, i think mine is worse when stressed too. Certain things with Tomatoes, bread, Pasta, things containing onion powder.. all sorts. it's a pain in the arse! lol x
Love those bras!! I went mad in primark last week also. I've ordered skinny jeans , under the bump. Need to get some more leggings. I have loads of elastic summer pants but no tops as they all show my bloating / bump. Be easier to dress once everyone knows! 2 weeks tomorrow until scan! :) Carly yours is next week isn't it?! Xx
Love those bras!! I went mad in primark last week also. I've ordered skinny jeans , under the bump. Need to get some more leggings. I have loads of elastic summer pants but no tops as they all show my bloating / bump. Be easier to dress once everyone knows! 2 weeks tomorrow until scan! :) Carly yours is next week isn't it?! Xx

I live in these Bras lol!

Just came across this site, posted in the pregnancy chat for feedback if anyone has used before - https://www.happymamaboutique.co.uk/
Some of the clothes are hideous, but plain tops and dresses are fine! Not buying maternity stuff just yet, but it's an idea for future. The high street is a bloody rip off!

It is indeed, 9 days!! I can't wait xx
How is everyone doing? Can't wait to hit 12 weeks on Thursday!! Still suffering from sickness and feel and look like poo! All wort it though! I have attached a scan I had at 11 weeks!


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Hey ladies, Sorry ive been off!
I had my scan and it showed a missed miscarriage at 6 weeks! Literally a day after i had the scan where i saw the heartbeat!
Im not really coping very well so im coming off here, Currently waiting for a appointment for a d&c, Having to wait a extra two weeks is so hard knowing im still carrying my baby!
We've decided to give it a break for now,
This year I lost my nan and had my first miscarriage on the same day, then i got pregnant again, my granddad died and turned out I lost the baby on the same day as he died!
My head isnt in the right place, ive been signed off with server grieving, and depression!
I wish you all the best!
Love to you all x

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