*** January 2017 Mummies ***

Blueflower I may do although I work with a couple of lovely gynae doctors so I'm hoping I can ask them if I need a bit of reassurance in between scans

Has anyone any tips for "moving things along" tmi I know but I was really regular at first but this week everything seems to have slowed to a halt and it's so uncomfortable! X
One stocked up on bran flakes, strawberries, melon & im walking the pooch everyday hoping that will help lol X does prune juice work??
I've found drinking loads of water has been helping - but also making me need a wee every half hour!! xxxx
I found that watermelon helped a lot, although a friend told me yesterday that it's a bad idea to eat watermelon! I don't know whether that's a Chinese old wives tale kind of thing though, there seem to be a lot of those. I've also been told no papaya, cold drinks or ice cream.
Has anyone invested in bigger bras yet? Mine are really getting uncomfortable now, but it's hard enough to find 34C unpadded bras out here :) the only place I can go is M&S but they really hike the prices up over here so I think I will be stubborn and wait a week until I'm back.
I found that watermelon helped a lot, although a friend told me yesterday that it's a bad idea to eat watermelon! I don't know whether that's a Chinese old wives tale kind of thing though, there seem to be a lot of those. I've also been told no papaya, cold drinks or ice cream.

I read when having treatment after transfer that to have warm comforting foods and not to have cold drinks or ice cream and to keep feet warm to all keep blood flow around the uterus, maybe it's similar in the Chinese beliefs ? X
Oh so is ice cream a no no do you think? I've bought loads of ice lollies to munch on :( xxxxx
I don't think so, I've already had some ice lollies while away and lots of women crave ice cubes while pregnant don't they. X
I found that watermelon helped a lot, although a friend told me yesterday that it's a bad idea to eat watermelon! I don't know whether that's a Chinese old wives tale kind of thing though, there seem to be a lot of those. I've also been told no papaya, cold drinks or ice cream.

I read when having treatment after transfer that to have warm comforting foods and not to have cold drinks or ice cream and to keep feet warm to all keep blood flow around the uterus, maybe it's similar in the Chinese beliefs ? X

Oh dear, I'm currently drinking an Orangina and wearing open shoes in A/C room!
I found that watermelon helped a lot, although a friend told me yesterday that it's a bad idea to eat watermelon! I don't know whether that's a Chinese old wives tale kind of thing though, there seem to be a lot of those. I've also been told no papaya, cold drinks or ice cream.

Might be if the drinking water isn't great it will be in the fruit? Or soft ice cream from a machine may contain bacteria but wrapped frozen icecreams are ok.
Has anyone invested in bigger bras yet? Mine are really getting uncomfortable now, but it's hard enough to find 34C unpadded bras out here :) the only place I can go is M&S but they really hike the prices up over here so I think I will be stubborn and wait a week until I'm back.

Mine still fit but I have been waking up so uncomfortable, it hurts to sit up and even to turn on my side! Been wearing a non-wired bra at night! I am going to invest in a proper pregnancy one with no metal, seen some in Mothercare! Asda are good for non padded bras, I've got some nice ones, they are only about £6 and quite comfy and pretty and last ages. :lol:

(I have tried to do the 'quote' thing to put 2 quotes in one message but can't get it to work!)

My midwife appt went well, I don't need to see her till the end of July now, expecting a consultant appointment soon. All my tests were good, found out my blood group and she reassured me about the meds! She said I have a letter from the consultant at the fertility clinic saying its fine to stop at 12 weeks so I have to trust him! She didn't think it was too bad having to wait till I am 13 1/2 weeks for my scan!
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Has anyone invested in bigger bras yet? Mine are really getting uncomfortable now, but it's hard enough to find 34C unpadded bras out here :) the only place I can go is M&S but they really hike the prices up over here so I think I will be stubborn and wait a week until I'm back.

Mine still fit but I have been waking up so uncomfortable, it hurts to sit up and even to turn on my side! Been wearing a non-wired bra at night! I am going to invest in a proper pregnancy one with no metal, seen some in Mothercare! Asda are good for non padded bras, I've got some nice ones, they are only about £6 and quite comfy and pretty and last ages. :lol:

(I have tried to do the 'quote' thing to put 2 quotes in one message but can't get it to work!)

My midwife appt went well, I don't need to see her till the end of July now, expecting a consultant appointment soon. All my tests were good, found out my blood group and she reassured me about the meds! She said I have a letter from the consultant at the fertility clinic saying its fine to stop at 12 weeks so I have to trust him! She didn't think it was too bad having to wait till I am 13 1/2 weeks for my scan!

I will be 15 weeks at mine! Xxx
Hi all! I've updated the front page (at last!!) and I've just realised I'm now in Tri2! :) I've added myself to the December page over there after being moved forward but will still keep in touch with you all too as bet I'll end up still having a Jan baby ;) Would anyone else like to start the tri2 thread though in case I'm not on it often enough to update? Xx
Congrats cornishfairy! You're over the hump. ;-)

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Hi everyone!

Had our 12 week scan today. Due date has changed to end of December so I need to move threads! Would you be able to take me off the Jan list when you get chance cornishfairy?
I just had a call from my doctor's office informing me I've been prescribed aspirin to prevent pre-eclampsia. Getting really frustrated with this midwife. I only have one indication of being higher risk and that's my BMI. However, I have severe stomach problems which means I can't take aspirin. Starting to feel she just filed me into the slot of "fat expecting mother who doesn't know any better". It drives me mad, because I'm so short, BMI is in no way reliable. I know I'm overweight, but I hate when people look at this stupid number and treat me as if I was morbidly obese.

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Could I be put down for January 18th? I only just got a due date.

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