*** January 2017 Mummies ***

Oh Selina I'm so sorry, that's such awful news. Hope it's not long before you're back with a healthy bean. Look after yourself. Xxx
I feel awful now posting my news after getting sad news from Selina but thought you'd all like to know our 12w scan today went well, I'll try and upload a pic next time I'm on the laptop. They've put me forward so I'm now due 29th Dec so I'll have up hijack that group too! I'll still follow you all through the tris though ;) I'll update the main page soon, I've written down all the names and dates but seem to have a silly habit of coming in here just before I leave for work! Xx
That's so exciting cornishfairy, my scan's less than 2 weeks away and I can't wait!

Does anyone else have a little bump already? I didn't look like this til about 18 weeks last time! (Scuse the awful quality)

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My MIL reckons I'm showing but I genuinely think it's bloating, I've got a fat belly anyway so think she's just trying to cheer me up! Ha ha!
My tummy has been quite tender and sticking out today! Apparently at 10 weeks your uterus is the size of a grapefruit! Been feeling so tired and headachey this week too, annoying at work. Tuesday I ached all over & it felt as if AF was coming. Can't wait till the weekend!
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So glad your scan went well Lucy that's fab :-)

I've a bit of a jelly belly so can't really see anything yet although feels firmer at the bit above my pubic bone. Blueflower I've had a few headaches and been quite tired they say it's all the hormones racing around with the next few weeks being a big giant growth spurt going on in there :-)

I've also randomly had sensitive teeth over the last couple of days very random lol
I've been sick again at work :( :( feeling a bit sorry for myself and totally rubbish. I also feel like I'm showing a tiny bit - does uterus grow more quickly with multiples?
I think it must do! Can't be the size of 2 grapefruits but maybe 1 1/2?! They say you show sooner with twins. I saw these belly bands online that button to your trousers so you can wear them undone, will probably get one in a couple of weeks!
I guess you'd need a long top for that, blueflower!

I've got another early scan on Monday, when I should be 9 weeks so we might be able to see whether both are progressing ok, and whether placenta is shared or not. I'm hoping they have separate ones, as it means less chance of complications. I feel like things are probably progressing ok, as sickness is definitely getting worse and I'm definitely getting fat!
Just home from midwife appointment all lots of form filling and paperwork, excited to have my official set of notes :-)
Awww, I feel sorry for you Laura. I have thankfully managed to keep it down now. But I feel a little crazy with all the wrappers and crumbs littering my desk. I'm honestly eating constantly to keep the sickness at bay.

FBTTN, I know what you mean! Although I failed to hide mine properly and then my MIL was over when I was at work. So now the cat's out of the bag.
Parents are coming over from Sweden today so planning on telling them tonight, even if it's a bit early, but can't pass on the chance to tell them in person.

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It's nice and big had lots of leaflets and everything too, bummer that my bmi was borderline over which means a GTT test at 24 weeks boo! X
So jealous of all your midwife appts! I don't have mine til July 8th!!!!
So I've just gone for it and booked an early scan! £49 on groupon! Hubs doesn't see the point and just said don't you just want to wait for the normal scan.. Err... no?! Men are crazy. Xx
Early scan is so reassuring otherwise it's ages to wait. My dating scan isn't till 7th July when I'll be nearly 14 weeks! Worried about coming off all the drugs this week before knowing that it's all still ok. I will see what the midwife says.

I'm not keen on leggings, not very flattering on me & I don't have enough long tops! I prefer jeans!
Hehe, I feel that the first scan is already early because in Sweden you only get one, which is the mid-pregnancy one. So I feel spoiled with getting two. :-)
Hehe, I feel that the first scan is already early because in Sweden you only get one, which is the mid-pregnancy one. So I feel spoiled with getting two. :-)

You only get one in the whole pregnancy? Xxx

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