*** January 2017 Mummies ***

My mom said when she was pregnant she only recalls having one scan when she had a bump (so guessing 20w). I find the wait for the 12w one bad enough and then the whole 20w between the last scan and the birth seems ages! Only good thing then is you're getting kicks etc so it's regular interaction :) x
Hehe, I feel that the first scan is already early because in Sweden you only get one, which is the mid-pregnancy one. So I feel spoiled with getting two. :-)

Hopefully ladies who have fertility treatment get more than one?!
Had my 9 week scan today and everything seems to be developing as it should! Both babies are still there, and measuring about the same. I can't believe how much they've grown since my 6 week scan. Lots of little limbs were wiggling around. I almost had a heart attack when I saw a yolk sack though, I thought they were about to tell me that there was a third one in there!
Had my 9 week scan today and everything seems to be developing as it should! Both babies are still there, and measuring about the same. I can't believe how much they've grown since my 6 week scan. Lots of little limbs were wiggling around. I almost had a heart attack when I saw a yolk sack though, I thought they were about to tell me that there was a third one in there!

Aw that's brilliant news!!!! Yolk sac did the same to me!!!! Haha xxxxx
Oh that's good! My SIL had loads of miscarriages and her daughter died at just one day old so she had loads of scans with the next one before she was even 7 weeks pregnant. She must have had them at the EPU though.
Thanks Laura!
Exactly as Laura said, if you're considers high risk or have had treatments you get extra scans. But most people only get one between 16-20 weeks. It's a combined dating and abnormalities scan.
There are some variations though, as health care is arranged by region (roughly equivalent to county). From my limited experience, antenatal care in the UK appears to be better, for example everyone is offered screening for chromosome abnormalities, which you're only offered in Sweden if you're high risk, and the age the consider the you to be high risk will be different in different regions.

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Omg Blueflower that's awful, your poor sil. I can't imagine anything worse than going through the 9 months and then losing the baby after a day.
Glad your scan went well Laura

I had consultant appt today, scan isn't until next week so it was just a quick chat and she'll see me after the scan, I was hoping she would do a cheeky scan or Doppler but no such luck! X
Omg Blueflower that's awful, your poor sil. I can't imagine anything worse than going through the 9 months and then losing the baby after a day.

She found out there were problems at the 20 week scan so they were prepared that the baby might not make it. It was so sad, but it was a very rare problem that the baby had.
Glad your scan went well Laura

I had consultant appt today, scan isn't until next week so it was just a quick chat and she'll see me after the scan, I was hoping she would do a cheeky scan or Doppler but no such luck! X

I hope I get something like that! The midwife suggested I'd be seeing Drs at the hospital and they might put me on aspirin when I stop the Clexane but we're running out of time! Did she say anything about your meds? So your scan will be at 12 weeks? I'm jealous!
Glad your scan went well Laura

I had consultant appt today, scan isn't until next week so it was just a quick chat and she'll see me after the scan, I was hoping she would do a cheeky scan or Doppler but no such luck! X

I hope I get something like that! The midwife suggested I'd be seeing Drs at the hospital and they might put me on aspirin when I stop the Clexane but we're running out of time! Did she say anything about your meds? So your scan will be at 12 weeks? I'm jealous!

You should be consultant led at the hospital like me as that's what usually happens if your classed as high risk. I think they assess your risks and look at clexane and/or aspirin too, it wasn't discussed with me today as I'm already on clexane. She asked when I was stopping the steroids and I said I start reducing them down next week but that was about it really. Yes scan next Thursday so I'll be around 12 + 3 ish. X

Did you have any luck with yours? When's your next appointment to see anyone or for your scan? X
Midwife tomorrow, drugs run out Friday and scan not till 7th July!! Not ideal. :(

DH went for a blood test at the sister hospital this morning and asked if we can get an earlier scan there, but he hasn't heard back yet.
I know this is a bit TMI, but is anyone else quite dischargey? I'm getting a fair bit, and I keep freaking out and rushing to the loo to make sure it's not blood or anything.
From dec due to january due!
DUe date Jan 2nd, I am 13+0 !
Second scan tomorrow as they couldnt ''see'' for downs testing at 11 weeks.
Laura I think it can be quite normal, I do have some sometimes but being on a lot of progesterone pessaries I think it's masked ?

Welcome entre. X
Ok I have a confession! I had a crazy moment of madness and downloaded a dopler app this morning doh lol! I thinks was disappointed at not getting a cheeky scan or listen yesterday with the consultant and having to wait till next week for our dating scan that I downloaded it lol! I had it for 5 minutes realised what a crazy lady I was and deleted it ha ha !!! X
Laura, I'm the same. Although I'm mostly panic because I think I'm going to get a yeast infection from always being damp.

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So I has my booking appointment today. Not feeling great about the midwife to be honest. She's sweet and all, but she doesn't seem to really know what she's talking about with some things. For example she was totally confused about what cheeses are safe and not. Now, for me this isn't really a problem, because I know a lot about nutrition, and there's a lot of information on NHS website.
But I'm a bit worried that I'm going to have to argue with her over other things. For example she completely dismissed my comments about going to need a c-section, and I'm not basing that on just fear of labour but actual medical history (and the advice of an obstetrician familiar with my family). Almost hoping they'll decide I'm high risk (due to high BMI) so I can have consultant led care.

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That's funny Sarah! Are you going to get a proper dopler? I will after the scan.

She doesn't sound very good Rhiandell, could you find out which days she works and change your next appointment so you get someone else?

DH managed to move our scan 3 days earlier! Its more convenient but still late to tell people! I suppose I can wait 2 weeks! Saw the midwife again today, she said that date is fine for the screening and reassured me about the drugs! She said if I have a letter from the consultant I have to trust him! She said the fertility clinic must know what they are doing! Feel a bit better! I am good at waiting!! ;) I have to start aspirin on Friday.

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