*** January 2017 Mummies ***

Good luck Selina!

Awww Laura, I feel for you. I'm sitting on a bench outside because I just started heaving at my desk. It's awful feeling bad at work. I hope you get to go home soon.

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Good luck selina! Hope all goes well for you! X
Good luck Selina!! Really hope you have a good experience. Sending my best to all of you struggling at work today. I am working from home today and struggling even with that so I think you are all very strong!!
Ugh sorry for you ladies who are feeling a bit crappy! :(

Well my scan didn't go too well, baby couldn't be seen as such (external scan) and I was being dated 6 weeks 4 days even though I thought I was 8 weeks. It COULD be that I'm early that I thought but not by a huge amount!
I was already put back a week when I saw midwife.
I have another scan with my midwife next Wednesday so hopefully I will know more then!

Thanks ladies. Xx
That's annoying Selina, hope next week's one is better. I wonder why they didn't do an internal scan?

Does anyone know which shops have good maternity clothes? I have only seen a maternity dept in Debenhams but haven't really been looking before! I'm not showing yet but am thinking I might do soon!

Got my midwife appt booked for next week too!
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It was a private place and they don't do internal- which is really crap! X
Could they not see baby at all Selina? if they didn't see the baby how are they dating you at 6 weeks 4 days? is it based on your dates etc? do you have irregular periods then?

I think at around 7 weeks baby can be seen so maybe in a few days they will be able to find it. will they offer to rescan you since they couldn't find it?

I'm sure everything is fine, just like you said, earlier then you thought. It must be hard though as an early scan is suppose to reassure you. I have been trying to hold out going for an early scan until 8 weeks + as that;s when I had one last time and they found baby. haven't booked it yet though.
I have long cycles so yeah I tend to be pretty irregular but we only had sex once in that month and it was 3 weeks after day of last period so I must have ovulated late.

The gestational sac was mesures but not what was inside- it wasn't totally empty as such but she didn't properly explain really!

I'm going back in a week and the place I'm going do internal scans so I will know for certain what's what then. Just in limbo till then I suppose. X
yes you coul very well have ovulated later than you thought. it's so annoying when they don't explain things properly isn't it. Sometimes I don't think they realise how worrying it is when you're going through it. that limbo feeling is the worst. try to keep yourself busy and I'm sure all will be well. I hope this week goes quickly for you.
Thank you, yeah I suppose there isn't much that can be done either way. Just got to wait for next Wednesday. X
Sorry it's been a bit of a let down for you! It's so hard when you've got your hopes up too see he little bean! It will grow so much, I'm sure you will see it next time! X
Sorry it wasn't as you hoped Hun I'm surprised they didn't do an internal scan straight away as its quite early ? At least you'll have one next week and a week will show lots of changes X
That's annoying Selina, hope next week's one is better. I wonder why they didn't do an internal scan?

Does anyone know which shops have good maternity clothes? I have only seen a maternity dept in Debenhams but haven't really been looking before! I'm not showing yet but am thinking I might do soon!

Got my midwife appt booked for next week too!

Hey hon lots of people have said about Dotty P's, H&M and asos for good maternity clothes as well as M&S?

Yay for your midwife appointment I have ours on the 17th X
I'm totes emotional this morning! Is that normal lol I'm tired as I was up at 2:30 couldn't get back to sleep, had indigestion and a crap nights sleep & where we are away the house is old with thin walls and floors and every morning SIL is up with nephew into MIL room above us and they are just so noisy and it hasn't mattered what time it is or whether anyone else may still be trying to sleep and this morning after lots of crashing and banging I just cried to hubby! Lol wally. X
I'm totes emotional this morning! Is that normal lol I'm tired as I was up at 2:30 couldn't get back to sleep, had indigestion and a crap nights sleep & where we are away the house is old with thin walls and floors and every morning SIL is up with nephew into MIL room above us and they are just so noisy and it hasn't mattered what time it is or whether anyone else may still be trying to sleep and this morning after lots of crashing and banging I just cried to hubby! Lol wally. X
Yikes, that would make me cry even if I wasn't pregnant. I really can't deal with lack of sleep.
I've been a lot more emotional as well. Had to restrain myself from crying at work a few times. After all, you're body is sort of experiencing pms on steroids. ;-) I'm telling myself to expect every pms symptom I have ever experienced in triple.

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It's so hard working in these early days isn't it. You feel silly complaining or taking time off as it's so early but in fact these early days are the hardest. I feel constantly like I'm hung-over, headache, queasy, exhausted. I don't feel like I'm bad enough to be off work but then work is a real struggle.

Also, I had my midwife leave a message for me yesterday saying my scan is booked for the 7th July ( I'll be 11 weeks 4 days. I'm pleased it's a little earlier as the nub theory is less reliable and I really don't want to know what I'm having. (I know nub theory is not 100% accurate but it can be very accurate depending on the time of scan etc, good clear picture. )

Anyway, she left a message with my scan date but no indication of meeting up with me for booking in appointment. I don't have a phone at the moment, so she had my husbands number and left the message with him. Do they sometimes not do a booking in appointment?
My two year old had my up at five this morning, yawn! I've already dozed off on the sofa, thank God for cbeebies! I'm not looking forward to those sleepless nights of a new born again!
Princessp, they should do a booking appointment shouldn't they? I've got mine booked for next week when I'll be ten weeks. Then the scan will get booked from there. My last pregnancy was the same and we were even in a different county at the time. Seems strange? X
PrincessP, that seems weird. I thought the booking appointment was kind of the most important one, as that's when they'll take down your history and make risk assessments etc. Maybe call them and ask?

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Does anyone know which shops have good maternity clothes? I have only seen a maternity dept in Debenhams but haven't really been looking before! I'm not showing yet but am thinking I might do soon!

Got my midwife appt booked for next week too!

Hey hon lots of people have said about Dotty P's, H&M and asos for good maternity clothes as well as M&S?

Yay for your midwife appointment I have ours on the 17th X

Oh yes I remember H&M have a large dept, I wandered in there by accident last year as the clothes looked nice! What's Asos?

That's awful about your SIL waking you up early, could your DH say something? Some people just don't think. Could you tell them you are having trouble sleeping and do they mind if you have a bit of a lie in. Have you got earplugs? I've had to resort to those with the cat miaowing outside the bedroom door! If we let her in she climbs all over me and wakes me up that way at about 5!
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