I've had a big weight loss


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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I've lost 4 and 1/2lb this week!! I thought I had officially gained 2pm this pregnancy but with loosing 4 1/2lb I'm now 2lb lighter then before I was pregnant?!?! WTF?!? Am
I meant to be loosing weight this late in pregnancy???? It's my due date today surly should be putting weight on??

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Maybe ur waters have gone without u realising?
Haha! That would be wierd! Lol!!

This made me
Laugh soooo hard I had a half asleep moment this morning my DH was on a night shift and his side of the bed was freezing I rolled over and though omg my waters!!! But it was just cold dry bed linen!!! So that comments just made my day! Haha xx

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if your not eating a lot and your in pain your body will be using all its stores but get in touch with midwif just in case x
I've got midwife tomorrow I might ask her but she prob won't care it's rare they do lol!!

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i have read that its not unusual to loose a little bit at the end of pregnancy..
i think i havent lost anything but i dont really thing last few weeks ( :pray: ) i have put anything on either..
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Ooh that's alright then :D

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Happy due date!! You're just trying to get a head start on all us girls in the slimming thread ;) Hope you don't have to wait too long for bubs!
Evie, I've lost 3 or 4lbs - my dr said it was the oedema (swelling / water retention) going down, which makes sense as I no longer have cankles!
I haven't had any swelling lol strange.. I think it's coz I've been off my food my yesterday and today I'm back on it again so I bet my weight loss won't last long ha!

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Evie you are havinga time off it - I def thought you have been away by now!! Your hubbie works nights as well so does mine (6pm-6am) does this worry you being on your own at night incase anything happens?x
No not really he does different shifts he only works four nights or upto six depending on staff but averagely four nights a month otherwise he does morning or afternoon I already have two kids and he had the sane job then it was scary first few times but you will get used to it :)

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Yes I dont mind him being out at night - you get the bed to yourself and watch whatever on tele so thats all good but I never can get him because he has no reception in work so that is a bit worrying. F
Yer I know what you mean about that my DH this year has jut had the rule in the company no mobile phones allowed at all so it's a bit concerning this time round I have told a few friends they may get texts at stupid o clock or my mil lol

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Tim works away and I've said what if I'm in labour and your in Scotland?!! He's off to Italy tomorrow...! But just like you mrsk it's lush having the bed to yourself lol
Fingers crossed for us its during the day or on their days off! I had to go to hospital quickly last night and I couldnt get Trev for 2 hrs thank god for my mum!! He finally texted me and didnt understand what I was on about - MEN!!! After I was home from the hopsital he then got a text Id sent earlier saying I was on my way to hospital when I was actually lying in the bath talking to my friend - he was ringing all my family in a panic!! What a scene!!
Tim works away and I've said what if I'm in labour and your in Scotland?!! He's off to Italy tomorrow...! But just like you mrsk it's lush having the bed to yourself lol

God yours other half is certainly doing it ion style Italy - lucky him!! Seen a pic of your moses basket, think mines is the same I got it from ebay - also was a bit disappointed when it arrived had read that you had been too x

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