Is this positive?! Surely it's too early...

I think I'd complain at least to the practice manager about her attitude. She sounds ghastly. I ended up moving my GPS as they misdiagnosed meningitis on OH. BUT the Drs and even reception had such a shit attitude.

She definitely shouldn't be making you feel like that. If the practice or there are "rules" in place about early testing then she should go through them not just make out it's not allowed?

Its not advised to test early in case of a chemical etc but also the amount of ladies who have healthy babies after finding out early is staggering so she really shouldn't be ignoring it.

Bloods etc is a touchy subject for GPS ATM. Its all about their budgets. GPS in Scotland are now refusing to do prostate blood (psa) monitoring on cancer patients now meaning they need go to a hosp and wait hours for a blood result. It's ridiculous.

I probably would wait, go back once AF is missed and say to her, now that we have wasted time waiting until I've ticked YOUR boxes can we move along now.

So many power trippy GPS and it doesn't even make them good it makes them shit :lol:

I've literally just had a phone call from the doctors saying they've been looking over my records, and want me in on Friday to do checks on me, and then refer me (what will I referd to?) And maybe I'll be put as high risk? !
Honestly I hope these little faint lines are not lying to me, cos ima so embarrassed if i not pregnant now :| xx
Thinking because of my weight? And blood pressure the took?
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Think I may leave the job interview now I've herd this, fgs she best not be messing me about :S
Oh fabulous! They have had a second thought hurray! Hope you are preggers hun :) I'd still go to the job interview it'll be over with before you know it good luck! x
Wrong pics, sorry ughhh
Today's ones underneath xx
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When is your period due? I'd suggest a digital. Good luck 🍀🍀🍀
When !y lines were like this on superdrug my digital did not show positive yet. There no no denying there is a line though! Ow and a lot of ladies test darker with second morning urine, have you tried that?
Hubby won't let me use another test yet ahaha.
I haven't peed since fmu and I haven't drank anything yet. I'll try a cheapie when I need the loo. But I think I might have a uti/thrush, keep getting burning sensation. Last two times I've been preg had a uti with both. But if i am deffo preg I'm not taking antibiotics until after at least 9 weeks. :/ wanna do everything completely different lol x

Period was due around 18-20th but I oved 3 days early, so I would move period up? To about 16th x
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If you have uti ask the doctors for nitrofuraintion, I have chronic uti,s and have used this during all pregnancies and it is proven safe during pregnancy. I have tl take one every day. Only time you're not aloud to take it is from 36 weeks and after.

Untreated Uti's will be worse for pregnancies then the antibiotics.
I see something very faint. Is it pink? x

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I can't tell it's so faint, but came up in time? xx

Ive tried smu, nothing that I can see. Getting a darker opk tho i think x
Symptoms - white cm since 3dpo. Cramping since 5dpo. Feeling sick on and off 7dpo. Sore boobs 6dpo. Ever more sore boobs 7dpo. Stinging nipples 8dpo. Gas 3dpo xD.

I know I've been going on alot ladies, thanks for listening, and replying :) xx
I can see something but I can't enlarge it on my kindle. Stupid kindle. So hard for me to say. I took it into the sun as well lol. I must of looked so weird haha. All your symptoms sound promising hun xx
I stuck it on my window to try and let it light up, but thats the best I could do ahh lol.

I've also been getting really dizzy since yday noon. Like when i bend over and come back up, no matter how careful and slow i do it. I thought i was gonna pass out yday, was hot and sweating loads, and the dizziness then I started feeling sick, then within a matter of seconds of sitting down i was fi e again. So strange, will tell doc tomorrow x

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