Help! I think I'm obsessed.....!! I've done 3 tests today! Don't know why but just keep wondering! This mornings and the one I did when I got in from work looked a bit fainter than yesterday's, but I started feeling queasy again this evening so out of interest I did another to see if there was any correlation and it is darker than the earlier 2. I know that I won't really know for sure if it is leftover hormones from a chemical pregnancy until I've done digi tests one week after the other (buying my first one tomorrow) and/or if my period arrives around 5th may, but I can't help but keep checking for that pink line!! >.<
I'm wondering, if it was a chemical pregnancy, how soon would the hcg levels drop? Period was only about 3 days late so would have been an early mc. Also, would I have signs of ovulating this month if it had been that? Not had the usual few days of watery discharge, it's been quite minimal and thick/sticky (sorry, TMI!!). Xx