is it possible....?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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0 get bfns, for days and suddenly get a line appear? Just wondering! Im approx 10dpo and just wondering, if that could happed. We only bdanced as soon as my opk was + cause my partner went away so i dont think we done enough. Just wondering if u can feel symptoms etc but the line stays negative until suddenly u get a line? So u test 3 days ina row, neg and then 4th day positive?? Thanks
Hi,yeah totally possible. It also depends on brands and not much point testing b4 8dpo cos implantation hasn't happened so no hcg been released. I think I was 9 dpo wen I got a v v v faint line,my oh couldn't see it but I knew it was there then tested day and nite (Internet cheapies showed nothin til af was 2 days late) got a bfp 3 days b4 af due on a cbd,really thought it was gonna b negative cos it was so early in my cycle so did it at my sisters and hid it in my bag whilst it developed...then got all excited wen I saw PREGNANT 1-2!!! Still carried on testin for weeks tho(just to make sure l) good luck on gettin ur bfp soon :dust: xxxx
yea totaly possible as it depends how much hcg is released :)
oh completely, it only takes one occasion of bd'ing doesnt it. Have you tested a positive then hun?
no! I wish! Got some af pains. Got sore boobs.just hoping really! Just wondering if its possible for me to get a nice suprise in a few days! It was neg this am but was an ebay cheapy x
Yeah of course that can happen and it only takes once :) Good luck xxx
yeah the prob is that af symptoms can be close to preg symptoms so it could be either way. Fx for you and let us know in a couple of days xxx
Yes i believe so :)

I've been thinking alot about HPTs recently - because i bought my first batch :D for £3.50 each! - and think the early testing is a bit of a con.

If your neg, you'll get your period (in the vast majority of cases).

But because you can test early you get tempted and when you test like 4 days before AF, if it's negative, you convince yourself that maybe it's because you tested too early and before you know it you've used 4+ BFN tests in the days before AF and then get your period when expected which would have told you anyway.

If you can resist, it's best to wait until at least the day you expect your period ;)
Id say depends how early you test i tested way too early and got a BFN then tested 10dpo and got BFP -did do numerous test after to make sure i wasnt dreaming it lol Loads of Babydust to you

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