Is it possible?

Sarah L

Apr 16, 2005
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My af is due in around 4 days time. I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help doing one of those tests that can predict from as early as 4 days before your af is due and it was negative. My cycle is anywhere between 28 and 32 days and I'm currently on day 27.
I feel really disappointed and I suppose am clutching onto straws, hoping that I've maybe tested too early.
Has anyone ever had any experience of testing too early, getting a negative but really being pregnant.
I'm starting to get fed up with this ttc business. I've only been trying for four months, but with my son (who's two now), I got pregnant really quickly, so I guess I was just expecting it to be the same. I'm wondering if I should go to the doctors and get checked out? Does anyone know what the first step would be, i.e would they refer you to a specialist?
Thanks girls.
Hi Sarah,
yes it is possible for you to get abfn early on. with my little boy i did 7 test before i got a bfp, i too tested to early.
try not to get too upset about not getting pregnant 1st time with your second. me and my partner are trying for our second baby. with my little boy we got pregnant 1st time. this time we have been trying since november with no luck, i went to the doctors because i thought there was something wrong and she told me to come back after we had been trying for 8 months and we could have a chat and maybe do some test, she also told me it normally takes a healthy couple 6 months to conceive and we should stop getting upset about not being pregnant as this causes stress which in turn affects your cycle soo all in all you should try not to think about ( easier said then done i know)
Maybe you should wait until you are a day late then do another test.
please keep me posted
baby dust to you and good luck
Thanks Cholly, your reply was really helpful.
I had an m/c before I had my son, so I always get really stressed about this ttc business. I'm also worried that my age may be playing a part in not being able to get pg quickly, I'm 34 - not that old really, but three years older than the last time I was pg. Do you mind me asking how old you are?
no i don't mind you asking how old i am, i'm 27 i had my little boy when i was 23 we had to start trying early as i have pco.
i do know how you feel as i too am starting to get really stressed about this ttc thing every month i have been convinced i pregnant and every month i'm not, it gets quite disheartening after a while but don't give up you have to try and keep a positive on things.
we keep reminding ourselves we have a beautiful little boy who makes us smile everyday and if another baby isn't meant to be then we will plough all our energy into the child we have. ( we are very lucky to have louis as i lost his twin early on in the pregnancy and the dr's told me we would loose him too as i had a lot of bleeds) we call louis our little miracle as he has been through so much for a 3 1/2 year old. when he was born he was born with a 3rd ear canal and had major surgery at 10 mnths. he was finally discharged this january. he was the one who made the decision for us to have another baby as he keeps asking us for a sibling.
so here we are trying and waiting
have you tried researching age and pregnancy on the web i did that with my pco and it was really informative.
in the mean time you should focus on the positive you got pregnant once so you know its possible, and you should enjoy the trying my partner is in his element he thinks it's his birthday every other day lol!
good luck

Maybe you should ask for a blood test sarah?

I'm 6 days late but i'm getting negative results and it's making me feel really confused. I think i'll ask for a blood test soon if af doesn't come.

Out of curiosity - if you go to the clinic and get a pregnancy test do you find out straight away? or do they do a blood test there also?

Vicky xx
Hi Vicky

I'm not sure about the pregnancy test as when I went to see my doctor last time I was late, he asked me to drop off a first thing in the morning urine sample the next day...that night my AF showed up!!! :x

I guess, the fact that I had to drop it off meant I would have to ring later for the results..(?)

For the blood test they referred me to the local hospital where I had to wait about a week for the result, although by then I knew I wasn't PG I went for the blood test anyway as the doc thought it might show up some hormonal imbalance (it didn't).
I think i'm just going to wait it out as long as i can!

Thanks for the advice Helen!!

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