is it possible?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Hey girls is it possible to ovulate twice in 1 cycle? Only last night temp was 36.8 on cd68 (when i ovulated it peaked at 36.6 an that was cd 19). Could i have ovulated again? We bd'd just incase.
Also wondered if it could b sign of af xomin what u think? Last 10 days temps been approx 36.1 so quite a change. Also had alot of crampin today but that could b ovulation or af i dunno

I don't know the answer hun, but really hope so!! Don't know what it could be otherwise? Its best to do temp in morning I think though, before you get out of bed. You'll have to see if it stays raised. Lots and lots of luck hun :hugs: x x
Oh wow thats nuts. Ah well i guess il just keep bd'ibg just incase then xx
Ah just seen this, perhaps it is possible to ovulate more than once then! :)
Yes. Ovulating twice in one month often results in non-identical twin births.
my ovulations are a long time apart 19 and cd 68 (if i did ovulate yest that is)

I think im grasping at straws tbh lol think its witch being a b***h again teasing me lke she has done for the last 50 or so days

Good luck hun :) maybe u are grasping at straws but u never know x x
Things us women do when we are desperate eh lol xx
Bellarina - had another thought about your ovulation. I know your cycle is a bit all over the place, but I've read that once you've ov'd, then your luteal phase is usually no more than 10 -16 days. Is is possible you didn't ov the first time, but have just ov'd this time? I might be understanding things wrong as am still learning about it all, but just a thought.... xx
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I guess it could b possible. I was almost certain id ovd tho as had mega dark opk. Think body just messin with me lol xx
When did u have dark opk, before temp rise? x x
Yes hun i had pos opk cd 16 so ovd cd 17 then temp peaked cd 19 xxx
Remember you can get a surge but not ovulate sometimes. I can't remember the details but I remember finding out about this before. You can get your LH surge but not release an egg. An ultrasound would tell you if you had.

So maybe you got a surge, then no egg, then a later surge with an egg? Just a guess xx
Oh right maybe then. One thing iv leart while ttc...theres never a definate yes or no answer lol its all maybes xxx
But what about your temp rising? That's something different :eh: x x
Ye i javent done opks since cd 16 i dont think xx

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