induction :(

i think the same! littleminx you're great!
budge said:
its a p*sser being incuded coz you have to be hooked up to a doppler and i hate sitting still in labour! :wall:

I know the feeling. I was induced and when I finally went into labour they told me not to move off the bed because I had that stupid monitor on, all I wanted to do was walk about. I ended up swearing at the midwife to take it off me because I was finding it hard to push with it on :oops: I wasnt very nice to her at all.

**ignores littleminx post** lol didnt mean it hun :hug: u know I loves ya xx
good for you violet! i insisted on mine being taken off too coz i wanted to go to the toilet for a poo. But th midwife said it wasn't a poo i wanted it was a baby. What the fook does she know about it. Im sure i poo'd as i gave birht and i hope it landed on her . it would be the ultimate revenge.
budge said:
good for you violet! i insisted on mine being taken off too coz i wanted to go to the toilet for a poo. But th midwife said it wasn't a poo i wanted it was a baby. What the fook does she know about it. Im sure i poo'd as i gave birht and i hope it landed on her . it would be the ultimate revenge.

lol... I felt the same, had to get my mum to keep checking I wasnt pooing :oops:

My midwife stuck her fingers up me and said it would make me want to push more :shock: :shock: ...arrgghh if I have her this time round **smacks fist into hand**
I was the same!!

I'd heard of people that had poo'd during labour and was terrified of it so when I felt like I needed to push I kept quiet for 20min as I thought it was a poo and it would pass!!

Sooooo embarrassing!

S. xx
Hee hee, two pages!! Feeling all important....... :D

Thankyou girlies :D Am looking forward to it all again now.And it's nice in a way to know I'll definitely be a mummy in the next 3 weeks (and in time for my 30th too!)

About the pooing thing...are people really worried about that? I'm pretty sure there's nothing you can do that the midwife won't have seen. I couldn't care less!
I worried about it but just for embarrasment of doing it in front of hubby!! thankfully didn't happen!!
when you're in labour its the last thing on your mind really.
Wasn't mine!! There was no way my hubby was seeing me poop! :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: yes i was slightly concerned at the thought but i tried to imagine it away!
im really worried about pooing this time around... I know I wouldnt be able to live that down, OH would tell everyone :oops:

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