I'm bleeding.

Thanks Danni. x x

My only consolation at the mo is no AF cramps and I'm not bleeding continuously as I've put a pad on and there's only a tiny bit there.

Just starting to worry my test wasn't a real positive. :( x x
course it was a real positive babe! it may just be a bit of breakthrough bleeding that some ppl get in early pregnancy esp around the time you'd have your period
everyone is different babe, i have had three mc and all have started differently. so the best thing is to go get your bloods done today and then saturday and hopefully they will double and bubbs is just scaring u
U need to get yourself checked out hun just so you know whats happening. I'm proof that bleeding in early pregnancy can be ok. Try to relax and stay calm. Maybe talking to your mum will help?
When I started bleeding I rang my Dad as OH was away. I felt awful telling him that I was pregnant like that but he was amazing, and took me to the doctors and hospital.
Not sure if there was a clot when I first went to the loo as it was too quick for me to see. Cramps have worsened slightly and feels more on my left side, mum's on her way over cos I feel so lonely. Poor hubby is gutted. :(

Going to see if we can go to a and e tonight when he gets home.

Just praying this isn't anything to worry about.

Thank you so much for your support everyone, means so much to me.

x x
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Oh Miss J.....do you have an EPU at your nearest hospital? Can you ring them and see what they say? Or your community midwife?

I'm not sure if we do. I can't get there as I've still got a broken toe so can't drive and hubby wants to be there with me so will most likely end up going tonight. x x
Glad your mum is coming to keep you company till hubby gets home, then you can get checked out! take care missJ
Am logging off now as mum's on her way and hubby is trying to leave earlier. I will try and update via my phone as won't be back on til Monday cos we're away for the weekend... If things get better anyway. Thanks to you all for your support, you're all amazing, hope I bring good news on Monday for you all.

x x x
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oh hon...wish i was there to give you a big hug cos i know just how frightening it is xx

praying your little bean is just having a good old snuggle in xx
OMG honey i am so sorry you are having to go through this :hugs:

Fingers crossed you will get some answers at the hospital and it will be good news xxx
I'm so sorry to hear about this Miss J I will keep absolutely everything crossed for you that you will get some good news at the hospital tonight x x x
So sorry you are going through this, hopefully everything will be fine xx
Miss j! So upset to see this I hope it all works out ok. Dont some ladies still get AF during pregnancy? Xx

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