I'm bleeding.

Yer Im ok its just the pain after the bleed which is freeking me out but because the hospital near where i live is very difficult and wont give me a scan unless im in acute pain and bleeding lots i will have to just wait and see. No bloody good if the worst happens.

If your not in any pain id say thats quite a good sign but go to a&e if things gets worse. xxx
Thanks Shauna, I hope so. x x

Ems - Aw hun what a pain! Can you not tweak the truth and say you're in more pain?? Hope all's ok hun. x x
keeping my fingers crossed. I know what you mean I told my rentals on saturday and started bleeding on monday with cramps :( Had scan on tuesday and saw the heartbeat but I'm still bleeding now. My midwife reckons its the same bleed from monday so not to worry unless I start passing clots or a heavy amount of blood. She thinks its a hormonal imbalance where my body isn't used to the pregnancy hormones yet and it could keep happening up to 12 weeks when things will hopefully sort themselves out! Gotta keep an eye on it and if no better by monday she'll try and get me another scan!

Hope everything goes well for you! :) Lots of sticky dust for your bean!
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Miss J, where in Kent are you? If you're worried, and can't get anyone to get you to hospital, am prob not too far away!
awwww hon.....i have absolutely everything crossed for you.......

the fact you dont have strong period type cramps is a great sign...

Hchee - Thanks hun, hoping it's just one of those things. I'm just wishing we never told my parents cos my mum's so excited she's already window shopping. :( I don't want to have to say I'm bleeding and worry them and then say it's nothing, I'd rather they had no idea about anything til we know what's going on ourselves. x x

EmmBee - I don't feel as "wet" so think it's slowing down, will keep an eye on it. Not too long til hubby finishes work now, he's told me to rest and try to relax...As if! Lol. x x

Thanks Abbie. x x
Hchee - Thanks hun, hoping it's just one of those things. I'm just wishing we never told my parents cos my mum's so excited she's already window shopping. :( I don't want to have to say I'm bleeding and worry them and then say it's nothing, I'd rather they had no idea about anything til we know what's going on ourselves. x x

EmmBee - I don't feel as "wet" so think it's slowing down, will keep an eye on it. Not too long til hubby finishes work now, he's told me to rest and try to relax...As if! Lol. x x

Thanks Abbie. x x

I'm sure thats its nothing - All of the medical staff I've spoken to about my bleeding dont seem too bothered unless its clots or heavy so I reckon you'll be fine! :) Still keeping my fingers crossed for you!

I've told my mum cos its nice to have a female backup system working. My mum said that shes glad shes been told even if it worrying news...she doesn't like the idea of me having to go thru it without another female to bounce off!
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oh hon... :(

still try not to panic...i know how hard it is though. any news from hubby?

Cramps have gone, hubby is feeling very upset at work, wants to come home but got no-one available to go in. :(

Mum's sending me links of prams etc, can't face telling her I've had a bleed. Feel like I can't look at any of the baby stuff now. :( x x

ETA - And I've got two Mothercare catalogues on their way to me, I ordered them yesterday. :(
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Thinking of you! Are you still bleeding? What time does your hubby finish?

Thanks hun. Just about to go and check on the bleeding. Hubby finishes at either 4 or 5 so not too bad really. x x
Aww hun try and relax, fingers crossed your hubby will get ASAP and you can get yourself up to the hospital to get looked at. :hugs: xx
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Oh sweetheart :hug: definatly get yourself somewhere. I really hope your bean is hanging on in there for you!
awwww no, dont think the worst, it happens to alot of us and it can still mean a healthy baby! Fingers crossed 4 u, hpe u get seen soon. x
Thanks ladies. x x

Just been to the loo, nothing came out like it did last time, wiped and there was hardly any. Peed and wiped again and had about 2 table spoons of dark red blood. :(

x x
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::pray::pray::pray: Try not to worry too much hun. I've got everything crossed for you but I'm sure it will all be fine xxx

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