Oh bless u honey! The joys of being pregnant, so dignified! XxxThe exact same thing happened to me last night.. but it was piss!
Yep, I woke up peeing myself :/ xxx
Oh bless u honey! The joys of being pregnant, so dignified! XxxThe exact same thing happened to me last night.. but it was piss!
Yep, I woke up peeing myself :/ xxx
Oh bless u honey! The joys of being pregnant, so dignified! XxxThe exact same thing happened to me last night.. but it was piss!
Yep, I woke up peeing myself :/ xxx
I thought it was my waters but I think I could smell pee so I got changed and went back to sleep.. to wake up a few hours later again with the same thing happening!
Mum said it was probably baby pushing on my bladder. Definitely was because I didn't even feel like I needed to wee.
The joys!xxx