i think my water just broke *update* :x

I know!! i think she was pretty pi**ed i called her at 12.30 but i was shocked and didnt know what else to do :roll:
i will go down to the hopsital of anything else happens. OH found it quite ammusing :oops:
i agree with you - just keep an eye on things and see how you go, if you start to get pains then ring again and go and get checked, if your waters have gone, or started to go ! you have around a day before they usually get concerned about infections etc anyway. Keep calm and relax and keep on this forum and keep us all updated, the nosey parkers that we are!!!!

Baby&i said:
i only lost a small ammount and it had no blood in it the midwife didnt see a reason to go in and get checked

Didn't you say you lost your plug at 19 weeks though ??
Yes i lost it twice but it regrows. that happened with my first too... :roll:
I would definately get it checked out no matter what. My mate had trickling so didnt think it was her waters and thought she had peed herself but turned out it was her waters. Lucky she went down to hospital and there was a start of an infection and she had to have a c section!

Dont wanna scare you but it sounds a bit odd.. definately dont be embarrassed though.. its only a bit of pee!

Claire x
i know that losing your plug is a sign of ripening/opening of your cervix, but i did go overdue last time even with losing in two weeks prior to my EDD. this time it really scared me as it happened at 19 weeks then at 21 i think it was. AGAIN the middy decided not to check me as i didnt start contracting or anything and said it would just regrow.. i think my midwives are really relaxed but its not always a good thing :roll: i fel like such a hypocondriact and hoping i make it to altleast 37 weeks but wow the preasure of her head so low down im starting to panic IYKWIM ?
i have noticed iv been going to the toilet alot more often (for #2) :oops: and the movements are getting very uncomfortable my heartburn is off the scale. the preasure does worry me and my hormones are everywhere ! i NEEEED to last another two weeks for my homebirth and id hate to que jump and uspet all the overdue ladies !!! :hug:
sounds to me your going into labour hun i would get it seen to
Take care of yourself hun :hug:

Dont feel silly to go hospital as its your baby and baby is the most important thing. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Yes your midwife seems a little to relaxed :think:
OMG I thought this might have been your labour thread!! Although it does sound like the very early stages it could still be weeks yet as I had a lot of false alarms from 37 weeks and then went a week over! I hope LO holds on for you so you get your homebirth :hug: :hug:
Thankyou sweety my MW appointment is in a few days i will have to update then ;) xx
When my waters went I didn't keep leaking after - strange as it is. The hospital confirmed it definately was my waters.
How did you feel afterwards hun? my lo is VERRRYY active now its crazy i thought they were ment to settle down at this stage?
Baby&i said:
How did you feel afterwards hun? my lo is VERRRYY active now its crazy i thought they were ment to settle down at this stage?

My waters havent gone but my LO is VERY active and has been for a while now.. isnt slowing down atall and im 2 days away from my due date.

my baby went through a 'quiet' phase a few weeks ago, but he's as jumpy as ever now. banging his head on my cervix & kicking his feet under my ribs, lovely! :roll:
He was very active and his movements were more painful than they had been previously

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