I don't feel pregnant!

pmsl hun i feel the same, i keep lookin at my lower abdo and it looks more swollen compared to how it normally is, jeans are deffo out for now, only probs is i only have 3 pairs of harem trousers so i'm havin to wash more often, deffo need t get some more :) xx
haha taffy i wish i had of taken that approach with food today, had a massive pork sunday dinner then trifle for afters and i sooo cannot move right now tummy is feelin rather tight to say the least lol x
Oh and I think I'm getting more windy :blush: which my OH is finding hilarious! xx

Yep thats me when I'm pregnant my OH hates me as they are killers lol even knock me out sometimes haha, its started already about 3 days ago ... >.<
haha, u guys make me laugh :)

my boobs have started to get sore now only when I remove my bra at night though.

Leesey I have a pair of joggers which are a size too big which i now have now, so comfy.

As for tiredness I am so tired that I cant actually sleep, only got 3-4 hours last night and that was with waking every half hour or so. :( been up since 4.50am for work and not been back to sleep yet although i am so tired. Got work tomorrow at 5.30am again so hoping i will sleep well tonight.

I caved and brought more digi's today and they were calling my name when I just went to the loo (only held pee for 2hrs so quite diluted) BUT got 2-3 weeks eeeeek! AF was due today so quite excited its gone up so quick :p xx


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aww thats fab re ur digi kanga :)

my boobs seem to be gettin more achy, last time it was my nipples that got sore but this time its the whole of my boobs (but only when i knock em lol) been on and off with tiredness today think i will sleep well tonight esp with my full tummy ooosh shouldnt have forced that sunday dinner down but it was so nice :D glad my OH cooked it though hehe xx
I didnt feel pregnant till 7 weeks which is why i didnt know i was pregnant till then. Alot of people dont have symptoms till 6 weeks. Enjoy the next couple of weeks where you dont constantly feel tired and sick and get as much rest in now as you can. You are no way a fraud and im sure you will be posting soon saying your nausea has taken over. Love and hugs to you hun xx
I've had mega bad restless legs, my boobs are a little heavy but not sore yet x
my legs feel like i have walked miles lol, cant seem to get comfy tonight serves me right for eatin too much haha x
I didnt feel pregnant till 7 weeks which is why i didnt know i was pregnant till then. Alot of people dont have symptoms till 6 weeks. Enjoy the next couple of weeks where you dont constantly feel tired and sick and get as much rest in now as you can. You are no way a fraud and im sure you will be posting soon saying your nausea has taken over. Love and hugs to you hun xx

I've been feeling sicky since Thursday, and that was only 10/11DPO! My boobs have been killing me and I get knackered really easily. Cramps are okish, not been painful today as much as uncomfortable. Bloating is ridiculous. I get starving most of the day, then fill up quickly. Think I'm going to have to eat little and often.
I'm hoping this is all I'm going to get and I won't be complaining of worse later on!! Wishful thinking maybe :p
my cramps havent been painful either just uncomfortable thank god :) i hope i am like i was when i was preggas with my daughter all symptoms went by 12 week it was the best preg ever (well the only one haha) sailed thru it lol x
Lol Leesey, like i say alot of people dont get symptoms but then there are some that get them before they know they are pregnant. With my 2nd i felt really tired and thought oh i know this feeling and found out i was just 4 weeks pregnant. Every pregnancy is different. Cant remember with my 1st, but this is my 3rd and i was lucky enough to have no symptoms till 6 weeks. Wont tell you how im feeling at 18 weeks lol!
I am struggling to actually feel hungry, forcing myself to eat something and then feel bloated for my troubles! I don't remember getting any of these symptoms last time. Definitely wishful thinking that our symptoms aren't going to worse :) bring it on is all i can say :) xx
bring it on indeed kanga i cant wait for things to progress further :D xx
Even when you are feeling like death warmed up its still a great feeling knowing what you have created xx
Oooh yeah hehe i cant wait to get a proper bump instead of a bloated one haha, feel the need to hide it at the mo :/ x
Oooh yeah hehe i cant wait to get a proper bump instead of a bloated one haha, feel the need to hide it at the mo :/ x

Ditto! Hoping for a bump that looks like a bump not like who ate all the pies!!
I can't wait for a bump either, gonna take awhile for roo to pop out beneath my chubby belly though :)
I think we're all feeling the same at the moment which is very reassuring :) Like you I can't wait to have a bump! I'm already getting excited (and a little) nervous about the scan, I just want to get to 12 weeks now. Like you Kanga I've set myself little milestones and will def be doing my other digi to see 2-3 weeks :) xxx

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