I don't feel pregnant!

Got up for work this morning at 4am, and felt sick. Actually thought I was going to on the drive to work! Managed to eat a couple of breakfast biscuits things and now not feeling as bad. Think having less sleep last night might have had something to do with it aswell!! Can't wait til finish time at 11.30am so I can go home to bed :) xx
i feel terrible with the sickness today :( had a panic on in the night, was woken with quite a sharp pain above my belly button which hurt when i coughed, i went for a pee (as i needed it quite bad) and it seemed ok then, just rather achy which is what ive been feelin normally so i just hope it was down to needing a pee and nothing serious :/ needless to say i'm havin a bit of a down day!! xx
Oh no deedee. I hope ur pain is nothing serious, if its gone now i would try and relax about it.

My nausea is coming and going, and feels better if I keep burping. Very strange, also getting heartburn. But generally feeling ok enough to work and not let people on that's it's morning sickness. Xx
yeah its gone now it only lasted about 30 secs, i'm hopin it was just because i was desperate for the loo, while i was weeing though it felt like a balloon deflating inside, i hope that was just my bladder emptying lol, jus gonna take it easy today and see how i get on, god i am gonna e a nightmare for 8 more mnth haha!!

bet your happy to get some more symtoms though even if feeling sick does make you feel like poo, i have it bad today, even my brekki and cuppa havent eased it for once :( xx
I know, yesterday I was saying I wanted the nausea, now I'm not so sure :) nah, it's not too bad at the mo it bearable.

It's horrible when there is nothing to stop the sicky feeling, I got travel bands last time and they helped ease it a bit xx
hehe i'm just hoping mine doesnt get any worse than it is, already struggling to keep it down :/ eugh, the joys eh :D

Right i'm going to get my DD ready for school! hope you have a good day :) xx

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