I don't feel pregnant!

Im 9 weeks, well nearly 10 weeks and haven't had a sniff of a symptom either, i think we're the lucky ones, we've gotten away easy :lol:
Im 9 weeks, well nearly 10 weeks and haven't had a sniff of a symptom either, i think we're the lucky ones, we've gotten away easy :lol:

It's kind of reassuring to know.

Apart from my missed period I have zilch going on? I'm not even tired :shock:
I'm just waiting for the sickness to start as I was really ill last time, don't think I will be lucky enough to escape any sickness this time. I am so tired the last few days and my boobs are really sore but that's it. I know its early but other symptoms would be comforting xx
my sickness has well and truly kicked in now, i've gone from feeling slightly queasy first thing to feeling like i could easily barf and thats lasting all day :( suppose at least i know things are going well, my boobs hurt too, everywhere lol!! thats really it for my symptoms! x
bless u hun, its horrible feeling sick. Although at the mo, I'm looking forward to having any queasy feelings. probably won't be saying this when it does kick in :) xx
haha if i wasnt pregnant i would be feeling really sorry for my self but i'm ok, just gettin on with the housework as usual! Its worst first thing, but having a nice bowl of golden syrup oats so simple and a cuppa seems to ease it :) i usually have toast every morning but i just cant stomach anything other than those oats, they are a godsend at the mo lol xx
I bet u won't be saying that u don't feel sorry for ur self in a few weeks if ur still sick all the time :) It is ok at first but then it really does drain u. I had cereal this morning but then I don't have any aversions to food at the mo, if anything I'm eating more! xx
haha no so true :/ i shall be milking it with everyone lol!! I'm not used to this, i was fine with my DD, i keep tellin my OH that its gonna be a boy just because its so different from my preg with DD, so now we have started scouring boys names just in case i'm right and its a bloody nightmare, we cant agree on any, good job we have ages yet :) xx
Hi All

I am 6 weeks but havent really got any symptoms yet apart from the odd cramps, been getting really worried though because I have no symptoms lol. This my 1st so do really know what to expect got a scan at EPU next week :)
hey welshchick, i never had any symptoms with my daughter, it was a fantastic pregnancy so count yourself lucky hehe for now anyway, the symptoms might get you when you least expect it :D lol xx
I know I milked it when I was sick last time. I was able to change my shifts around at work, not get shouted at for sitting down, plus my oh did alot of the cooking etc!! It would be great if u are having a boy deedee, then u have one of each. Will u being finding out the sex at the 20 weeks scan?

Hi welshchick and welcome! Good luck at ur scan next week xx
Hi All

I am 6 weeks but havent really got any symptoms yet apart from the odd cramps, been getting really worried though because I have no symptoms lol. This my 1st so do really know what to expect got a scan at EPU next week :)

Hi hun,

Why are you going to the EPU if you don't mind me asking?

The early scans are internal (I didn't know that before I had mine LOL but I've had about 8 of them in total and they are fine - just a bit of an odd sensation - but if you get to see Bub's heatbeat it wil be well worth it!)

I have has no symptoms at all so I can't help you on that score :)

yeah i'm going to find out :D eeek!! would love a boy so i have one of each, but a girl would be easier, we have a 2 bedroom house at the mo if we have a boy we shall deffo have to move at some point if its a girl, then we can manage in this house for longer and wont need to rush in moving! its health is all the matters though, worrying about sleepin arrangements can be sorted and worried about later :) xx
oh yeah definitely, it is so hard not to get ahead of urself though isn't it? I currently rent off family and they keep talking about selling the house or putting the rent up, but i'm hoping that once i tell them I am pregnant again they wont kick us out so we can stay here :) xx
Hi All

I am 6 weeks but havent really got any symptoms yet apart from the odd cramps, been getting really worried though because I have no symptoms lol. This my 1st so do really know what to expect got a scan at EPU next week :)

Hi hun,

Why are you going to the EPU if you don't mind me asking?

The early scans are internal (I didn't know that before I had mine LOL but I've had about 8 of them in total and they are fine - just a bit of an odd sensation - but if you get to see Bub's heatbeat it wil be well worth it!)

I have has no symptoms at all so I can't help you on that score :)


Hi, My gp has refered me to the EPU because of the cramps but I also suffer from PCOS so that may be something to do with it to hopefullu it will put my mind at ease a bit :lol:
yeah it is hard not to get ahead of yourself, luckily my landlord has quite a few properties, granted they are all taken up at the mo but i guess after xmas i can mention to him that if a 3 bed comes up i'd like first refusal i'm sure in a couple of years time one of his 3 bed house should come up lol xx
We've been discussing the housing situation too. we currently own our 2 bed house and think we can manage until the little one is toddling about but we've given ourselves a deadline of Jan 2013 to move to a bigger house.

I can't wait to be able to decorate our spare room into the nursery :) xxx
thats the thing i'm gonna miss is decorating a nursery, at least i can say i have done it before with my DD but i would like to do it again but no chance, babys gonna be in with us for quite a while i reckon :/ ahh well never mind...extra cuddles hehe!! x
Absolutely extra cuddles :) I don't think I'm going to want to let the baby out of my sight so we'll have a beautiful nursery and they'll be snuggled up with me :) xx

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