I don't feel pregnant!

Well I dont think I can say I don't feel pregnant anymore. My boobs are so sore can't stand anything touching them in the slightest. Also my tiredness has kicked up a gear, just want to sleep but can't as at the in laws!! Also tonight I have this sicky heartburn feeling, hoping the sickness isn't going to start early! I am also getting a headache! :( ok moan over I know I should be happy as it means things are going well. Also got a 3+ weeks on a digi today at 4+5 weeks, so not even over 5 weeks yet, must be a good sign that my hcg is at a decent level :) xxx
Ooh nice to see your symptoms are kicking in Kanga hehe! i finally got th pregnancy test from my friend through the post today, i didnt get home while after 3pm and had drunk loads but couldnt resist the urge to pee on it and i'm glad i did as the line was so much more darker than last week which made me feel tons better :) were really fricken well doing it Kanga lass hehe :D xx
Glad to hear you're both positive, that's great about both your tests! The headaches have started for me today too and waves of nausea but other than that not feeling too bad. Mind due I think that's because my cold is starting to subside so no doubt it'll be replaced with pregnancy symptoms in no time ..... can't wait :) xxx
yeah i will be happy to get rid of this cold all together so i can concentrate on the preggo symptoms :) i spoke to my OH last night about how he was feeling about it and he said he wont stop worrying until the baby is born bless him, i keep trying to reassure him with how positive i am but it doesnt seem to work, i think hes just putting up a barrier after what happened last time and i cant say i blame him xx
Bless him, my OH is being very sensible until we have got to the 12 week scan and know everything's ok. Lately we've had a few friends that have gone through a mc and its made OH aware of how common it is.

I must admit I'm having a bit of a worry day today and I don't know why. No bleeding or anything to indicate there's a problem, I just think it's going so slow and I really want the scan to be booked in. I did a digi a few days ago and it came up Pregnant 2-3 straight away and I have another digi I plan to do next week which hopefully will come up with 3+, so hopefully that'll put my mind at rest. xxx
i have my good and bad days regarding the worry, todays a bit of a bad one but just because i had the most god awful nightmare about mc last night, it was so god damn vivid :( think thats just my worries surfacing maybe! xx
Emotionally it's a mine field ay hun! I think we just need to try and chill and stay positive and healthy (trying to convince myself as well as you :) ) I have a busy weekend so hopefully that'll take my mind off things and then I'll do the digi Monday with fmu to see 3+.

Do you know when I should hear from the midwife? xxx
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yeah we do indeed, ive not been too ad up until that awful nightmare, think its just because it seemed so real!

As for mw i think everywhere's different hun, i rung my doctors last friday and the MW rung me tuesday to give me my booking in appointment! Dont know if your doctors are the same but when i ring them up to tell them i have a bfp they write my details in the MW's book and she just gets in touch when shes next at the surgery etc! i wouldnt have thought you would be waiting too much longer hun xx
I had to pop in to see my gp and fill out a few forms, I think he then gives my details to the midwife so hopefully I'll get a call next week.

I think that will help put my mind at ease too as I can chat things through with her and feel like things are moving forward.

Don't know what I'd do without you girls :) xxx
i get to go through all that bunf again with the mw and actually talking about this has just reminded me that i have to go into the docs to collect my notes from the front desk, ooops haha, she did tell me tuesday to collect them when i am next in town, was in town wednesday and totally forgot up until now :/

And i agree Taffy, its awesome havin you lot to talk to esp with how my OH is dealing with things right now as i cant really get much of a preggo convo out of him so this forum is super duper ace hehe :D xx
Just cried because my oh woke me up from my nap after working from 5am this morning :( now I'm grouchy cos I can't get back to sleep but oh so tired!! Bloody emotions have a lot to answer for! :)

I had a scary dream about a mc the other night too deeded every scary woke and ran to the loo to check it wasn't true!!

I was thinking of phoning the midwife I had last time directly this time or do u have to go through the doctors? I will probably phone at the beginning of the week

hey ladies, I had the worry of miscarriage with my first till about 16 weeks, this time though I have been less worried and I think I am lucky I never bled both time from implantation, or the whole pregnancy last time. So feeling good about that I hope you can all relax and it goes well for you.

Just excited I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow its been two weeks since I found out yay x
i think you have to go through the doctors again Kanga although i have got the same midwife as last time which is good :)

Dreams can be so cruel cant they, i'm trying not to dwell on it today, been playin on the wii with my DD trying to unlock levels on her name Rayman game, hard work hehe its takin my mind off things anyway! xx
Sounds like fun deedee, I'm chilling at home watching some tv catching up on things. Also decided to chill in bed for a while :) oh is out so home alone so can do what I like :) off out tonight for a Halloween party, but luckily someone has to drive so I can used that excuse as to why I'm not drinking. Xx
Oooh ya do right hun :D were heading down to my brothers later for drinks although i shall be on my non alcoholic lager, i'll be the life and soul of the party on that stuff pmsl :D i'm sure it will be fun all the same! Hope you have a fab night tonight too...this will be the first weekend in 4 years that i havent been out in fancy dress for halloween, may have to make up for it next year hehe!! xx
Our friends hold a party every year, BBQ and nibbles and proper decorations all over their garden it's all pretty cool. I will have a great time even without the alcohol! Just glad that for once I'm not in work the next morning :) have fun down ur brothers tonight xx
wow sounds lime a fabby halloween do hun :D and cheers i'm sure we will, no doubt the lads will be glued to my bro's PS3 all night lol! xx
We're off to a halloween party too and like you Kanga I'm driving so won't need to come up with any excuses. You dressing up? xx
I've felt a bit like this aswell where i havent felt pregnant still dont really, as i havent really had any symptoms well i had sore boobs and was tired all the time to begin with but thats it now its nothing really, you just know xxxx

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