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I can't cope anymore :( - Am I losing my baby?

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As some of you may know I've already been in to hospital for a scan to check my baby wasn't eptopic and the baby seemed fine and I started relaxing. Today I started bleeding really heavily and went to A & E like my Midwife told me to do. They left me waiting for an hour and a half nearly and then sent me out 5mins later saying rest!!!! No blood tests just a scan on Monday. No Gynea, no urine, nothing! I feel so let down and I'm worried sick as I've had 2 m/c's before. I dont want to wait in hope all weekend if this is the end.

I'm breaking :cry: I can't cope with the worry of being pregnant anymore.

To top it off I got home and mother in law was having a go at me for food I am and am not eating which I really didnt need and OH said nothing to back me up. His brother (who isnt supportive of the pregnancy) is back tomorrow and I know he will give me shit (as he does) and I need to be away from that stress. I've come to my mum and dads for some peace but i know I can't hide here forever.

I feel so alone right now :cry:
Oh Sami you must be going out of your mind. I am really surprised they weren't more supportive given your history.
I am thinking about you and even though I can't say anything to help ease your mind I hope this might be some comfort for you. Try to relax and just take it easy over the weekend (i know, easier said than done)
Sarah xx
Thanks for the reply sarah. I just feel like no-one is taking my worries seriously at home or in hosital given my history. Milton keynes hospital staff are awful and so rude. I just don't know if it worth going to another hospital to see someone? Would they do anything different? or should I just stop worrying like they told me to do? :roll:

I'm sorry I don't wanna go on I just feel so let down at the point I need people most :cry:
They really shouldn't be so rude and insensitive and I can understand how worrying this is for you. If it was me I'd be going out of my mind by now. Another hospital might do something different but i am not sure, as I have no experience in this. Perhaps if you PM'd the online midwife he might be able to give you better advise and maybe make you feel a little bit better.
With your home situation, is it possible to explain to them how worried you are and how awful you are feeling right now, perhaps they are unaware of your feelings and that is why they are being insensitve.

Let us know what happens and good luck,
thinking about you,
Sarah x
Hi Sami

I'm so sorry to hear you've been so stressed.
I lost a baby at 12 weeks in January - no bleeding just loss of symptoms- and some days I feel like I just can't cope waiting for the next few weeks to pass (I'm 8.5 wks now) especially on days when I don't feel so sick or my breast don't seem so sore.
Staying with your mum & dad sounds like a good idea at the moment if it relaxes you because you do need to rest and relax.
I don't think what you've eaten even comes into it to be honest (other than main things). I know I just eat what I can keep down which seems to be toast and juice most of the time. The baby gets most of what it needs from you.
Some women do have bleeding in the early stages so think positive and don't be scared to really get forceful with the hospital (maybe get your dad to do it if you don't feel able). When I lost my first baby the doctor tried to send me away and my husband went mad at them. I was given a scan straight away after that!

Good luck and I'll be thinking of you

My doc told me if that ever happened to try to get the the Early Pregnancy Unit in the hospital where I am booked in, rather than go to casualty because, as she said herself, "if you arrive in at the same time as a heart attack or a car accident they won't prioritise you". If MK has an early pregnancy unit, go and talk to them. If not, find out the nearest hospital with one and they will help you. They are much more sympathetic and at least your mind will be at rest.
Also, save the stuff you pass in a clean container, it can help the doctor if it IS a m/c, to tell why it happened.

*HUG* I hope it isn't, hun, I really do. I'd be going out of my mind too.

Take care
Thanks guys I feel a little more reasured - bleeding has stopped again now. Got scan on Monday at the hospital which did no bloods! - think another local hospital has a walk in EPAU so I will find out some details in case I need to go back again (crossed fingers I won't!).

I'm sorry to hear about your loss Louise, my symptoms are all over the place, I think most of them have been replaced by cramps, :( keeping positive the best I can though.

Thanks again guys xx

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