I am going to be the most unpopular person on this thread and I have read most comments, and I don't mean any disrespect or harm and I certainly don't want to add to your depression, but I want to present another option.
Pregnancy sucks I mean it sucks donkey ass, I said to my oh the other day I feel guilty for wanting this baby but not wanting the pregnancy I just want to fast forward the next 7 months, because this 'pregnancy glow and overly exuberant existent I am meant to be living just ain't happening!
That said when the baby arrives, I don't believe that I will be the most important person in my child's life yes I hope I have a mother child bond, but I think so often is it overlooked that the father is just as important in every single respect- no he doesn't carry the child for 9 months and can't breast feed, but if he's a good kind and loving man he is going to raise that child and have as much input as the mother for the rest of his life, he will support and encourage, and be every bit as important- I think sometimes little emphasis is put on fathers and their role which is a shame
If like you've said the termination would most likely end in divorce, why not ask your husband if he would be prepared to raise the baby on his own - not in a nasty way but a frankly honest way- by the sounds of it in either situation your out of the picture. I understand that yes it's your body but it's not just your baby, yes you incubate it for 9 months but thats a relatively short amount of time for a child he could love for a life time, this baby is obviously wanted and if not by you or simply because of the situation, one of it's parents desperately wants it, so please consider that before terminating.
I am not suggesting anyone is down on fathers but they so often get overlooked and I am pleased now that society is starting to notice this- you have fathers dressing up as super heroes and protesting because they don't get to see their kids as much or if custody goes to a mother simply because she is the mother- to me a single mum can raise a child amazingly with all the love and support that child could ever need just as could a single father.
I understand the it's a womans body it's a womans choice argument but I can't always agree with it simply because as I said 9 months is only 9 months a child is a little person who is always wanted by someone- you simply have to look at forums to find heart broken couples who desperately want children and can't have them and look towards adoption. Your child is wanted, please consider that
Whatever you decide it is your decision at the end of the day and I won't say any more on the subject, I just wanted to produce another line of thought and please don't get me wrong I won't judge or anything like that I just wanted you to seriously consider the other choices to termination.
SOrry it's obvious I am not a fan of termination so my points of view are biased, I really hope you get some peace soon xxxxxxx
I love everything you've said here!!
And don't give up hope furbaby, I didn't 'glow' til about 4/5 months with my first, and it was only temporary lol xxx