I Can't Take AnyMore ...

Mmmmm no ...

Why you think i should warn him so he can bulk up over the weekend?? :?

Bugger ... thats just gonna take all the fun out of it ... guess i shall have to tie him to the bed :roll: :roll:

And as for the trimming topic ... finks i shall go for the full ... Monty hehehe :D :lol: :D
Imi-mum-2-B!! said:
guess i shall have to tie him to the bed :roll: :roll:

Hmmmm, I may have also got a Xmas pressie off DH that could help with this as well!!!! :oops: :shock: :lol: :lol:

*blushes madly as she realises she is sharing far too much information *
Tankett!!! :shock:

You shameless HUSSY!!! lmao ... :wink:

Come on hun, please share .. this thread has really started to brighten up my days ... :lol: :lol:

So whats this xmas present then .... (Not that we need to do much guessing!) ... :roll:
Just handcuffs?? :lol:

Why do i get the feeling thats not all you have .... LMAO!! :wink:

Got the feeling tankett my be a bit of a nympho on thw quiet ... pmsl :lol: :lol:
Me thinks it's time for me to go home before I get a bad rep for myself!!

This is supposed to be a pregnancy and new mothers forum after all. I'm sure I could find elsewhere to talk about these sort of things!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes Tankett go home...

.... and dig out all your "perks" and have a jolly good weekend!!!!!! :wink:
Finks tanketts hormones have gone in to over drive ... :shock:

Bit like her ever growing labido ... PMSL!!! :lol: :lol:
OMG, This thread should be made into a book. Avid readin I can tell ya! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
LOL ... :shhh:

I'll consult the others and see what they think!! can't see them wanting half this stuff getting out LMAO!! :D

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