How long have u been TTC?

this is our first month of trying...but i doubt i will be so lucky!
been ttc from oct 09 but cycles messed up because of bc x
Hiya. We were married 18 months ago and been having unprotected sex since then. It's only been for the last 6 months though that we have been trying hard to focus on when i'm ovulating. We do the ovulation test every month, but no joy as yet, it would be our first so we dont even know if we can have kids (thats the fear anyway - I might put that on a seperate thread). Anyway, if you have had one before you know you can and so that's really positive. We have decided to wait another 2 months before seeing a doctor (if I can convince OH to get there). Keep trying a while yet xxx
wow ladies. All of your posts have left me with a totally uplifted feeling, the fact that so many of you have shared your info has done me the world of good. I've been so gloomy about ttc because it's taking so long when I should be focusing on the positive. It is so good to know I'm not the only one trying for so long, and I really hope it happens for us soon.
Thank you thank you thank you
I came off the pill in november when we got married and have been ttc since, my cycles have just become regular though. Fingers crossed i wont be waiting much longer for my bfp xxx
Hey cat glad you have found some comfort in our replies and just wanted to say dont ever feel alone through this journey as were all here for eachother and you will find everyone here is very supportive....good luck and hope you get your BFP asap xxx
Been ttc #1 for about 7 months (just starting our 10th cycle - I have short cycles!).

Best of luck getting your BFP! Xx
it really intreasting to find out i think it makes you feel reasurred to know as i personally feel like it is taking ages whee in reality i've not been trying long at all . xx
our first baby was conceived the first month of trying and we only did it twice.
I had my mirena coil removed on 8th march having had it for 4years. AF started on 10th and used a basic ovulation calendar and BD 5 times before ovulation date cos DH was away when I thought ovulation would have happened and really enjoyed trying and didn't think things had happened this month but appears they did. Think we are just very lucky and cannot imagine the pain and frustration of trying for months, my heart really does go out to you! x

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