How long have you been TTC

I'm on my 8th cycle ttc baby no. 1.

GL everyone.

We've been TTC for 8 months, 7 complete cycles. I'm irregular, but nowhere near as bad as I used to be. My cycles are currently ranging between 24 & 40 days, a year or two ago they were 60-130 days so I'm counting my blessings.

We've found it hard, hardest in the cycles where there's symptoms. Last month I had no symptoms what so ever and that was much easier.

We start each month determined to be positive, not to think about it too much and to succeed but the hormones in the 2WW mess with that big time.

Having said that, we will be succeeding this month. Only CD7, but we WILL do it (we have to, I'm hosting a testing thread and I can't let down the long line of success that's brought)
. Having said that, we will be succeeding this month. Only CD7, but we WILL do it (we have to, I'm hosting a testing thread and I can't let down the long line of success that's brought)

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

woo hoo! lady luck is on your side this month!

loads of :hugs: :kiss: and :dust: heading your way! x x x x x x x
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Me and my OH are just sbout to move onto month 10 - I can feel the witch on her way, and I use bbt charting so I know that when my temp drops, like it did this morning :( that it's not going to be long til I'm starting another cycle.

Last month me and OH both had our tests done, and all came back fine, so good news I suppose, but it's still disheartening to get bfn's all the time.

I had an early mc back last year, and I've started thinking that I would be about 6 months gone by now... The hardest part of it all is that there really is absolutely nothing that we can do to get that bfp - I feel so helpless!

Oh well, I suppose I will feel better once af has gone and we can start another round of trying!

Good luck girls ;)
Hi Girls, Ive been TTC since June 2010. Got my BFP in Jan this year but sadly MC at the end of Jan :cry: Using OPK's and im in the 2WW at the mo due to test on Sunday but have AF type cramps going on so not feeling too positive xxx
A year next month for me too...but we are going to get bfp's so it will be 11 cycles ;)

Have any of you ladies had little ones before? how long did it taketo TTC for them?
Hi all I'm new!

Hubbie and I have been TTC since our wedding last September, no luck so far. We started peeing on sticks 2 months ago, but the first month it didnt even show I ovulated!

It just seems to be that since we have started trying the whole world is pregnant woman and babies.. I had to walk out of a cafe today as there was a woman going on about how she hadnt really been trying for a baby but had got pregnant straight away!!

I also have lots of friends who are pregnant and though I am thrilled for them, it is quite tough! Hubbie says it will happen and I hope he is right but.......

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