How long have you been TTC

We're in our 4th cycle TTC now. My worries aren't about being able to get pregnant, it's being able to stay pregnant. I was pregnant in 2006 and miscarried at almost 7 weeks, and I was also pregnant on our 2nd cycle of TTC this time, and lost that pregnancy too. My doctor told us that I'm more likely now than the average woman to miscarry again, so thats my fear.
ive been ttc for a year and a half, im on my 18th cycle. We have a lo and he was conceived at around a year but to be honest i lost count and now cant really remember but it did take quite a while!
We've been ttc for 14 cycles (13 months) and I know we have bd around my ov each month. We're off to see a specialist 12th of April and I can't wait! Will be great to get some answers!! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

Lots of :dust: to everyone! Hope you get your bfps soon!!!

we're currently on cycle 3.. AF due this Saturday..
concieved my LO (just turned 3) on cycle #2
smokey your not out yet.. maybe your wee was too diluted? try with FMU :dust: xx
Love this thread :).. With my first baby we were not trying not preventing, i had cycles 47-50 days and got pregnant within 4 months.. But sadly he was stillborn in october :cry:.. He's now our little angel :angel2: looking over us .. We decided to try again in january, but this month ive been using opks so FX it happens.. Didnt realise it was so stressful :wall2:
Have been TTC for ten months but Im only on about ccle 5. My cycles are really long . Up until this cycle we took it quite easy and tbh I was a bit naive about how small of a window you had to get pg.
I am officially into my first 2ww, after using cheapie opks and a CBFM. Got my peak on cd25 which I wa thrilled with as my last cycle was 105 days and the one before was over 60.
Took agnus castus and I am also taking pregnacare conception. DH is just taking normal vitamins... when he remembers :lol:
Made sure to :bd: the day I got my surge and also two days later, so have done everything I can, including the legs in the air afterwards.
Im now 4dpo and trying not to sympton spot but failing epically!
Have a specialist appointment in 2 weeks to discuss my cycles as bloodtests were all normal.
I think wow, why are you being so emotional after 6 months of not actually properly trying (as in calculating ov etc), but i guess sometimes we get into these dark places and forget everything else.


Hi, it is easy to get dispondant, especially after yet another AF arrives and you so hoped it wouldnt, and it doesnt matter what cycle you are on, its always hard when your not pregnant, again. But do keep reminding yourself that you just need to keep going and it will happen. Though there is no harm in asking your doctor for some tests just to be sure, but you will need to lie and say you've been trying for at least a year and that you are 'properly' trying. I think that you should maybe try monitoring your cycle and seeing if that gets you there first? xxxxx
Hello all, this is my first ever post - i have been lurking for a while, you have all been keeping me sane while i have been driving myself mad! I'm currently in cycle 4 but I've been worried that I won't get pregnant since day 1 of cycle 1! This is mostly because, I am a natural worrier but also because a few years ago I was TTC with someone else and it didnt happen. I had all the tests done and found out that all was fine with me and that it was actually him who had a low sperm count and it would have been impossible for us to conceive. We parted ways (not because of trying and failing to conceive - although i am sure that didnt help) and i've now met my soulmate but my previous experience has really affected me and i can't help thinking it won't happen again. I also know that this attitude won't help my chances and i'm sad that my negative attitude is spoiling it for both of us! My OH wants me to be excited but I start the month by expecting not to get pregnant and get upset even before i find out i'm not! My OH has a boy who is 11 - so I am sure he is fine but I think my worrying is rubbing off on him because he's started to say that "11 years is a long time ago" and that maybe there is something wrong with him as my tests were only done 3 years ago so the chances are that i'm fine! He's disappointed because he can see how disappointed i am - even though it's only been 3 months. I never thought it would be so stressful, i thought (and wish it was) an exciting time but really I'm ruining it for both of us. Thank you for starting this thread and thank you all for keeping me sane (even though I've been a bit quiet) Lots of love and thanks for listening! xx
Hi Emily and welcome to PF! I'm sure you and your husband will be fine, it's just so hard when you want something so bad! We're also in our 4th cycle and its getting more and more depressing as the months go on, but it will happen for both of us, here, :dust: for you hun xxx
Thank you Dita - I am sure everything will be absolutely fine for you too. It's just the one thing in life that none of us can control isn't it and we are just not used to that concept :)
Hello all, this is my first ever post - i have been lurking for a while, you have all been keeping me sane while i have been driving myself mad! I'm currently in cycle 4 but I've been worried that I won't get pregnant since day 1 of cycle 1! This is mostly because, I am a natural worrier but also because a few years ago I was TTC with someone else and it didnt happen. I had all the tests done and found out that all was fine with me and that it was actually him who had a low sperm count and it would have been impossible for us to conceive. We parted ways (not because of trying and failing to conceive - although i am sure that didnt help) and i've now met my soulmate but my previous experience has really affected me and i can't help thinking it won't happen again. I also know that this attitude won't help my chances and i'm sad that my negative attitude is spoiling it for both of us! My OH wants me to be excited but I start the month by expecting not to get pregnant and get upset even before i find out i'm not! My OH has a boy who is 11 - so I am sure he is fine but I think my worrying is rubbing off on him because he's started to say that "11 years is a long time ago" and that maybe there is something wrong with him as my tests were only done 3 years ago so the chances are that i'm fine! He's disappointed because he can see how disappointed i am - even though it's only been 3 months. I never thought it would be so stressful, i thought (and wish it was) an exciting time but really I'm ruining it for both of us. Thank you for starting this thread and thank you all for keeping me sane (even though I've been a bit quiet) Lots of love and thanks for listening! xx

Sounds really good to me! You have already been tested and he already has a child, so the chances of you getting pregnant are statistically very high! I promise :-) It just takes time (I feel like I say this a lot, mainly to myself, lol). But you are right that the worrying wont help. I'm glad you found us because we might be able to help with the worrying. Just post all your panics and someone will always have something reasurring to say :yay: x
Thank you Star Fish - this is a lovely forum and I am very pleased to have found it. Thank you for your reassurance - we will all get there! :)
Hello everyone

I came off the pill in December and started trying in January so im currently on 3rd cycle. Never thought we would decide to have children as we like the nice lifestyle we currently have, out everyweekend, lots of holidays, spending money on rubbish and not having to worry about responsibilities but now we have finally decided we want a baby I just want it to happen now and got a feeling we will be waiting a long time xx
I have been TTC for over 3 years!!!! for me its emotional tourture every month, I am blessed to have 2 children already and I am now going through the fertility specialists. AF is due in 2 days!!!!! I wont let myself even think there is a chance of BFP as I dont want to buil myself up to knock myself down.
we're currently on cycle 3.. AF due this Saturday..
concieved my LO (just turned 3) on cycle #2
smokey your not out yet.. maybe your wee was too diluted? try with FMU :dust: xx

thanks young mum! everytime i got :bfn: it was right. didn't use FMU. used second and i didn't really need to go! I forced myself to go! :blush:

but i'm taking it as it is and seeing it as a negitive! AF due tomorrow or thursday, friday at the latest so time will tell! :)

FX for you sweetie! sending lots of babydust your way! x x x x

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Ladies, im so so so glad that I'm not the only one who suffers these emotions, but at the same time im so so sadened that you ladies all feel like this. Conceiving is supposed to be such an amazing experience, and I know its inevitable that we will have low days, or maybe even weeks, but I think we should all stay positive for eachother.

Sometimes us ladies only understand what eachother are going through, as adoring and amazing as our OH's are, they cant really understand what a woman goes through... as sexist as that sounds!

I think we should all stick together, keep in touch and raise morale! what do you think? xx
I'm glad. I'd love to get some email addresses to stay in regular contact..

Has anyone tried the fertility yoga i suggested??


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