How did your labour start?

Wow...I thought it was only in films that labour started with waters breaking. But looks like it happends quite often. Very interesting!!
Wow that's early!! Did you really find steroid injections painful? I had them a few weeks back but then I have a rather fleshy bottom so maybe that's why they didn't affect me :D

LOL :)

Yeah those steroid injections were absolute agony, awful!! Right in the butt checks lol :shock: xxxxxxx
I went into prem labour at 30 weeks and had the steroid injections, mighty nippy!!
At 41 weeks I went to the mw for a sweep but she was unable to do it as she couldn't reach. I went for a long walk that day then through the night I started to get strong period type pains. They began to get rhythmic and eventually closer together. I went to hospital late on the Wednesday evening when I was getting painful contractions every three minutes. I was only two cm dilated but they kept me in as my blood pressure was high. I didn't dilate past three cm even after being induced so I ended up having a c section on the Friday. I wouldn't say it was a bad experience just not what I hoped for but totally worth it x
With my first, I woke up at around 9 am, then started getting contractions at around 10-30, weren't sure if it was the start coz I,d had a few false starts, but at around 4 I was trying to straighten my hair and couldn't sit down so I knew it was the real deal, I had mason at 11-33 that nite. With the second I was woken up at 1-30 in the morning with period type pains and a desperate need to poo lol. Once I,d cleared out the pains really started, I had Owen at 6-14 that morning.
I was due to be induced on due date (Tuesday) because of reduced movements, had a sweep and found out I was 2-3cms on the Thursday, had another sweep on the Sunday was still 2-3cms, went for a walk when I got home and period type pains started at 5am on Monday morning, had LO by Monday night xx
I was a week early, I got a bit of a bloody show on monday morning, nothing much just a dark bloody stain on pad. I ignored it as knew it could still be weeks, during the day I got a few cramps low down under bump and thought it was just when I got up from sitting. By evening time I decided to go to bed early and in bed I got some more cramps, realised they were coming and going so I started to time them at 11pm, every 10 mins or so, by 12 they came more regularly and needed my FTP breathing this us when I think it sunk in that I was in labour. Was a bit gutted that it started at midnight and I was tired! Laboured through the night. - no chance of any sleep. Went to hospital next day at 1pm (they kept putting me off as my contractions were between 5-6 mins when we called and they were adamant they needed to be 5 or less consistently!) I was 8 cm when I got there!!! Had my little girl at 3.35pm.
It was meant to say hypno breathing- silly spell check!!
Wow poppypd, 8cm is a lot :shock: It's amazing what our bodies can do!!
Day after 2nd failed sweep woke at 3am with regular contractions, started losing plug later that night and waters broke lunchtime the following day, had to be admitted after 36hours as she had her head turned and I hadn't moved from leaning over the landing in all that time. She came 12 hours later after hormone drip & epi to speed things up
Had absolutely no warning. No backache, no pains, nothing.
Waters just broke with a gush at 4.30am when asleep. Pains then started and progressed really quickly. Only 10 hours from start to finish x
great thread :dance:

I was induced at 39+3, the pessary was inserted at 9.30am and started getting contractions late afternoon. waters went 3.00am and they sent me for a bath which didnt help.

got sent to labour ward at 9am and spent the rest of the day on oxitocin drip which brought contractions on really intense, couldnt stand it and had an epidural. 6pm I was 10cm dilated and ready to push I was exhausted by this point as hadnt slept since the night before last. anyway took me an hour to push my little treasure out and Joseph James was born at 7.03pm weighing 7lb.03oz unbelievably.

He has been the light of my life since that day, just perfect, would do it all over again anyday x:)
had a sweep at 9pm on the thursday at 40+3, hind waters went at 4am, contractions started afterwards by 9pm fri night i was 9cm and delivered at 3.38am the sat morning so almost 24 hrs start to finish
I had masses of gloopy CM all day at 40+1, then at 4.45am after 2hrs sleep I got niggly period types pains. They then turned into full blown contractions for the next 17hrs. Then they decided I should have an epidural and realised Jack was back to back but at a slight angle. I continued to labour and dialiate slowly then finally after 42hrs in labour and a forceps delivery Jack was born on the Monday at 40+3!

Worth every single contraction!! x
my contractions started at 10am sunday morning by 8 at night they were getting stronger but infreqent so i went to the hospital and was told i'd be staying by 12pm i was only 4cm but allowed to go in birthing pool, by 7 was demanding every drug possible only to be told i was 10 cm and to start pushing at 7:35am monday my waters broke, and by 8:17 my little girl had arrived no drugs in the end but its worth it x
Mine began around mid aftenoon last Sunday. That's when the first discharge/show appeared. I was getting really bad pains and felt a real pressure below. I joined on here as I thought I had 2 weeks left - as I was 38 weeks.

By 8pm I was in agony, the rest of my plug had gone, so we went to hospital.

Overnight I was checked and dilating well, pethedine inserted in a tube (which I could control - godsend!). By 8am Monday, the consultant said that as I was contracting, dilating and coping well and my BP was back to normal, I was able to have a water birth!

At 10am I was taken through to the delivery suite, where my waters were broken, as he was really head down and ready to make his arrival. At 10.30am I was in the birthing pool. I had no idea how badly I was contracting as I was too busy concentrating on my breathing. By 1pm, after pushing for an hour, Alex emerged.

I'm so pleased it was quite a speedy and swift delivery, as the last time I had a water birth it lasted 15 hours (20 years ago!!)! I also had the support of my daughter, husband and fantastic midwife.

x x Rosie x x
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I had my sweep at 41+1 was told I was a cm or two dilated already but nothing happened that night, ate a curry, went for a brisk(ish) walk and had sex to get it going oh and took castor oil (YUK!) next morning (sun) I was to call the MW if no result so she could book me in for induction on the at 9am I called her, put the phone down, then called Mum and MIL and whilst on the phone to MIL felt a big 'pop' to the right side of tummy no pain tho. Stood up and felt damp and had a gloopy show in my pants so called mW back to ask her and she said it sounded like my waters had gone and to run a bath and relax a while......10 mins later I had my first contraction like period pains then 5 mins later a much stronger one. Then started to feel like I needed a poo (tmi) so got naked for the bath and sat on loo. But never made it in the bath, contractions started coming thick and fast every 5mins then less, I seriously felt like I couldnt get of loo! OH eventually had the bath whilst I swore I was never getting off the loo! lol mum turned up and had to literally dress me. Phoned hospital and was told to come in...contractions were already 2 mins apart and mum started to worry I'd have baby on way (its a half hour journey) arrived at hosp 11am stopping regularly down esach corridor for excrutiating contractions and my legs buckling under me but made it and was told I was 4cm dilated. Had gas and air and then pethidine as continued to have contractions at this rate every 2 mins for a further 3 hours then more pethidine when they got to 1 min apart at around 3pm.......I gave birth to our little girl at 6pm with a grade 2 tear but no other problems. Quite a quick first labour I think but it was very intense heavy contractions from word go with no food in me as my waters went just after 9am I hadnt got round to it and they wouldnt let me eat in hosp as I was under a consultant just incase of emergency so no energy! am def packing snacks for after the birth this time I had nothing and had missed tea so all they brought me was tea and toast after all day without food and the hardest days work of my life LOL!

Sorry its so long.....still remember every second even though its four years ago!
I was induced. I had my pessary at 11am and felt no pain whatsoever until about 10pm that night. Unfortunately when contractions came, they came quickly and strongly! My waters broke before i felt any pain but the nurses on the maternity ward didn't believe me because they said i wasn't dilated enough so i basically laid on the ward in agonising pain all night with no pain relief and soaked in my own amniotic fluid (TMI sorry!)

I'm gonna answer my own thread:D

Mine started with waters breaking, just a little vit at the time. I was induced the day after and had a quick and intense labour! So worth it!
I was sitting on the toilet and got shooting pains up my right side had no signs before that really, except I had lost plug a few days before in the bath but didnt think anything of it x x

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