Was your 2nd Labour Easier/Shorter?

My first was really bad, to much happend for me to write down!! Me and morgan were in a bad way put it that way. My second was much better, hurt like hell but baby an me were fine. Not like my first one x
My second was longer and harder than my first .. after everyone telling me constantly that the second one always just "falls" out .. x
Heres my input lol,

My first labour was 29hrs start to finish, ended up having waters broken then and episiotomy/ventouse delivery in theatre as last option before c section,

My second was 12hrs 51mins start/finish, delivered naturally with only a small tear that was left to heal,

The only thing different really was i was calmer with the second and only had dh with me for my first my whole family/friends where there and it was stressful!

My eldest daughter weighed 6lb 8oz n my second daughter weighed 6lb 14oz so that sorta weight again would be nice this time! xx
I must agree with my second I was alot calmer knowing what was gonna happen etc, but just having my OH there for my third was by far the best!

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