where did your waters break?

Mine were broken in hospital as I was induced. I remember when they first examined me it hurt quite a bit and between then and when my waters were broken there was a shift change. I was saying to OH 'Oh I hope the new midwife has nice small hands and thin fingers this time' when the curtain pulled back and this HUGE midwfie with gigantic manly hands came in. :shock: :rotfl: I could just sense OH sniggering next to me lol
Mine broke at home, just after I'd got up to get ready for work.

Mine was like a trickle of water - like doing a pee that wouldn't stop. At first I didn't realise that my waters had gone, I just thought that my bladder was so full that I couldn't wait for the loo. I was 34 weeks pg.

I put a sanitary towel on, got ready for work and realised that I was soaking wet. It was a constant leak of water. It was only when I told my DH and saw the panic in his face that I realised that perhaps I should phone the hospital!

If the baby is high up you will get a gush of water, if baby is low down it will be more of a trickle.
mine went in the bath after I'd been contracting for 12 hours. I felt water of a different temperature between my legs and stood up to make sure and it all whooshed out!
in our bedroom in his parents house lol

i had no choice i had broken them myself. just had this really big urge to push and couldnt help it. so i pushed and heard this noise and i was like s*it. woke my oh up lol said sorry im gonna have to put the light on. and yea waters had broken. he got up and we went hosp :)
Bagpuss17 said:
Mine broke at home, just after I'd got up to get ready for work.

Mine was like a trickle of water - like doing a pee that wouldn't stop. At first I didn't realise that my waters had gone, I just thought that my bladder was so full that I couldn't wait for the loo. I was 34 weeks pg.

I put a sanitary towel on, got ready for work and realised that I was soaking wet. It was a constant leak of water. It was only when I told my DH and saw the panic in his face that I realised that perhaps I should phone the hospital!

If the baby is high up you will get a gush of water, if baby is low down it will be more of a trickle.

not true my baby was very low in my pelvis and i got a gush, due to me had to push
On my kitchen floor while I was bimbling round :D

TBH I'm really glad it wasn't while I was out and about there was soooooo much and it just kept coming and coming.........!
mine broke at home but 45mins earlier i was having severe back ache in the middle of tescos and said to mum that i had to go home as it was really hurting and she was joking it about it being labour!!!!

Mum thinks it was down to spending 3hours down the cemerty watching my brother headstone being put in that day!!!!!!
tattybear85 said:
Mum thinks it was down to spending 3hours down the cemerty watching my brother headstone being put in that day!!!!!!

Mine broke the day I had to put my cat to sleep and I cried and cried and cried so I reckon Jake thought 'fook this, im getting out of here' :lol:
id just got out of bed at 8am on a sunday morning to go to the loo and felt a trickle . I thought "oh crap, i got up too late to make it to the loo!" So i was gonna just sneak off cos i was embarrassed to tell OH id wet meself. I think i was just really groggy from sleep cos i soon realised it was me waters!
with millie they were broken artificially, with ryan i was havin bad contractions every 4 mins, felt like i needed a wee, stood up and felt a pop in my tummy and a huge gush of water. just wouldn't stop until i'd delivered 30 mins later
mine popped going up mums stairs.. gushed everywhere.. had full trainors by the time id screamed my way up the stairs..had to go to hospital with towel between myself and on the car seat with a black bag under it lol..
i startedleaking wen i was walking up the road 4rm the shop. then i had a huge gush like 2 hours later in the bathrom.
when mine broke it was nothing i expected i expected them to break and then thats the end of it mine broke on the wed and i had Oliver on the friday and everytime i stood up it gushed from me it looked like i was trying to toliet train a dog with all these bed mat thingys where i was sitting standing etc etc!!!!!
Mine went in bed. We were watching a dvd and about halfway through I thought I felt a pop but didn't think anything of it, but when I got up at to go to the loo after the dvd finished it kept trickling. I thought I was peeing myself & went back & forth between the toilet & the bedroom about 3 times before I realised it was actually my waters trickling. Then I had my first contraction minutes later & Austin was born within 2 1/2 hours!
I had mine broken for me at the hospital because I wasn't progressing fast enough. I was terrified so I had a few blasts of gas and air and didn't feel a thing, just a warm feeling down below and a sensation of release in my tummy, like someone had let all the pressure out of me!
I had mine broken in the hospital with the crochet hook when I was fully dilated.
muppetmummy said:
I had mine broken in the hospital with the crochet hook when I was fully dilated.

Did they knit you anything nice?
i had mine broken, i was 8cm dilated but LO's heartrate dropped and they needed to check blood on his head so out cam the crochet hook :shock: :rotfl:

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