Child picked on at school?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi all parents,

I'm writing a piece for Parentdish about toddlers and young children being picked on or bullied at school, and was wondering whether you'd had any experience of this? What happened? What did you do about it? How did you first find out that your child was being picked on?

Any stories you have would be greatly appreciated. If possible I'd like to use your name in the piece, but understand if you'd rather remain anonymous.

Thanks mums!

Ben x
Hi ben. You're a busy little bee aren't you?! My daughter is 6 now but when she was 4 we had a problem with her being bullied by another girl. My daughter is quite tall for her age and slim built and this other girl used to push my daughter over and call her fat! We found out when she came home and told us. We always made sure she knew that she could tell us anything. The next day I asked for a meeting with her teacher and I told her what my daughter had said. The teacher then told me that she had been aware of this child picking on my daughter previously. I was very unhappy as I had not been informed. The bullying stopped after that and we've had no problems since but I nearly took my daughter out of school due to this and had it not been dealt with that's exactly what I would have done.
Thanks Helen! Must have been hard not to rant and rave at the teachers! My blood would have boiled!
Very very hard! I've made sure I stay in close contact with her teachers now to make sure if there is a problem I know about it immediatly and can sort it out!
Just wondering if anybody else has any stories they'd like to share?
Apologies for being pushy but would love to have one or two more stories for my piece!
I'd rather my name not be used if thats okay. My daughter isnt at school yet, but full time at nursery, she's just turned 4. So a lot of it just goes on because they are young, but there was a girl and a boy who picked on my daughter separately. She is about 3 inches taller than the average girl for her age, and v slim, so I think people just don't see her as being that young.
Both children have hit her before, the girl has slapped her around the face and called her names. Every time either child has hurt her, shes told me, and I have spoken to the teachers. I have always told her to tell her teachers straight away too... which they seem to hate and think shes just over emotional... No, I do not care if some of the children are 3... my daughter knew that was wrong at 2 years old... its not acceptable!
I really like the nursery, but I was very angry one day, as the boy had pushed my daughter over, she told the teacher, and the teacher told her she was making it up.... That really hacked me off and I told them so. My daughters not like that, and this boy hits everyone, so they know she wouldnt be lying. My daughter was so much more upset about what the teacher said than the boy hitting her!
Thanks for your story - don't worry, I won't use your name at all. It's such a shame when teachers act like that, I'm sorry you've had to put up with that.
My sister got picked on at secondary school, because she was shy. They would empty out her school bag etc in front if the rest of her class mates and if there were "girly things" in there, throw them about the place. One girl was the ringleader. I was at the same school and My sis told me about it and when I saw this girl in a crowd of her friends I confronted her in front of them and I think I threatened all sorts. All her friends laughed at her, probably not the best way to deal with it, but she never got bullied again. Taste of her own medicine, cow!!!!!!!
Princess that's hilarious! Not the bullying bit, obviously, but the way you humiliated the ringleader!

Thanks, Sunny - have never seen that website before! You're a star :) x
my dad always said take the mouthy ringleader out if i ever got into something like this luckly never had too :)
Don't get me wrong I was pooping myself as I'm quite a mild person normally but she really made my blood boil. Plus she was bigger than me so she probably could have done me in :-/ but I was 3 yrs above them so she was scared :-D
Only I was allowed to pick on Caroline :-) (bless her :cry:) xx
Now that's what big sisters are for Jayne :) :hug: I'd have done the same ...if only parents could get away with doing that! x x
My little brother (i say little, he's towers over me at 6ft odd!) was picked on at school by this weasel of a boy in my year. It usually happened on the school bus ride home. My brother is very slightly physically disabled in his left hand and leg but to this date has never held him back.
This 'weasel' used to taunt him on the way home so one day as he walked past my seat to get off the bus I tried to kick him down the stairs into the toilet cubicle (we had a coach). Unfortunately he didn't fall and off he got at his stop.
Me and a friend started following him, needless to say he quickly picked up his pace! As he tried to unlock his house door I pinned him up against the wall and told him he would be coming round to the house at 6pm to apologise to my brother AND my Mum for his behaviour. He swiftly agreed! My friend also threw his school bag on his garage roof and his tie in the bin, she got a little too into it... In the end his mum up called my mum and apologised for her sons behaviour and it never happened again.
Looking back it was probably the wrong thing to do, but the bullying never happened again!
You can use my name if you wish (Natasha King) :-)
A good taste of their own medicine certainly deters bullies. Sadly as the world is p/c crazy these days it stops people from handling things in that way anymore. Equally though if you found out as a parent that it was your child doing the bullying you would throttle them!!!
I was bullied really badly at two different secondary schools always because I was heavier than other girls but when it started I wasn't fat although I ended up being fat because of the bullying my mum took me out of one school in year 8 as the teachers were rubbish and when my mum told them what was happening these girls clubbed together and said I was bullying them,teachers tool their side so my mum pulled me out and I started another school in yr9 the same thing happened again straight away because I was the new girl and I was shy this time it was much worse I was pushed down some stairs and I was hit a few times,they tried to set my
Hair alight! I flat put refused to go back in year 10 by this point I was cutting myself and my dad found out and so from this point I had a social worker and a child psych they all tried to get mento go back but I had enough I couldn't even leave my house if it was at a time when kids would be out of school for fear of seeing someone who had bullied me!

I did get better thanks to the all the help I had and I am now a very outgoing happy person however I didn't do my GCSES because I couldn't go near the school I never let that get Me down though and I worked hard to get myself a decent job :-)

I do worry though that my fear of my child being bullied is going to hinder her as it does terrify me that she will go through what I wen through an she isn't even born yet!

Not sure if this Is the kind of info your after ?!?!

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