How did you get pregnant?

oooh thanks for sharing ladies... keep them comming :)

i like to have a plan each month but am trying to remain non-stressed about it. This month i think we are going for GOOD, romantic, non forced BDing as often as possible, even if that means everyday (altho a lil worried this will be too often but doc reckoned the more sex the more chance of bfp...), without using OPKs and see how it goes this month.... lol

healthy pregnancies to all you ladies

Have you tried doing a test, because if your saying your due AF tomorrow then a cheap one should work, if it dosent though dont worry because some people dont get BFP's through urine atal
me and OH werent even trying for a baby :S

i had impant removed in jan 09, then just used condoms for a few months. then i went on the pill and fell pregnant on my third month on the pill, never missed one, wasnt sick and wasnt on antibiotics. so big shock there! i reckon it just happens when its supposed to :)
I stopped my pill the day we moved into our first house in Oct 2009! Weren't expecting things to happen so quickly but by the time my second period was due in Dec, I was pregnant! Lol! x
We were on FAM to not get pregnant and I just changed it around to get pregnant. It was our first cycle of trying and we had sex at day 10, 13 and 15 (the days that I had cervical mucus), not a lot because I was not well (had a cold and horrible ear infection with perforated eardrum). I had my ovulation at day 15 (late at night) so I guess the fertalization was from day 13.

Really easy method. I couldn't BD all the time, way to much work. hehe
Well it happened for us in our first month of trying. We didn't do it every day or anything was mainly just weekends. I was ovulating around weekend of 22/23 May so think that's the weekend it's happened for us.
I came off the pill June 2009 (after we got married) and found out I was pregnant June 2010. So it was a good year of trying (which is the average length so please don't be disheartened if its taking you a while). We tracked periods and ovulation etc on an app on my husband's iphone which showed the best dates to have sex. I stayed lying down for 20-30 mins afterwards, with my bottom on a pillow.

We didn't think it would happen so quickly as I have endometriosis which can cause problems so we were absolutely thrilled when we found out.

Had a 6 week early scan today and heard a heartbeat- so exciting!!! Going back for another scan at 8 weeks to see a bit more hopefully :o)
We tried for two years and four months. I got pregnant in march but lost it as soon as I found out I was pregnant. Ive wracked my mind thinking about what we did different and the only thing I can think is that I lost half a stone in a healthy way and managed to keep it off for a while. I was doing a little bit of excercise about three times a week. Plus we were eating a fresh pinapple and a melon a week.
We always tried to have sex every other day/ 3 days at the most.
I had been saving for the baby that whole time and then after my mc I spent almost all of it on a hiday to Mexico. I thought that if I pushedy luck it might happen (and I was right) but I also thought that if I didn't get pregnant then at least I'd have the holiday to look forward to. We are still going on holiday but I'll not be able to have the champaign reception and go in the hot tub in the room! But I'm not bothered I'd rather have my little bean!
I don't know if this will help - but good luck and don't give up.
excuse my naivety but why can't you go in the hot tub hun?
I was on the pill and the implanon and fell pregnant!!! we were planning on trying at the end of the year as we were in the middle of buying a house at the beginning of the year so we have now moved into our lovely 3 bedroom house with my daughter who is 5 and we wre expectin early Dec xx
excuse my naivety but why can't you go in the hot tub hun?

is something to do with the temparature i think and that it increases ya blood pressure, my mw also told me not to go in really hot baths, or really cold swimming pools, lol

excuse my naivety but why can't you go in the hot tub hun?

is something to do with the temparature i think and that it increases ya blood pressure, my mw also told me not to go in really hot baths, or really cold swimming pools, lol


I didn't know this and took quite hot baths almost every day when I was pregnant with my first son, and nothing strange happened. I also take (hot) baths now because it relaxes my muscles, but I must say I do not go over 98F so maybe you don't caunt this as hot.
Hi, we decided to start trying at Xmas, so it was 2 months trying before I got there. I worked out my dates of ovulation and had sex each day around, on and after ovulation. Find a good tip is for the lady to be on the bottom and afterwards for the lady not to move for about 20 mins appart. this helds the sperm travel (I read this somewhere and tried and tested!!). I actually thought I was gettiny my period, sore boobs, moody, feeling bloated and was getting very disappointed but it never did come !! Good Luck xx
Hey MrsPink.....

Just got my BFP on thurs and getting darker eachtime I poas so I think Im ok to post on this thread now! lol

Well I got Marena coil removed on 13 Jan.....had WD bleed then started to BD from then! Got a BFP in March/April Cycle after having a month of DTD every day, then every other day but MC as 5+4weeks!

Carried on BD as soon as we could still hoping for that BFP! Nothing!

So in May we tried Preseed along with the Smep a faint BFP but think I had a chemical as AF arrived!
By June my cycles had really shortened so by the time af finished I was due to Ovulate the day after and I just thought I cant do this anymore I need a break from all the BD on demand, timing, charting, temping, OPKs etc etc etc!

So about 4 weeks ago husband was diagnosed with diabetes, and when we saw his Dr he mentioned getting pregnant could be a prb so he sent DH for sperm analysis...(Still never done this) so that made me go see my DR as we had been ttc for over 6 month and because we classed as older parents we could get some advice now! So I had my 21 day bloods done last week as well as hormone levels etc etc and as well as that we were so preoccupied with all him being diagnosed, so TTC just went out the window and we just DTD whenever having no used anything and NO OPKs etc!
I think this is when I completely relaxed, chilled out and thought right, if its not going to happen naturally at least I now know the Drs may be able to help!

So since his diagnosis we as a family had a total change of lifestyle and were/are doing great, loosing weight and found sex in a few other positions was possible again! lol We NEVER had sex in the typicaly reccommended baby making positions......and BINGO!!!

I tested first on thursday and got a faint BFP, fri a little darker, and today twice and once just before ALL showing a stronger darker line so I can confidently say Im pregnant now!

So yes Im still overweight but intend on keeping to our healthy new lifestyle, Ive lost 9lb up until monday gone more hopefully at family weigh in on monday, and as long as its safe to do so will carry on with the weight loss or at least healthy eating changes for good now!

So thats my story so far...... Good luck xxx
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had sex everyday for two weeks 3 days after my period had finished. two morning after pills and baby is still here n im blessed

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