How are all you new mummies doing?

I'm the same toria, iv let him hold the spoon while I'm guiding it but I'm too scared to let go as I know il have yoghurt everywhere!! Iv got some of those TT mats that stick the plate to the tray so I'm going to try putting the whole plate in front of him soon, at the moment he just has one or two pieces at a time.

When I first started giving Ryan food to feed himself rather than mush he often had banana and these little yoghurt pot sized pots of rice pudding as I figured both of those were quite filling? To make up for him not eating as much as if he were spoon fed.

My boiler went through a stage of losing pressure quite a lot, could it be that? X
Awww pumpkin that mustve been scary, glad thomas is fine and i hope your arms feel better quickly x

I gave hayley her first try of a 10 month + pouch of food yesterday and today for dinner - she ate almost it all but did gag a few times. At christmas i gave her a few of the little cocktail sausages to eat and she took them fine (i just peeled the skin bit off as i was worried it might choke her)
The only thing Emma doesn't fling on the floor is banana and those little cheese cubes. She gathers them up and guards them. Lol.

Don't think it's the boiler as the heating is fine. Think it's to do with the megaflow. Chris bled it last week then it was fine. But could have just been the thermostat playing up and it just coincided with his mucking about with it. Not that we even know where the thermostat is for the megaflow. Lol. I don't want to call someone and they turn up and the water is hot and they think I'm a loony.
Aw that's annoying toria! Worst time of year for it too. You got insurance for someone to come check?

A bit of both might be a good start. Giving her something to eat herself then spoon feeding somehing at same time.

Can't see who it was that gives their lo beans and sausages, do you spoon feed the beans? x
I do that.. I spoon feed in between him feeding himself, they all end up learning to feed themselves sooner or later so I'm not too worries about it really. My boiler stopped working the other day I actually called someone out to have a look at it and I switched it off at the mains by accident putting the xmas decs away! I didn't know there was a switch for it or where it was for that matter! Wooops!
Meeee!i spoon feed all of that, usually chop the sausages in half, although if he's had that with mash I think he may have held a sausage once it had less sauce on! First time he had beans it blew his mind I think! Haha x
Today Luke had roast turkey, mashed potatoes, carrots, peas, yorkshirwmpuddinf and gravy followed by jelly for lunch and for tea he had crackers and some cheese, some carrot batons, followed by banana

He eats most things. But he still stand himself in the eye if he tries to feed himself with a spoon.

Hubby fell over with like the other day, it's easily done so try not to. Feel too bad about it.

I thought beans had loads of sugar in them?
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I spoon feed beans and i bought the reduced salt and sugar tin of heinz
Ooh I'll need to buy some beans then! Never even thought about them tbh x
I think I need to start being more adventurous with her food now. I feel like I'm too intent on getting all her food groups into a meal and giving her healthy stuff that I'm missing out on her trying other things iykwim.
I've def come of worse than him. Still abit shaken from watching him fall.

I need to start doing more things with his food. Just get abit stuck sometimes. I have fish fingers (whole cod filet) in the freezer I'm going to try with him. But struggling as to what else he'll manage on his own. He's getting to the point where he wants to feed himself now. The spoon is a no no though as he gets food everywhere
Homemade oven chips/wedges are a good one, I use that stupid cooking spray due to slimming world *huff* but just chop them up, par boil first if u like! I don't bother! then spray them and cook turning occasionally. I have a actifry thing which I use now, but in the over either sticks or cubes are a good shape for them to hold and they'll love them! Ryan loves fish fingers! I just don't buy them very often because if my husband sees them he instantly thinks it means fish fingers sandwiches and has about 20 in one go! Fat b*#^%¥+!!! And that's just a waste of money lol
Take some pain killers and get urself to bed, ul feel better in the morning after some rest! Xx
Hope your ok Kathryn :( I'm sure Thomas is fine

I fell down the stairs from the top in my baby walker as a young one! - I turned out ok I think !

Oscar eats alsorts now... Even the odd chip ( healthy home made oven chip )

He has his porridge for breakfast - a mid morning back at nursery various from fruit to breadsticks etc - lunch they feed him alsorts - bolognaise to stews etc

I give him whatever I feel like! He loves daddy's lasagne and likes the local pubs sausage and mash - the peas he eats as finger food though - he's got great pincher skills. I havnt tried fish finger yet but I may do that as I now have fish finger sarnie in my head

At 4pm at nursery he has a high tea - so sticks of carrot/cucumber/sandwich/organix snacks

So he's eating 3 meals, 3 bottles, morning snack , afternoon snack

Oh and he loves wotsits and skips :/ as treats when we go to hospital :)

And chocolate buttons - he's got loads from Christmas but he only has those on the weekend as a treat as it does flare his reflux up abit
Luke loves buttons too. Won't touch cucumber and tbh don't blame him
As they taste like water without something
Right that's it - operation new foods is starting!
Luke loves buttons too. Won't touch cucumber and tbh don't blame him
As they taste like water without something

I hate cucumber - but it's 97% water and acts as a good teether if nothing more - a cold stick of cucumber works wonders!
Mine eats nearly everything (only things she doesn't like so far are scrambled egg, baked beans and Quorn bacon). Yesterday she had oatibix and milk for breakfast, homemade chickpea and courgette patties for lunch with toasted pitta and cream cheese, cucumber and cherry tomatoes followed by a satsuma, an afternoon snack of a goodies gingerbread man and dinner was a pea and cheese omelette followed by natural yogurt.

Maybe we should have a food ideas thread in the weaning section?
I gave Emma a 2 chocolate buttons at Xmas and she almost injured me lunging for the pack. I didn't give her any more. She was a bit hyper after that.

I don't eat fish, but can cope with cooking fish fingers. Are there any particular ones you all buy? I just get the birds eye ones for the other kids.

I'm having one of those days where you just want to go back to bed and wake up tomorrow when everything is fixed! Emma woke at 4 crying, and was moaning / crying till about 5:30 when she went back to sleep. Then moaning again from6-6:30 when I thought I'd get her up. Poor thing was freezing. Chris hadn't put her nappy on correctly. It was folded in half on 1 bum cheek, so she was soaking wet and cold all night :-(

The hot water still isn't fixed so no warm shower for me. Then it got light and I see Jacks new £50 school shoes out on the deck muddy and soaking wet! Arghhhh. Not even time to dry them. So annoyed!
Oh no toria will his school let him wear something else? I know some can be funny.

We had a crap night, tooth 8 I think! Up from3:15-4:30, eventually fed him and he went back off til 8. Hopefully his tooth will cut quickly!

IWitch starts back at work today, feeling for her :( xxx

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