Sounds scary for you, you should definitely being it up with the specialist, it might not be easy (they hate people doing it) but just push until you get somewhere.
E and hubby have been talking about when I ttc. We think August/September time would be best to try and avoid nov-April baby and to give us the kind of gap we would be able to work with best. Lim
Already terrified we won't be able to conceive this time.
Oh jo no I know how u feel I'm worried il mc again when we ttc I just kept telling myself my body is capable of doing it but it's always there in the back of my mind xxxx
We conceived easily but I worry that it was a blip and I'll fail to conceive... Ofc I feared I wouldn't convince in the first place. I think I'll also feel a bit guilty bevause my cousin is due this year and she has a 3yr old and I have Luke but my other cousin may never have any and I feel a little selfish of I had another but I've always wanted 2-3
I'm still in shock at being pregnant again. I didn't go back on the pill after having LO. Wasn't expecting it first month TTC! Hubby is very pleased with himself, ha![]()
I'm still in shock at being pregnant again. I didn't go back on the pill after having LO. Wasn't expecting it first month TTC! Hubby is very pleased with himself, ha![]()