How are all you new mummies doing?

My parents have an apartment in Cyprus and they love it! It's a great place and they do a lot of weddings.
Sounds scary for you, you should definitely being it up with the specialist, it might not be easy (they hate people doing it) but just push until you get somewhere.

E and hubby have been talking about when I ttc. We think August/September time would be best to try and avoid nov-April baby and to give us the kind of gap we would be able to work with best. Lim
Already terrified we won't be able to conceive this time.

Oh jo no I know how u feel I'm worried il mc again when we ttc I just kept telling myself my body is capable of doing it but it's always there in the back of my mind xxxx

We conceived easily but I worry that it was a blip and I'll fail to conceive... Ofc I feared I wouldn't convince in the first place. I think I'll also feel a bit guilty bevause my cousin is due this year and she has a 3yr old and I have Luke but my other cousin may never have any and I feel a little selfish of I had another but I've always wanted 2-3

No how you feel Jojo. I'm waiting for my periods to return after I've just come off the pill again and I'm worried that it's not going to happen this time as it happened so easily last time. Was scared in the first place that something would be wrong and we wouldn't be able to conceive. It's driving me crazy already
I'm still in shock at being pregnant again. I didn't go back on the pill after having LO. Wasn't expecting it first month TTC! Hubby is very pleased with himself, ha :-)
Don't worry about it - you'll create unnecessary stress for yourselves! You've no reason to worry & worst case if you're struggling at least you have your little boys :)
Mrs B, hope you're feeling a bit better today. Chris had what I suspected was food poisoning between Xmas / new year too.

Jojo, all you can do is try. Not sure if you remember me saying, but I fall pregnant really easy. But I had a miscarriage before each of my pregnancies that worked. I think that's just how my body works. And you've got Luke, so you know you can do it :-)

Hope all you ladies ttc don't leave us in here!lol
I often think 'I can't face going through ttc again' but you could drive yourself crazy with the what ifs.

I sat and looked through more bits on seizures on awakening and they are more common than I thought. They mostly start at 8yo tho, but you never know. I'm going to take it along to the appointment with me x
Jen I really hope you get to the bottom of this all, poor little S. Hopefully the specialist will be able to shed some light.

My sil has her 20 week scan this Friday - she's finding out the gender. Think my ovaries are going to melt at this rate. If it's a girl I have no idea how I'm going to control my spending lol.

Thomas has whatever his dad had. Had a fever yesterday and now has a cold, didn't sleep well despite all of the things we'd done. Hopefully he'll get over the worst of it today
Thanks pumpkin! Off topic a bit but anyone with aqua pod ever looked at the state it gets in underneath?! Mines doesn't stick to my tiles as they are beveled so I just fold it in half towards the top end of bath. I went to clean it yest and the whole underside seat and sticky things were covered in black mouldy bits! I was mortified! Surely that's not right, I've only had it like 5/6 weeks x
Ours isn't like that. We take ours put and hang it above the bath every time we use it.
No problems with ours either, but we hang the mat over the curtain rail and stick the seat to the end of the bath between use.
I wonder why mine is like that. OMG S is going crazy in her cot just now, we never have problems with her first going to sleep. There's defo something wrong with her!
I would say 9 month regression but for her having that seizure yesterday. Bless her, hope she has an ok night

I'm at work :( not finished until 10pm
I felt like the worst mum, I went in after 10 mins and she had got herself into such a state. She fell asleep on me straight away and was doing that wee hiccuping thing after crying. It's just not like her so defo keeping an eye on her.

Hope it goes quick jojo! x
Osvars been the same for a week now Jen :( doing my head in

And as for the seat - if you fold it or place it in a position it would stay damp- you'll get mould spores- give it a clean and try leave it open or hang it up etc :)
The last 4 weeks Stanleys sleeping/settling has been erratic! Only the last couple of nights has it seemed to get any better, ever since he learned to stand up in the cot, then if he woke he would scream cos I wasn't there after going in and settling and try to creep out he would scream again! It's got to be the 9month regression as I recall him going through the other regression early too x
Can't turn our backs on Oscar without him screaming! The last 2 months have just been shit - since hospital really ugh! Just wish he would sleep like 8-6! I'd be happy with that!
Same here. Thomas' sleep over the last month has been awful. Battle to get him to sleep, wakes up throughout the night several times, screams and crys but sometimes he'll be faking and settles other times he gets himself Into a right state.

Thought we were nearly through it as the leap is nearly over but now he has a bad cold so we've been even worse the last couple of days
We went through a phase with Luke where he would sleep 6-8pm then wake up and cry in his for until you took him
Out for an hour and put him back in at 9-10 then he's do it again at 11:30-12:30 it's odd

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