How are all you new mummies doing?

Hayley woke at 5:30 today screaming her head off, even when i lifted her up she wouldnt stop screaming for ages. Her top tooth has just slightly cut the gum so im hoping it makes a full appearance soon.

I don't really give Hayley snacks, she has 3 meals and 3 bottles through the day so i think that's still ok?
Oh no toria will his school let him wear something else? I know some can be funny.

We had a crap night, tooth 8 I think! Up from3:15-4:30, eventually fed him and he went back off til 8. Hopefully his tooth will cut quickly!

IWitch starts back at work today, feeling for her :( xxx

He's gone in with his old shoes that are half a size too small. That will teach him! I'm sure he thinks I'm his slave. And apparently a mind reader cause I didn't even know they were out there.
Luke has snacks, but just once a day around 3 pm
If he has one
I just give Emma snacks if she gets hungry and her dinner or lunch is still ages away. They also give snacks at nursery morning and afternoon so keeps some consistency.
Emma's dinner tonight. And a fish finger that she's working her way through


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Thomas is having fish fingers too and oven baked potato slices with beans- Im hoping for better success with this than the screaming fit at lunch!

Much better nights sleep although still up once. I feel much better today too.

I hope teething is ok with all the babies today.

Iwitch hope your first day at work was ok.

I should know which location in going back to soon, fingers crossed for somewhere close by
For lunch Luke has a fish finger, mashed potato and some beans (very small amount of beans as I'm unsure how he will digest it but seems to be ok) followed by yoghurt and a banana, then had some crackers at 3:00. He's now just had roast chicken, gravy, peas, sweetcorn, carrotes, potato, jelly and a handful of cake he stole lol

He's like a waste disposal unit
I went and got fish fingers after yesterday's convo haha!

Today Oscars had creamy chicken and sweetcorn with yoghurt for lunch and beef stew for tea with a fruit pot and strawberries and thick cream for pudding
This is not meant to sound judgemental on anyway. Each to their own etc

But does anyone get frustrated by what I all earth mums? By that I mean :

Will breastfeed untill 10 years old if they could
Reusable nappies
Don't wash their baby in anything but organic bee wax or something
Blah blah blah

I'm on this Facebook group for local mums and all I see all day is earth mum posts -

What happened to abit of talc and some chocolate and a bottle :lol:
Yip, I don't understand why. I had a neighbour like that when I was young. She didn't wash much cause she was conserving water too.
Back at work! Shattered & missed my little dude!

Pumpkin - Austin can be a bit hit & miss with eating foods, especially since he fell ill! I'm struggling to get him to eat his usual amounts & finger food he's just throwing the majority on the floor! Hoping this will improve with attending nursery
Hayleys been abit out of routine today, she refused dinner - i made meatballs with small pasta shells - so i then heated up a jar of baby food as thought maybe it's my cooking and she refused that too. She also never touched her bedtime bottle. Think ill try and dream feed in a bit to make sure she's satisfied enough to sleep
I got fish fingers today too! Haha ryan didn't have them tonight tho, I completely forgot about them when it came to tea time!

Ryan fell over today and bit his top lip on the inside (see all these teeth aren't all they're cracked up to be), when I picked him up and turned him over he had blood in his mouth, I literally froze :( I rang our little local minor injuries unit and explained and since he was crawling around, chewing stuff and chatting they said not to be too concerned just to keep an eye on it for infection! Poor little lad! He fell over yesterday too and knocked his face! He's gettin too cocky with standing unaided now!

Bex there's a girl on my fb who is abit like that, sometimes it takes all my self control to not post something sarcastic on her posts
Bex, yeah really bugs me, mainly because i feel like their is always judgement on anyone who isn't doing those things as if you are an unfit mother!

Iwitch - hope you have some lovely snuggles tonight and a goodnights sleep.

So not sure whether Thomas is teething again, still feeling poorly with his cold or something else but today has been a total battle feeding him. Thought he was getting to the point where he wanted to only feed himself so tried the fish fingers etc.. but he literally turned his nose up and everything and wouldn't eat it, just chucked it on the floor. Only seems interested in milk so i'm going with that for the time being until he's feeling alittle bit better.

He's also had a little blood in his sneezes (pre fall yesterday so i know it's to do with his cold) poor little boy.

Mrs B - it's so horrible when you see them hurt themselves - hope his lip heals quickly
I'm sure he's just not feeling well Kathryn, don't let it deter you from trying again when he's more himself!

Fingers crossed we all get good nights tonight, although after last night I'm not hopeful for myself, Ryan's like clockwork so iv got a couple more bad nights while this tooth cuts if he's as predictable as usual! X
ARGH! I could cry!!

Austin's been wide awake since 1.30. He's had a feed, nappy change & calpol.

I was shattered yesterday after him waking at 2 just for his dummy & 5 for a bottle so I have no idea how I'm gonna see tomorrow out at work!!

Gonna have to speak to my mum in the morn to see if she did anything massively different though even if she did I suspect she won't say!
Oh dear Iwitch :( Hopefully tonight will be better so you can get a good rest

Hayley woke twice and wouldnt settle for ages at 4:50 then 6:30. Gave her bottle at 6:30 and shes still sleeping now! Annoying as i can't enjoy it as ive got a flat viewing at 10 so she needs to wake soon so i can get her ready!!
Hope you have a better day today iWitch. A crap night really knocks it out of me these day so I can sympathise.

It's my day off today and really need to go for a walk or something. I've really got to improve my eating and shift a couple of stone. Feeling awfully broody which is ridiculous for a 43 year old who isn't allowed any more babies. Really hating my job at the moment and properly fed up. :( x
Not ridiculous dotty! Normal! Do u think it's time for a change job wise? What do u do? X
I work in I.T. Mrs_b_x. I do 4 full time days a week and get Wednesdays off. I'd love to do something else but I do get a reasonable wage and that pays our mortgage. I've been toying with starting a business making clothes for kids but not sure how profitable it would be. I've made a few dresses for Violet but I am only a beginner and think I need to improve before I could seriously flog some.

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