How are all you new mummies doing?

Bad night again, he went to sleep at 9 after an hour trying, then woke up a few times, by 11.30 he was wide awake. Gave him more callow and then by 1.30 I ended up giving up another 7oz of milk after the 9 he'd had at 8.30 cause he wouldn't eat his dinner. Slept in a single bed with him from 2am which was not comfortable as he kept snuggling up to me which is lovely but space hungry!

I've managed to put him in his cot now and come downstairs for breakfast so we'll see how long he sleeps
Sorry everyone seems to be the same but it's good to know we aren't on our own. I'm sure the baby group mums lie about their sleeping babies! ;-) S eventually settled but cried a few times in the night. She seems in better fettle this morning which is good cos I'm back to work sob sob!

I just don't know where I can hang the mat cos my whole bathroom is tiled with bevels so it won't stick. Might try even leaving it upside down see if that helps x
Emma slept terrible last night too. Went to sleep fine, then awake at 11. Heard some banging so went in as I had visions of her pulling up the monitor and getting tangled. She'd just dropped her dummy out of the cot and was trying to reach it. But once she saw me, that was it. Screaming for about 30 mins. Then the monitor alarm went off at 1. Then awake at 3 chatting away. Then had to wake her at 7 as it's back to school routine.
At least that way she doesn't deviate from her routine toria. Thomas has woken up now so I'm going to get his breakfast, skip his morning nap, go up town and then come back for lunch and give him his nap after that
Emma is currently sleeping through lunch. During hols, she's been napping morning and afternoon. That's not gonna happen now. Just hope she copes.
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Finally feeling abit more human today thank god!

All these naughty babies not sleeping :( Ryan's sleeping 7-6 consistently now except when a new tooth breaks then he has a crap couple of nights but luckily back to normal straight after. I won't take it for granted tho! I'm sure once he starts nursery it will go to shit along with his naps! Tooth 8 is due any day now so I'm not looking forward to that :(
I'm not looking forward to Emma getting any more teeth. Only 2 through, and that was awful!lol.
^ ditto

I'm working on the basis he's at the late end of the expected time for teeth so it'll all kick off when I'm back at work :(
Ryan's first four were alright really, but then they came through before he was consistently sleeping through, these little side ones top and bottom have been worse but I still think he seems to be an ok teether from what I gather from others

He face planted onto a lone block on the rug earlier, it caught him near his eye and has broken the skin slightly :( first war wound of many I'm sure! X
My older two weren't bothered at all with their teeth coming through. Big difference this time around!
So now our babies are able to eat a lot more, what are you letting your babies eat? Emma is having cheese sandwiches, she will eat a roast without the gravy, and if I make a bolognaise I'll take some of the mince out and make hers separate without the salty pasatta.

Can they eat sausages yet?
They probably can just not too often are they are salty.

Thomas has had sausage rolls, dairylea sandwiches, boiled egg and soldiers, bits of roast dinner, but he's very hit and miss with solid food so I'm just letting him try things when he takes an interest in my food
Ryan literally eats everything, he's had sausages with baked beans a few times. He loved all the Brussel sprouts over Christmas! And mince pie! Lol and he had a croissant on Christmas morning with us, oh dear lol I guess his teeth make a difference? And we've done blw really.

Has anyone worked out a way to get the spout out of the TT beakers? I keep trying with a knife but I'm scared of break it/hurt myself x
I always put Emma at the table with us even if she's already had her dinner, and she always goes for my plate. I've just made grilled sausages and chips for the kids. She ate the sausage but not overly keen. Also gave her one chip and she demolished it!

I'm sure she will love croissants when she gets to them too. Lol. Oh, and I got the kids dominos when they had friends over the other day. One of them dropped their crust on the floor and I caught Emma chomping her way through that! Whoops!
Just had the worst experience. Slipped as I was coming down the stairs with Thomas, grazed my arms as I landed which caused me to drop Thomas out of my arms. He pinged forward, landed two steps down then flipped further down another couple of stairs.

I feel awful, Thomas was crying I was crying. It was terrible. He seems ok my arms a very sore :(
Oh no! I'm sure I'm gonna do the same sometime soon. My friends son fell from the top step to the bottom a few weeks ago. She took him to hospital and they said all fine and that babies bones are still soft so they don't break. Oh, he was about 16 months I'd say when it happened.
I striped him off and there's not a mark on him, he's baring weight fine, arms are moving ok.

Gutted I did it. Im throwing out the socks I was wearing.

I'm just relieved he didn't hit the tiled floor at the bottom
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Oh no :( I'm petrified of doing this! We have solid wood floor at the bottom, I always walk so slow when I'm carrying him. He was climbing up the other day and fell from about two steps up, I felt awful, he was back and ready to try again! He's currently eating the bubbles in the bath... Nice!
Oh god pumpkin, I've got tears thinking about it. What a fright you must have got! Glad your both ok now.

I'm at a crossing point in food now. Now she's over her cold and stuff she's eating off the spoon better. She will eat snacks and sandwiches but I don't know how best to move onto the next stage iykwim. If i give her stuff on her tray she won't eat a lot of it and certainly not enough for a meal. Do I let her have her dinner off her spoon then give her bits of ours? Doe anyone find mince hard for their babies. Think it's the texture for S even after it's blitzed.
I'm kinda the same Jen, don't want to feed Emma too little so I'm currently putting finger food in front of her. Then jam her mushed food in in between. But then I'm worried I'm hindering her progress. Tried giving her a spoon to feed herself a few times, and she flicked it so far around the room I was cleaning for ages. Then she had to go straight in the bath. Not doing that again! If I give her anything on a playe she just flings it on the floor too. Emma is only now ok with mince. But it took till she moved food around her mouth and chewed it on her gums a bit rather than just swallowing before she coped with it. It's amazing what she can get down now with only 2 teeth!lol

My turn with boiler issues! Heating working thank goodness. But no hot water. No idea what's going on as sometimes during the day it's fine, then others it's not. Like when I want to bath the kids, or shower myself

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