How are all you new mummies doing?

Congrats nat, the ring is beautiful. I love rings like that. Abroad sounds lovely. I know someone who got married in Sorrento which is beautiful.

Toria, I'm surprised your dentist went for it like that, seems abit silly on their part!
Aww sorrento sounds amazing! If I done it all over again I would have loved to go to Vegas. It's just the best day (aside S of course!) so just enjoy it and all the prep nat - don't let people stress you!!

S started to go into a seizure today while my sister was holding her. We all crapped ourselves but she seemed to stop really quick. I'm sitting here so nervous now cos Chris is working :-( I'm going to ask the consultant next week if there's a connection with sleeping and seizures. Hers mostly come minutes after naps, almost like the shock of waking up is too much sometimes.
Jen, print that and take it to the specialist next time. Is S unwell at the moment?

I loved my wedding venue, vineyard in NZ. Stayed there too. Jack was a week off turning one, so my family and friends took turns going back to the villa so he wasn't alone. Was cheap too! But I'd do Vegas too. I might suggest renewing our vows for out 10 yr anniversary in Vegas.
Jen- do you have a specialist childrens hospital or anything near you?
Oh no poor s Jen :-( bet your so worried.
Thankyou 4 the well wishers guys I'd love love love Vegas but we want Macie to be there more than anything n not sure Vegas is suitable for a little one? On thinking maybe Cyprus or Greece we will be on a tight budget because we will have to pay 4 it all ourselves but we will see I've always wanted to go to Italy tho it's not somewhere I've visited xxxxx
Just caught up ladies,

Congrats Nat and Katherine on your fab news :)

Iv been in bed for two days with suspected food poisoning. Finally managed to keep some food and drink down today so starting to feel slightly more human xx
Aw no hope you feel better mrs b.

Nat I'm sure toria has taken her kids there, can't remember what age.

We don't have a specialist hospital but we see the neurologist on the 13th for her EEG so defo going to print off and give it to him. I've also got the details of all her other seizures and how long gayer wakening they are. She's not unwell toria and didn't have a temp. At worse she's teething on and off the last week but nothing as such today x
Sounds scary for you, you should definitely being it up with the specialist, it might not be easy (they hate people doing it) but just push until you get somewhere.

E and hubby have been talking about when I ttc. We think August/September time would be best to try and avoid nov-April baby and to give us the kind of gap we would be able to work with best. Lim
Already terrified we won't be able to conceive this time.
So you can rule out S being unwell that's causing the seizures then Jen. Hope you get to the bottom of what's causing them soon.

Yes we've taken the kids to Vegas twice. First time Jack was 5 and Maddie 2, second time I was pregnant with Emma, so Maddie was 5 and Jack 7. It's still fun for kids, most people are nursing hangovers or just going to bed when we were getting up. So we had the pools to ourselves. Just got to be careful you aren't out in the middle of the day when it's too hot for the little ones. It's cheap once you're there too. And we were eating early with the kids so we were getting the early bird / old people dinner deals. Lol.
My brother got married in Cyprus 10 years ago and it was amazing. We had a fab holiday together before then they got married at the end of the week.
No never been but always fancied it heard a lot of good things about it!
I've always wanted to do Vegas but really want to do all the tourist things to do when we do go also can't see any of my family going to Vegas I've told pete he shouldn't have messed about asking me n we could have gone to Vegas before we had Macie we choose to go to Thailand instead of Vegas it was 2 weeks there for what 5 nights in Vegas was going to cost (obvs not to her married ) xxxx
Sounds scary for you, you should definitely being it up with the specialist, it might not be easy (they hate people doing it) but just push until you get somewhere.

E and hubby have been talking about when I ttc. We think August/September time would be best to try and avoid nov-April baby and to give us the kind of gap we would be able to work with best. Lim
Already terrified we won't be able to conceive this time.

Oh jo no I know how u feel I'm worried il mc again when we ttc I just kept telling myself my body is capable of doing it but it's always there in the back of my mind xxxx
My brother got married in Cyprus 10 years ago and it was amazing. We had a fab holiday together before then they got married at the end of the week.

Aww that sounds lovely just heard such lovely things about Cyprus and feel it's more family orientated I need to see when best time to go is don't want it too hot xxxxxx
I've been 3 times and we LOVE cyprus!!!

Hubby been like 8 times !

It takes it's time to warm up so July/aug are hot but September and October are nice!

It was 29 degrees mid October just gone. Have a google of protaras and cape greko ;)

The east of the island is always warmer with better beaches than the west like paphos :)
Sounds scary for you, you should definitely being it up with the specialist, it might not be easy (they hate people doing it) but just push until you get somewhere.

E and hubby have been talking about when I ttc. We think August/September time would be best to try and avoid nov-April baby and to give us the kind of gap we would be able to work with best. Lim
Already terrified we won't be able to conceive this time.

Oh jo no I know how u feel I'm worried il mc again when we ttc I just kept telling myself my body is capable of doing it but it's always there in the back of my mind xxxx

We conceived easily but I worry that it was a blip and I'll fail to conceive... Ofc I feared I wouldn't convince in the first place. I think I'll also feel a bit guilty bevause my cousin is due this year and she has a 3yr old and I have Luke but my other cousin may never have any and I feel a little selfish of I had another but I've always wanted 2-3

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