How are all you new mummies doing?

Anyone got any tips for bad coughs? Macie's really been coughing today feel so sorry 4 her xxxx
I've put Vicks on her feet and socks it was when she first went to bed she was really coughing she seems to have settled down now bless her she's not really poorly just got this cough! Thankyou xxx
Hope she's better in the morning.

Thomas is motoring with his moving now. Stood up on the bath tonight (holding onto the side) he's been practising standing up and getting down all day and is walking around anything he can cling to.

I saw Emma walking on Facebook toria. Has she built up the confidence to let go yet?
Hope she's better in the morning.

Thomas is motoring with his moving now. Stood up on the bath tonight (holding onto the side) he's been practising standing up and getting down all day and is walking around anything he can cling to.

I saw Emma walking on Facebook toria. Has she built up the confidence to let go yet?

Austin's terrible for standing up in the bath. Hv prescribed him some oilatum bath & oilatum cream for a dry rash (which is brilliant by the way!) & it obviously makes his bath oily. I'm sick of saying 'no, sit down' because it's either to austin or the dog!

Been off it all day & spent the best part of the day in bed drifting in & out of sleep. Still shattered yet I can't switch off! Nothing in particular on my mind either
Hi all, just having a catch up. Haven't been able to get on to PF for a while now. It logged me out and wouldn't accept me password. Weird, as its just worked!

Stacey, hows your step dad?

Woo hoo Jojo! Surprise money is always good :-)

Emma's not well yet again. Cough and cold again. Last night just after I put her to bed she had a coughing fit. Then Spewed up her milk. Had to do a full baby and cot change then go through the bedtime routine. Chris was out at yet another Xmas do so no help either. He's off next week though, and last day of school for older ones today. so looking forward to some sleep ins and help!lol

Kathryn, no she won't walk alone yet. She walks well holding one hand and if I let go she will stand balancing herself for a bit. But she doesn't like it, so don't think she will be walking on her own anytime soon. My friend took that pic and posted it. So embarrassing! I'd got caught in the rain so my hair was a frizz ball. The house was a tip cause Jack had a bunch of friends over, and I'm wearing my slippers!
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Hope she's better in the morning.

Thomas is motoring with his moving now. Stood up on the bath tonight (holding onto the side) he's been practising standing up and getting down all day and is walking around anything he can cling to.

I saw Emma walking on Facebook toria. Has she built up the confidence to let go yet?

Austin's terrible for standing up in the bath. Hv prescribed him some oilatum bath & oilatum cream for a dry rash (which is brilliant by the way!) & it obviously makes his bath oily. I'm sick of saying 'no, sit down' because it's either to austin or the dog!

Been off it all day & spent the best part of the day in bed drifting in & out of sleep. Still shattered yet I can't switch off! Nothing in particular on my mind either

I'm always shouting 'no' or 'sit' too. We don't even have a dog! Lol
I've put Vicks on her feet and socks it was when she first went to bed she was really coughing she seems to have settled down now bless her she's not really poorly just got this cough! Thankyou xxx

Also a shower rather than a bath before bed helps clear my two's chests when they have a cough. My 3 year old just has a cough now but the baby is still quite snotty after they both cold 2 colds in a row :(
I'm constantly saying get down and sit, I think the neighbours think we have a new dog lol. He's just contact ly climbing everything and isn't helped by us having big problems funding a stair gate that fits!

Luke went to bed at 6:30 and not a peep until 9:00 BLISS!

Emma is so clever! Luke can walk holding one hand for a little bit but can't stand by himself quite yet but he's working on it. His issue is he tries to run before he can walk... Literally!
Hope she's better in the morning.

Thomas is motoring with his moving now. Stood up on the bath tonight (holding onto the side) he's been practising standing up and getting down all day and is walking around anything he can cling to.

I saw Emma walking on Facebook toria. Has she built up the confidence to let go yet?

Austin's terrible for standing up in the bath. Hv prescribed him some oilatum bath & oilatum cream for a dry rash (which is brilliant by the way!) & it obviously makes his bath oily. I'm sick of saying 'no, sit down' because it's either to austin or the dog!

Been off it all day & spent the best part of the day in bed drifting in & out of sleep. Still shattered yet I can't switch off! Nothing in particular on my mind either

Tell me about it!
I was the same last night with sleep, woke about 5 times for No reason, felt shattered this morning.

How are you finding Austin and your dog at the moment. Monty is taking a real exception to thomas moving and I'm finding it hard to cope with the constant barking. If I'm not saying no
To him then I'm saying no to thomas because he's doing something he shouldn't be.
Think we are very slowly improving their relationship but it's taken a massive backward step since crawling. I just wish it was easier
We bought this one Jojo - fits all of our bizarre openings and no bottom piece of metal to step over

Toria- poor Emma hoping you are all well for Christmas and you get some lay ins

It's not just width for us, the walls are made or stupidly tough wall and even professionals find it hard to get through it, it's also the height, we have a weird window ledge type thing that limits the height it can be and nobody gives the height. Our walls are also different width at the bottom by about half an inch so we need a Pressure fitting
Hope she's better in the morning.

Thomas is motoring with his moving now. Stood up on the bath tonight (holding onto the side) he's been practising standing up and getting down all day and is walking around anything he can cling to.

I saw Emma walking on Facebook toria. Has she built up the confidence to let go yet?

Austin's terrible for standing up in the bath. Hv prescribed him some oilatum bath & oilatum cream for a dry rash (which is brilliant by the way!) & it obviously makes his bath oily. I'm sick of saying 'no, sit down' because it's either to austin or the dog!

Been off it all day & spent the best part of the day in bed drifting in & out of sleep. Still shattered yet I can't switch off! Nothing in particular on my mind either

Tell me about it!

I was the same last night with sleep, woke about 5 times for No reason, felt shattered this morning.

How are you finding Austin and your dog at the moment. Monty is taking a real exception to thomas moving and I'm finding it hard to cope with the constant barking. If I'm not saying no

To him then I'm saying no to thomas because he's doing something he shouldn't be.

Think we are very slowly improving their relationship but it's taken a massive backward step since crawling. I just wish it was easier

Not too bad. I feel a bit guilty at times because persie spends a lot of the time out of the living room but he roams the kitchen & hallway. Because he's still a pup he's far too giddy to have him in the room when austin is on the floor, especially when he's pulling himself up everywhere. Luckily the dog loves him & austin loves the dog. When he is in the room I'm constantly having to tell persie to get away from him. If he's not trying to lick his face (to which austin will open his mouth!!) then austins grabbing hold of his coat! Thankfully persie is extremely tolerant lol. Suppose it helps because austin was here first?

It's definitely a lot easier when Chris is at home
What is it with babies and opening their mouths when dogs lick! Thomas is exactly the same. Thomas def loves monty but because we've had monty for 8 years he only loves thomas on his terms and touching is a nono right now. It's gradually getting better though. Doesn't help he's a Jack Russell and therefore absolutely bonkers lol
Hi ladies! How is everyone? As excited as me for next week? I literally cannot wait! :-)

I'm with you all on the baby proofing now, she's moving along so fast!

Stacey hope your step dad's ok :-( x x
Hi Jen,

Everything's good here. Just finishing off my last few lists for Monday's food shopping and then it's all systems I for Christmas. I have no idea how thomas will react to all his presents. Think he's going to be totally overwhelmed
Guaranteed they either play with the first present and forget the others or play with the boxes haha!
I'm dead excited 4 Christmas!! Going to be the best ever my house is already over run with presents! I've got to finish wrapping and it's my sisters 11th birthday Tomo such a busy few days xxxxx
Hi ladies
hope you dont mind me dropping in but i was part of the April mummies group amongst others and i haven't really been on since having my son in April.
My hubby has started a new job and is working 10-15hours a day and im on my own the majority of the time and getting a bit lonely so thought id pop back in.

How are you all and your little ones?


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