How are all you new mummies doing?

Hi everyone just trying to catch up. I hope things turn up better for you soon Bex. I hope Luke settles soon Jojo. Joseph isn't very well. He has got a chest infection and is on antibiotics. Ended up at the walk in centre today as he was wheezing. They have now put him on an inhaler until the infection clears. :( xxx
We've had stanley in our bed the last 3 nights, he was bad with a cough a couple of weeks ago then he got snotty/stuffy nose and couldn't sleep properly along with bad teething, his nose has cleared up loads so hoping for a better night although he did take a while to settle. He stands up in his cot but hasn't learned how to get back down yet!
I don't know how you manage to co sleep at this point lol when Luke comes into our bed he's all over the place and there's no room for us, not to mention the constant worry he will fall/climb out.

Poor poorly babies, I hope they,re all better soon
I know what you mean Jojo. I can't risk it after thomas rolled off our bed.

Thomas has been a nightmare to settle tonight kept screaming everytime we put him to bed. Finally conked out at 11pm after calpol and teethinh granules. Don't think it was teeth but covered the bases to try and have a decent nights sleep.

Hope everyone's babes are better soon
Another long old night here! Teething (still no teeth to be seen!!) snotty nose & chesty cough poor kid.....
Well think he's just woken up so he was fine all night after the trouble of getting him to bed!!
When will this winter end so we have happy babies again?!

Bex your photos were lovely, hope you had a good day!

Last week of work then 2 while off with my baby yay!!
Arghhh another bad night! Up from 12-4 crying everytime I left the room standing at his cot! I'm stuck because if I leave him to cry then he's stuck and can't get down and I don't want him to fall and hurt himself, then when he cries he knows eventually Ill come in to see him! Any suggestions?
I got about 3 hours sleep in total i never took him into our bed at all as I want to break that now that he is better. I know he's teething bad and getting over a cold but I need this to end I want my 12 hour sleeper back haha x
When Ryan was at that stage I just repeatedly went in, laid him down, tucked him in/dummy/comforter without saying anything. He eventually have up when he wasn't getting any interaction xx
When Ryan was at that stage I just repeatedly went in, laid him down, tucked him in/dummy/comforter without saying anything. He eventually have up when he wasn't getting any interaction xx

^WSS - it didn't last too long. They soon learn how to get down
Luke has now learned to sit down so we don't have he issue anymore of leaving the room, but if he's standing I lie him down, give him his dummy and his hippo and leave.
Wasn't sure where to post, didn't seem worth a whole new thread as I know loads of us have ill babies at the moment. So fed up. Both mine have been ill on and off since mid-September. 2 weeks ago they both had some weird cold/flu virus with a rash that totally freaked me out and on Saturday my daughter was diagnosed with an ear infection. Just as the antibiotics are starting to work (and I'm finally starting to relax), she has a poo and some bleeding (very, very tiny amount) from her bum and I start worrying all over again. To top it all, my son is running a temperature again. I just feel so completely overwhelmed with that, starting work again (all late shifts and I'm blinking exhausted with getting up to 2 ill babies during the night it's difficult to focus, let alone drive to and from work) and trying to organise things for Christmas...
Wasn't sure where to post, didn't seem worth a whole new thread as I know loads of us have ill babies at the moment. So fed up. Both mine have been ill on and off since mid-September. 2 weeks ago they both had some weird cold/flu virus with a rash that totally freaked me out and on Saturday my daughter was diagnosed with an ear infection. Just as the antibiotics are starting to work (and I'm finally starting to relax), she has a poo and some bleeding (very, very tiny amount) from her bum and I start worrying all over again. To top it all, my son is running a temperature again. I just feel so completely overwhelmed with that, starting work again (all late shifts and I'm blinking exhausted with getting up to 2 ill babies during the night it's difficult to focus, let alone drive to and from work) and trying to organise things for Christmas...

You're not having much luck at all are you?! Is the blood fresh? If it is then there's no cause for concern. Just monitor.

The ladies on here will understand exactly what you're going through. There seems to be a lot of poorly babies at the moment. Chin up, it'll get better! Make sure your OH is helping out. I've warned my hubby he's can seriously do one of he thinks I'm doing it all once I've gone back to work
Stacey, what the others said. Just go in, lie him down and leave. We had an awful week when Emma was at this stage too. Then when I didn't go to her, she would let go and fall straight back and hit her head on the other side of the cot.

Ella, does your oh help in the night? My three have been ill in turns for months too. It's hard work, but you can do it! I don't work, but I still get my oh to help in the night. And at weekends we have a day each that we sleep in. An extra hour or two makes so much difference. It's like having a chance to recharge.
Yes, my OH's really good at taking it in turns to get up and help out, which is great. I'm not sure how I'd cope if he didn't. Sometimes I envy him going off to work every day though.

iWitch - yes, the blood is fresh and only a really tiny bit on wiping. She holds her poo because she doesn't like going on the potty or the toilet, so basically waits until she has a nappy on. Consequently the poos are HUGE! I guess it's "just" a fissure due to the large poo size, but any blood makes me worry. This time last week I was on my son's 10th nappy change of the day! They'd all been poos! It's never-ending. Diarrhoea seems to have cleared up but his congestion hasn't and is all over his sheets every morning!

Anyhoo, he's in bed and my daughter's just having her bedtime milk and watching Mister Maker. Hopefully it'll quieten down for a few hours then. Fingers crossed!
A little advice needed. Hubby's family sent some money for Luke for Xmas but I wanted something for Luke to open on Xmas day - I know he won't really know, but I just thought it was nice. I bought a ring stacker, a lovely pair of jeans and a nice little shirty dungaree set for summer from hubby's mum and stepdad, and some more little pants and some denim overalls from his nana and grandad and a little cheetah on wheels from his brother with the money he sent... I was going to let them know I've done it but then I'm worried they might be offended like I'm saying that they should've sent something and they didn't.

Should I tell them or not?
Send a thank you card that says thank you for the money you sent, I gave it to mummy and she used it to get me some new toys and clothes :)

When we were kids we always had to tell whoever it was what we'd spent it on, as we got older it was usually a lie but whatever! X
I might do that, I will eventually tell her what he spent it on but I was going to tell her we'd used it before Christmas and wrapped some things up for him to have on Xmas day, but I don't want to offend her
Thanks for the advice it's alreadh started again tonight! So will persevere.

Jojo I wouldnt be offended in fact I think theyd think it was nice to know that their money was spent on things you/luke like :)

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