Wasn't sure where to post, didn't seem worth a whole new thread as I know loads of us have ill babies at the moment. So fed up. Both mine have been ill on and off since mid-September. 2 weeks ago they both had some weird cold/flu virus with a rash that totally freaked me out and on Saturday my daughter was diagnosed with an ear infection. Just as the antibiotics are starting to work (and I'm finally starting to relax), she has a poo and some bleeding (very, very tiny amount) from her bum and I start worrying all over again. To top it all, my son is running a temperature again. I just feel so completely overwhelmed with that, starting work again (all late shifts and I'm blinking exhausted with getting up to 2 ill babies during the night it's difficult to focus, let alone drive to and from work) and trying to organise things for Christmas...