How are all you new mummies doing?

Stopped taking the pill two weeks ago and over the last few days I swear my body is gearing up for a period. Still nothing though which is really annoying me. Just wish it would hurry up! Bound to come in Christmas day when I need to cook and I'll have bloody back pain and cramps no doubt
Ooh is this for you ttc again pumpkin?

Hope your day got better mrsnel. I NEVER used to ask for help but am so much better now I'm back at work. It's just a necessity sometimes.

I would be raging jojo!! Great idea about the nappy in the nappy sack. Defo stealing that.

I had such a lovely day til later on. My car that I've just spent £1000 (!!) fixing was making a terrible noise. So while S is screaming cos she's tired and hungry have to get my dad and brother to come meet me and rescue me. Then as you see from my post had a terrible time again at feeding S. I'm honestly at my boiling point with it all. Why can't she be a baby on bottles again?! :-(
Just quickly back read posts. I'd ask someone to help out MrsNel...sometimes you just need a break. No harm in asking anyways :) Sometimes it takes me half the day to get me and hayley ready to go out somewhere, feels like its not worth all the hassle on some days! Especially if the weathers horrible it makes me want to stay inside just to avoid getting soaked!

Aw Jen! Hope S starts eating better. Hayley is the opposite, she usually eats breakfast. lunch and dinner really well and still has 3 x 8 oz bottles each day! Some time she finishes a bottle then starts screaming as theres no milk left! Grubber!

Hayley has started to point at things today, so cute. I would ask her where santa is and she'd point to the santa decoration on the wall or over to her advent calendar that has santa on it.
Just quickly back read posts. I'd ask someone to help out MrsNel...sometimes you just need a break. No harm in asking anyways :) Sometimes it takes me half the day to get me and hayley ready to go out somewhere, feels like its not worth all the hassle on some days! Especially if the weathers horrible it makes me want to stay inside just to avoid getting soaked!

Aw Jen! Hope S starts eating better. Hayley is the opposite, she usually eats breakfast. lunch and dinner really well and still has 3 x 8 oz bottles each day! Some time she finishes a bottle then starts screaming as theres no milk left! Grubber!

Hayley has started to point at things today, so cute. I would ask her where santa is and she'd point to the santa decoration on the wall or over to her advent calendar that has santa on it.

That's too cute! If I ask austin what does persie do I occasionally get an 'oof' if I'm lucky!
Jen, basically yes starting ttc, got to wait for my cycles to return and then all systems go for the new year! Kind of looking forward to being pregnant now.

Thomas points to things and makes the sound ook (which I think means look) we don't get a lot of sounds yet but we've been practising actions. So far we have high five, clapping, waving and give me ten nailed now working on hands up lol!

Might see about sounds next. I've been trying to say hohoho everytime he sees Father Christmas as I'm desperate to hear him try would be so cute
How exciting! Well good luck to you. I'm dying for Scarlett to do kisses so she can be even cuter too haha! x x
Luke doesn't point at things but I think it's because he doesn't stop long enough to lol he's obsessed with finding out how things work, he keeps trying it ale the batteries out of the remote control.

We had horrible news at work today, one of the lads that works in our office lost his brother (25) this week, he was found dead in a street in Sunderland under suspicious circumstances and one of my friends from work has found out her son (he's 22) has leukaemia. So much bad news floating around recently and I find it effects me much more now that I have luke.
Aww so cute seeing what these babies are learning :)

That's a shame Jojo, I find i'm alot more emotional with things. A few weeks ago a 9 year old girl was killed in a hit and run at the end of my street, found out her mums just died too. And there is an accident in town today and 6 people were killed as a bin truck mounted the pavement and crashed into queen street station. Horrible news, and very scary as i walk that street when im in town with hayley.

Had a very long day today as hayley refused to nap at all, despite being very tired. So she was rather grumpy at times
I heard about that on the news, so awful and seems like a freak accident. M

I'm so emotional about things now, even Christmas adverts make me cry
hi all, just logged on on the desktop as my iPad won't log on to PF, and my phone doesn't seem to want to post anything i type on here. think someones trying to tell me something?!lol.

Kerry, i just saw the news about the bin truck. just so awful. I've just txt my aunts who both live in Glasgow to check they are all safe. A year on from the crash into that pub too. My cousins ex was killed in that.

Jojo, i think once you have kids your focus shifts a bit. i worry so much for my kids, and also seem to panic more about every little thing with myself as i don't wan to leave them. my oh lost his brother when they were young too, so he's worried the same will happen to one of our kids.

emma now says mama and dada and Hack for Jack. hahaha. she waves bye bye and sticks her tongue out when i ask her where her big tongue is. when i ask for a kiss the head buts me though. lol
Hey Jojo, there's a pregnant lady who posted in home life and finances section asking for advice about working in a care home while pregnant. Can you help?
Such a tragedy in Glasgow :-( Kerry wasn't it about this time of year that the range rover mounted the kerb in Glasgow and killed the 2 young girls. Do you know what it makes me think tho? I spend far too log sweating small stuff when for all I know something tragic could happen tomorrow, defo makes you think on life.

Aw Emma sounds too cute. When I ask Scarlett for kisses she comes at me with an open mouth, don't want her doing it with other people tho haha!

We had another fight at tea time. She will only eat her pudding off a spoon the last few days :wall: came back from asda loaded with sliced ham, baby potatoes and carrot sticks so she still has a proper dinner tomorrow but hopefully eat it herself!
Hey Jojo, there's a pregnant lady who posted in home life and finances section asking for advice about working in a care home while pregnant. Can you help?

I'll pop over, it's not a care home I work in but it's similar
Sorry. Just as soon as I read it there were similarities with something you posted ages ago that stuck with me.
Yeah, I ended up doing my in risk assessments if you remember. I called the manager up and basically went on strike unless they came to sort it out
Evening ladies
its such a tradegy what happened in glasgow today. My friends hubby works on that street and by luck he was off today. I hugged Sam that bit tighter and longer tonight.
I have finally bought Emma's next stage car seat! Got the Britax dualfix. Joined that car seat advice group on Facebook, and all the ones I was thinking about before went out the window. Still not absolutely certain I've made the right choice, this has been harder than choosing a house and cars!
Is the dualafix the one that turns Toria? I got a britax - and also bought a new pram! Now have the out n about nipper - as our graco Evo was awful on the paths around here and bridal paths ! As soon as oscars in his next car seat then I'm selling the travel system :)

I'm looking forward to having some time off over Xmas and trying to catch up with you guys! I feel out the loop I don't know what's going on lol! X
When you off from Bex?

It's terrible but I've still never used the pram bit of my travel system, I attached the car seat when she was a baby and now just use my second hand McLaren when out and about cos it's easier. Annoyingly hubby took it out the box and chucked all the packaging away but defo going to sell it x
Half a day Xmas eve untill 5th Jan

Oscar has hospital check up tomorrow with blood tests so praying all good else it's possible re admission :/

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