How are all you new mummies doing?

Kaedin I used to put ipad in front of austin with the camera on so he could see himself :D

Oh dear bex, doesn't sound good!
What about a tummy time toy? Luke has a log thing with toys on
Awwww Bex, you've got a lot going on. Hope Oscars christening goes well on Sunday.
Well I'm still sat on bed stewing

Hubby and MIL

Obviously having children changes you as a person, your outlook/hobbies/day to day life and every bring surrounding it change! I get that... But hubby and I are just on 2 different wave lengths and have been for a while.

I hoped the move and removing the debt from our lives would release a pressure cord and allow us to breath but it hasn't... I just don't know what to do anymore

Every day I come home from work I go from happy and enthusiastic to sad,snappy and moody - it's being around him causing that ... So stuck :(
Aww Bex that's shitty your feeling that way, what is it that your OH is doing that's getting to you? What if you tried to rekindle that spark so to speak, do something just the two of you? I can't wait for next week when me and Chris are going to a Xmas party At our friends to be like we used to for one night ha!
How is living at MIL panning out? im sure the pair of you have just been under so much pressure/stress that you's are dealing/coping with it differently.. Big hugs xxx
Aw Bex! :hugs: there's defo nothing like having a baby to change a relationship. I genuinely don't know why people who have a child have another to save a marriage! (I'm a failed product of that as my mum reminds me regularly!!!) I agree with Stacey, although it doesn't take away the problems, getting out and not being oscars mum and dad might help. Reminding yourselves that you can still be the same people you were before all this stress. Take yourself away to a hotel for the night. Your doing amazing to get through what you both have x x
Why can't I sleep?! :wall: S is sound asleep and hasn't even stirred for the first time in weeks and here I am again lying worrying, constantly checking her! It's driving me insane x
We put Amelia in a 3.5 tog sleeping bag with sleeves last night and she slept 8pm til 7am. Didn't even wake for her dummy! Hope it's not a one off :-)
I found I was getting a bit cold at night, so turned Emma's radiator up so her room was 21 degrees. And she's slept through since! Only been 3 nights. I feel bad that she was waking before because she was cold.
Luke seems to be sleeping through again but went to bed late tiday (9:39ish) as he was at a Xmas sing night. He's kezrnt yo climb the stairs tiday so stair gates soon me thinks lol
hey all,

I keep trying to post but then halfway through my phone freezes so end up giving in! cant wait for my new phone treat at christmas.

Bex, I really know how you feel sometimes. Me and hubby struggle at times to be on the same wavelength with things. We had a bust up the other day because i was moaning about stuff and he couldn't understand why and then he got annoyed me for constantly moaning and i got upset because he didn't get it at all. Anyway, what i'm trying to say is that i think we all go through hours, days or even weeks where we feel like this. I like Stacey's suggestion of going out together - perhaps just try and talk abit more?

Speaking of being warmer and then sleeping better, I've adjusted our thermostat for the upstairs (away from hubby's scrooge settings lol) and now it's nice and warm all night in thomas' room and i'm not having to use blankets for him he's been sleeping much much better.
wish i'd done it sooner :(

Finally finished the photobooks for our parents that we are giving them for christmas. I swear it's taken me 14 hours to do them on and off over the last week or so. I won't be doing any of those for awhile it was a bloody mission
Bex- maybe a little night out just you and hubby will help or even a night in just the 2 of you. Youve had alot going on lately so maybe some unwinding time together will do yous good :) Hope you sort it, i know it's not nice constantly ending up sad and moody, i used to get like that when my ex came home.

Just bought the 3.5 sleeping bag with sleeves on amazon, what do you dress baby in underneath?
I'd try a combo Kerry. See if she's ok in a long sleeved vest and that, If she wakes change it to a sleepsuit instead. And then if that doesn't work use both?
We just put a sleep suit on, no vest/bodysuit. Another good night last night, just a couple of dummy wakes but slept til 7:45!
Ok thanks! will give that a go and ill see how she gets on temp. wise

think hayley has a cold, snottery nose and she keeps waking up screaming. She didnt nap today despite being shattered so im hoping her calpol helps her

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