How are all you new mummies doing?

They should stay rear facing as long as possible because it's a lot safer, but I believe they are legally allowed to face forward from 9kg. We're hoping to keep Isabelle in her 0+ (up to 13kg) until well past a year and then we might invest in a stage 1 that goes either way (means buying a new base too, so mega bucks!)

We just got a 2 week supply of nappies for free as part of a trial. Love a good freebie :-)
We're planning to keep him ret facing until his birthday at least but he's bracing himself against the back of the seat with his legs and it worries me a little that he'll hurt his legs one day doing it.

Only thing is that our base is just a strap in I think - I don't think it goes on a base but I'm going to ask the person that gave it to us. It's in great condition though because it was just for occasional journeys in the "granny mobile" as she calls it lol
I'm having the same dilemma with car seats. Emma holds her feet out straight when she's in the car and kinda locks her knees and pushes herself back. Her head is past the top now too and I'd say she's about 24lbs now. Think it's getting dangerous for her to stay in this one, but at the same time I don't want her forward facing just yet. They say they can face forward from 9 months, but apparently until they are about 15 months their neck muscles aren't strong enough to protect them in a big accident.

The only car seat that faces rear and forwards and fits both our cars is £280. I've noticed a lot of the rear facing ones say from birth to 4, but look a lot tighter fit than the forward facing 9+ months. Decisions decisions!

Do you know what the one you have been given is called Jojo?
Toria that facebook group that was recommended is really good. There's a few 'specialists' on there that will give you advice
Toria that facebook group that was recommended is really good. There's a few 'specialists' on there that will give you advice

What was it again? It got too difficult making a decision last time.
I'm having the same dilemma with car seats. Emma holds her feet out straight when she's in the car and kinda locks her knees and pushes herself back. Her head is past the top now too and I'd say she's about 24lbs now. Think it's getting dangerous for her to stay in this one, but at the same time I don't want her forward facing just yet. They say they can face forward from 9 months, but apparently until they are about 15 months their neck muscles aren't strong enough to protect them in a big accident.

The only car seat that faces rear and forwards and fits both our cars is £280. I've noticed a lot of the rear facing ones say from birth to 4, but look a lot tighter fit than the forward facing 9+ months. Decisions decisions!

Do you know what the one you have been given is called Jojo?

The one she have me is the britax first class
The car seat I'm looking at getting is a britax two way elite, it's rear facing until he's 6. I watched a video on a website, I think it's called, but it was just one of the first things that came up on google, and after watching that video I want him rear facing as long as possible x
Reading stories of kids in car accidents like that is totally heartbreaking. I want to stick with rear facing as long as possible, but they are very expensive and it's quite hard to figure out what one to buy! Hard aswell as I don't even drive so it'd be for my mums car at the moment, which Hayley doesn't go in very often. Worth it for the extra safety but it's the thought spending all that money on one thing when im on my own and still on SMP
Judging by your reactions I can't watch the vid - far too emotional!! My friend has one that spins both ways but I forget what it's called. It was quite expensive but she loves it! I don't even know where to start.

I don't know about where you are ladies, but RSV is rife here. S is just getting over hers and my best friends kids all have it. Her youngest got rushed to hospital cos he stopped breathing, she found him like that so they don't even know how long for or the possible long term effects. So sad for her :-(
Car seat advice for mummies & daddies :)

A lot of them seem to rate the joie stages & the Hauk variaguard neither of which is that expensive. It's just a case of whether it fits your car
The joie stages one is only £150 at kiddicare and there was even a yellow one reduced to £74.99 at smyths toys. I think they go up to four years so even at 150 if u split it over that it's not bad. I have a kiddicare car seat at home that was £58 and I'm taking it back as soon as I get back, I bought it because were skint and I figured ur just paying for a grand name as they're all tested by the same standards. I think iv realised a car seat is the the most important safety device you will ever buy for your child so it's worth scrimping on everything else IMO. The other one I looked at the britax two way elite is £220 and lasts til 6 so again splitting it over the years is not too bad xx
Argh just written a post about car seats and then my phone froze before posted!

Joie stages is about £130. I subscribe to that group an they often recommended that plus some other options that go to 25kg and are great value.

We're keeping thomas rear facing for as long as possible. Until 4 probably. Think we are getting the joie ianchor next which is about £260. But he hasn't outgrown his infant cabriofix yet so he'll be staying in that as infant carriers apparently are te safest option until they outgrow either by weight or height (apparently you can tell by placing a book at the top of the seat and if their head touches it's time for a new seat)

I honestly doubt the bracing of legs will be worse that the effect of them forward facing and their necks being unable to support their head weight in a crash.
In other news thomas is 100% crawling and pulling himself up now which is giving me a run for my money.

He's started to go through another leap and putting him to bed the last few nights has been difficult. It's taken an hour and a half to get him to sleep as everytime we've put him in his cot he's screamed (not bottle or nappy he just doesn't want to go to sleep!)

Normally we put him in his cot with music on and leave him and he goes to sleep whih he's still doing for naps but not bedtime :wall2:

Hoping it's just a few days glitch. He's also started acreaming and crying when he doesn't want to be near someone. Did it to sil on the weekend who he hasn't seen for awhile and then mil yesterday (also ugh she does insist of getting right in his face and pulling weird faces without realising)
Austin did both of these! Not quite to the extent of thomas with going to sleep but he continuously stood up in his cot once he's learned to do it & couldn't get back down. It definitely eased when he learned how to get down. Now he's straight off on a night time & little faffing during the day
Luke was fine until I brought him int his room and he screamed the place down! Refuses his bottle again which is never a good sign, then he was standing up and jumping around, I've put him back down so well see how he does with that

Luke has already tried to pull the Xmas tree off the table and it's only been up since 1pm lol so we've moved it away a bit so he can't get it. He keeps getting frustrated because he's trying to go from crawling to standing and does it gen realises he can't balance and falls over. My mum thinks he's going. To do what my brother did and take his first steps on Xmas day but I don't think he will.
I'm too scared to put the Xmas tree up. Emma will use anything to pull herself up. No matter how unstable it is! Lol
I've not put my decorations up yet, it will be a race to see who destroys it first - the cat or hayley! :P I'm excited to put them up, as i love love love christmas and can't wait to see hayleys face :D

Hayley didn't drink her bedtime bottle earlier as she was very tired or full from dinner. But she's just finished taking a full bottle so hoping she sleeps well
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