How are all you new mummies doing?

She's doing much better thanks I witch, have a scan on fri so should know more about the future after that.

Tilt up his cot too jojo, I put a steaming bowl of olbas or a tissue at under mattress at bottom of cot. Snuffle babe was really good too.

I got them as a wee treat for S today. I need to stop buying now tho!

I can't tilt the cot because he pulls himself up and I don't want him to hurt himself if it's uneven.

He slept 6:30-8:50 but he's awake screaming now :(
Thing is thst if we left it on overnight it woukd be a refil a night which is very expensive for a plugin

When I've used the refills I put olbas oil on them and use it, it does the job and olbas oil lasts ages!
I leave mine on over night too of Macie has ever had a cold if it means she sleeps all night il do anything!! But good idea about the olbas oil Stacey il try that next time xxxx
She's doing much better thanks I witch, have a scan on fri so should know more about the future after that.

Tilt up his cot too jojo, I put a steaming bowl of olbas or a tissue at under mattress at bottom of cot. Snuffle babe was really good too.

I got them as a wee treat for S today. I need to stop buying now tho!

Glad S is feeling better Jen good luck at the scan xx
Don't know if any of you notice but pampers are on offer for Te boxes at boots. Seems to be for this weekend & online only.
Like slept last night. Didn't go to bed until 11:45 but went until 8:00 still loaded though
Yeah I've ordered a couple of boxes plus got £2 in points :D
Hope everyone & babies are doing well

Hayley woke at 6am this morning. Gave her a bottle in the room and put her back to bed 8am, which was great as i needed the extra sleep! Hayley refused to nap today (normally has 2 naps of 30 mins max each). So was abit grumpy at times, but not too bad considering! She was also very sick earlier this evening. Brought up what looked like a full bottle of milk, her full dinner and even some of her lunch. Urgh! she was fine afterwards so not sure if her lunch had just unsettled her tummy? But she had a bedtime bottle and went to bed fine :)
Hey all, haven't been on since yesterday as busy cleaning the cake out of my DVDs, and the crushed green chalk out of my floor boards!lol.

All went very well. Emma was such a good girl. And didn't complain much through the rest of the day either. Started at 12:15, last people left at 8! Was a good do overall. I've had quite a few people ring / txt today saying thanks for such a good day. Sorry if they did or said anything stupid cause they can't remember!lol

Still going through the pics. But here's one of Emma listening to the priest.


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So cute! Glad you all had a good day

Luke is a nightmare tonight again... Going to docs tomorrow as he sounds a bit raspy
I hope Luke is feeling better soon Jojo. Joseph has vomited twice tonight so we might be in for a long night x
Emma's got this cold and cough thing that's going around too. Crossing my fingers no one gets the spewing bug too! I wouldn't cope.

I use that calpol plug in too Jojo, it is quite expensive. But I've found it's sometimes on sale 3 for 2, so I stock up. Also sometimes cheaper to get the whole plug in with extra refills than it is to buy just the refills.
We've had no vomiting, just very runny nose and a nasty sounding cough with white bits coughed up and refusing his bottles
Glad it went well Toria! Hope Luke, Emma and joseph get well soon!

Hayley woke at 6:15 again today, think she's waking earlier than usual as it's getting colder. Her little hands were pretty cold - body was fine as she had warm pjs and sleeping bag.
Isabelle didn't want to go to bed again last night. She finally dropped off at 10pm!. Don't want her to get used to sitting with us downstairs all evening, plus it's throwing off her whole daily routine as she is sleeping in longer in the morning - she's only just gone down for her morning nap! OH thinks we should wake her up early in the morning to try to reset her but I'm not keen on that...
Did anyone see the latest episode of Miracle babies? Can't believe the lady with two boys 10 months apart, then 3 months later pregnant again! Very brave!
Stanley has the cough bug going around too.. I took him to the doctors and there's no infection just sore throat so said to give him calpol!
Luke's cough is a little better today (typical as we have a docs appointment) but I'm still taking him because he's quite raspy when he does cough.

We got given a britax car seat for when he outgrows this one, the straps only have a little extra left and his head is very near the top now so it may be time. It's one that can go front or rear facing too
So that's helpful.

When do hey say babies should go forward facing?

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