How are all you new mummies doing?

I'm too scared to put the Xmas tree up. Emma will use anything to pull herself up. No matter how unstable it is! Lol

Luke pushes his activity table around to get to things to climb on lol. The tree is in a table and he can't quite reach it now

Luke is still up!
Hope these babies went to sleep! Hayley woke at 7.15 which is around her normal time. Had bottle, bre akfast and she's running about in her walker, telling me stories d with herr toy duck :)
Thomas went to bed at 9.30 last night. I didn't even try earlier as he didn't look tired. He did sleep until 9.15 though so was well chuffed with that, although the I got up earlier and had breakfast as we went to a baby and toddler group this morning
Luke was up until 2am and got up at 4:30 but just settled in his own and slept (I'm told) until 8:45- sadly I had to leave at 7:40 to work. Shattered and I'm having a hectic work day too
Ouch! I feel sorry for you Jojo. Hopefully he'll sleep better tonight
I wasn't even meant to be in today! Gutted! I've had a major incident at work and in up to my eyes in paperwork.
Oh dear Jojo. Hope Luke resumes normal bed time soon.

Emma's her normal self going to bed at the moment, but up constantly all night. I don't go to her unless she's really crying, but means she's so tired during the day. Today she had her big nap at 10 rather than 12, so not looking forward to grumpy Emma this afternoon!
Seriously can't keep up with wveryone these days! Work, christening, Christmas, social events

I don't have time to do hardly any reading or posting ! :(
I swear someone put Duracell batteries into my son when I wasn't looking!
Hayley skipped her afternoon nap and dinner was cut a little short as she choked and was sick. But still took bedtime bottle and settled around her usual time which is good

Hayley was full of beans today trying to pull stuff over onto herself! She's learnt how to clap, high 5 and wave in the last couple of days though which is super cute! Can't believe how much she's growing up
Aw that is cute kaedin. I taught S clap a handys and kisses, I love it :-)

Hope everyone gets a decent sleep tonight, we aren't doing much better.

How sad about that woman and her baby? Literally wanted to cry Everytime I heard something :-(
Cute Jen! :D I must be living in a bubble as I've only just read it on the other thread! Very sad, makes me very emotional thinking of it. Can't begin to imagine how the family are doing, such a heartbreak :(
Aw that's so cute Kerry. Thomas is double hand waving at the moment ... To everything lol

I've got a horrid gooey throat and feel rubbish think I'm getting a cold just in time for a Christmas party on Saturday :(
It's so typical eh?! I think we should just accept that we have a winter of being stuck in the house with poorly babies! :-(
EEG day today :-( I just want it over and done with now and to find out what's going on so we can move on with it and deal with it accordingly. My dad's going to take her overnight tonight too so we can get some sleep. I am soooo looking forward to a full nights and a lie in past 6am! Feel guilty about her being away but I know myself I need it x
Best of luck today Jen! Don't feel guilty, you need a rest too and S will have a great time with your dad x

Hayley is still asleep, she's wriggling about every so often so she'll wake soon. She went to bed at 7 so im pleased with that
Good look today, I hope you get to the bottom if it and don't feel bad about needing time to yourself to rest, we all do.

Well Luke went to bed, was up at 8:39, then up at 8:50 until 9:25 and then he went to bed to sleep and he's still there :)
How did it go Jen?

Cute with all the babies new talents. I tried to teach Emma clapping, but she obviously got her dads coordination and she hasn't yet managed to connect one hand with the other. Lol.

She has however mastered impersonating me screeching for Jack. She stops in her tracks, takes a deep breath and shouts. 'ACK!' So funny. Not sure if I can count that as her first word :-/

Bex, I hope you booked that holiday. You guys need it! You've had so much on your plate lately.
Turned out to be an appt with the epilepsy nurse! Not a happy bunny - they aren't doing her MRI til the 13th jan! The whole appt was about how we can deal with them in the future and a care plan for giving to family and nursery. It's made me despondent actually cos she's doing It cos there's a high chance it'll happen again when she's ill. I just feel like I'll never be able to relax :-( sorry ladies I'm just on a total downer tonight. I need to just brush it off an think positive!

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